
完成游戏 Crossword


In this homework you will work with command line arguments, file input and
output, and the C++ STL string and vector classes to check the words in a
class crossword puzzle board. Please read the entire handout for the
assignment before starting to program. In addition to the lecture notes, you
will also want to refer to the “Helpful C++ Programming Information” and “Good
Programming Practices” sections of the course webpage.
Here’s a very small example of a classic crossword puzzle. The board consists
of a grid of squares with some of the squares blacked out. The remaining white
squares need to be filled with 1 letter per square forming words of 2 or more
letters that run in the horizontal (left to right) and vertical (top to
bottom) directions. The traditional crossword puzzle provides
clues/definitions for each of these words. Each white square that is the first
letter of one or more words is numbered. White squares that are the middle or
end of words are not numbered. Can you solve this crossword puzzle by hand?
Your task for this assignment is to write a tool to help confirm that a filled
in crossword puzzle contains real English words by picking out the letters
from the board and checking them against a list of allowed words. This tool
could be useful both to crossword puzzle solvers and also to crossword puzzle
NOTE: We will not be tackling the much harder problem of matching words to
clues or generating clues for words, which would requires a large vocabulary,
clever use of puns, knowledge of pop culture, etc. and is an active area of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) research.

Command Line Arguments

To check the validity of a filled-in crossword puzzle board, your program will
expect two required arguments and one optional argument. The first argument is
the puzzle filename containing the grid of characters in the proposed board.
The second argument is the dictionary filename containing all of the allowed
words. If provided, the third argument will specify how to display the puzzle
using ASCII art. Here are a few example command lines:
./crossword_checker.out puzzle6.txt linux_dict_words.txt
./crossword_checker.out puzzle6.txt linux_dict_words.txt –print
./crossword_checker.out puzzle6.txt linux_dict_words.txt –print_coordinates
./crossword_checker.out puzzle6.txt linux_dict_words.txt –print_numbered
You must exactly follow the specifications for the command line and output to
ensure you receive full credit for your work. We provide sample input and
output files on the course website, and the automated testing and autograding
on Submitty will also help you check your work. We recommend starting with the
lower numbered puzzles first, and working to higher numbered puzzles as you
debug your work.
The file puzzle6.txt contains the filled-in crossword puzzle for the example
above. The black squares of the board are represented with the number
character, ‘#’.
The file of allowed words used in the example command lines is the contents of
the Ubuntu Linux American English dictionary - a version of this file may
already be on your computer in /usr/share/dict/words. This file is simple
plaintext with one word per line. You are encouraged to copy and add or remove
words from this file or create a new file with alternate words as you test
your program. Note that the allowed words file may contain words with
lowercase and uppercase letters. Crossword puzzles are usually case
insensitive, so your program should ignore capitalization when checking if a
word is on the accepted list. The allowed words file may include words
containing punctuation characters - you should ignore those words.

Note on Error Checking

You should implement simple error checking to ensure that the arguments
provided are appropriate. You should also check to make sure that the files
exist and your program can successfully open and read the contents. Your
program should exit gracefully with a useful error message sent to std::cerr,
Standard Error (STDERR), if there is a problem with the arguments or the

Note on Viewing ASCII Art & Plaintext Files

Make sure you’re using a good file viewer/editor to look at these files. It
should correctly display the UNIX/GNU Linux ‘\n’ line ending. Use one of the
“Plaintext & Code Viewers/Editors” listed on the “C++ Development” page. Don’t
attempt use the Windows line ending character ‘\m’ or ‘\r’ because this will
fail validation tests on Submitty.

Basic Output

If all of the horizontal or vertical sequences of 2 or more contiguous white
box letters are present in the acceptable words file and the optional third
argument is not provided, then your program should print this simple success
message to std::cout, Standard Output (STDOUT):
valid crossword puzzle
If one or more of the letter sequences is not present in the acceptable words
file, then your program should print all of those non-words to std::cout,
Standard Output (STDOUT). The lines of your output may be in a different
order, but the output otherwise must match exactly. Here is the expected
output for the provided input file puzzle2.txt:
‘abcd’ is not a word
‘aei’ is not a word
‘bfj’ is not a word
‘cgk’ is not a word
‘dhl’ is not a word
‘efgh’ is not a word
‘ijkl’ is not a word

ASCII Art Output

If a third argument is specified, you will print an ASCII art representation
of the empty puzzle board. The output for the –print option is shown on the
right. For full credit, your output must match this sample output exactly.
The next step is to prepare a template for the list of word clues. When the
–print_coordinates option is specified each clue is listed with the position
(row and column) of the starting letter of the word and the word direction.
This output is shown to the left. Note that the upper left corner of the
puzzle grid is position (0,0). It’s ok if your words appear in a different
order than this sample output, but the output must otherwise match exactly.
This output can be used by a crossword puzzle designer, who would take this
output and replace the words with clever clues (something probably still best
done by humans).

Extra Credit: Numbering the Start of Each Word

The final (optional) step for this assignment is to use the traditional
crossword puzzle numbering scheme instead of coordinates. The numbers should
both be placed in the puzzle grid and used in the word clues list. The output
when the user specifies “–print_numbered” mode on the command line is shown on
the right.

Submission Details

Do all of your work in a new folder inside of your Data Structures homeworks
directory. You should use the C++ STL string and vector classes in your
implementation. Use good coding style when you design and implement your
program. Review the “Good Programming Practices” section on the course webpage
to be sure that the TAs will be able give you credit for your hard work.
Organize your program into functions: don’t put all the code in main! Use good
variable and function names. Be sure to make up new test cases and don’t
forget to comment your code!
Download and fill out the provided template README.txt file, adding any notes
you want the grader to read. You must do this assignment on your own, as
described in the “Collaboration Policy & Academic Integrity” handout. If you
discuss the problem or error messages, etc. with anyone, please list their
names in your README.txt file. Prepare and submit your assignment as
instructed on the course webpage. Please ask a TA if you need help preparing
your assignment for submission or if you have difficulty writing portable

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