
代写Black Jack Game这个游戏,也就是俗称的21点。


In this project, you will implement the classes,,,,, and that are part of a Java application
implementing a simple blackjack game with one dealer and one player. The goal
of this project is to gain further practice implementing classes and methods
and working with objects.
Several classes are required for this project:

    The skeletons of the classes Card, Hand, Deck, Player, Dealer, and BlackJack
    are provided on the labs and projects webpage. Modify these classes according
    to the specifications below. You will need to download the classic-cards
    folder and add it to your Eclipse project. This should be added to the project
    folder, not the src folder.

Class Card

A Card object represents a regular playing card with both a type like Ace, and
a Suit like Spades. A Card object cannot be mutated one constructed.
A Card object is characterized by the following instance variables:

  • suit: an enum that represents suit of the card
  • type: an enum that represents the type of the card
    Implement all of the following instance methods in the class Card:
  1. public Card(Type type, Suit suit): This constructor sets initial values of the instance variables.
  2. public boolean equals(Card c): Checks if the two cards are equal. Two cards are equal if they have the same type and suit.
  3. public String toString(): Returns a string representation of the current card (ex. “ACE OF SPADES”)
    Hint: Print the enumeration values themselves to make this easier. (Note the
    “S” at the end of the suit. We don’t print ACE OF SPADE - We concatenate an
    “S” to the end. Also note the numbers that are printed.)
    The following methods are already completed for you:
  4. public Suit getSuit(): Returns the suit of the card (ex. SPADES)
  5. public Type getType(): Returns the type of the card (ex. ACE)
    Once you have finished implementing the above methods in the Card class, run to test your class Card. If a method in your Card class
    fails a test in BlackJackTester, then you’ll need to modify that method in a
    manner that allows it to pass the test. This means you may need to go back and
    handle various states not aforementioned. You should add some of your own
    tests to BlackJackTester to ensure all methods in the Card class are working

Class Hand

The class Hand represents the cards in a player or dealers hands during a game
of Black Jack or potentially other card games. Remember - when we design
classes such as Card or Hand, we design them in a general way so that we could
reuse this code later when we create a different game.
A Hand object is characterized by the following instance variables:

  • cards: a Card[] that represents the cards in the hands
    Implement all of the following instance methods in the class Hand:
  1. public Hand(): This constructor is already done for you. It sets the instance variable cards to an array of size 0. You can think of this as an empty hand.
  2. public void addCard(Card c): This method adds a card to the hand. This involves creating a new array with room for the card (the current length of the cards array +1). You should copy over all of the old elements to the new array, and finally add the new card at the end. Note: Make sure you are saving the deck in the “cards” instance variable.
  3. public int size(): Returns the number of cards in the hand.
  4. public int getCards(): Returns an array of cards contained in the hands. Ensure this method does not return a reference to the instance variable cards. Instead it should return a deep copy.
  5. public Card [] emptyHand(): Empties the hand (sets the size of the cards array back to 0 - like we did in the constructor) and returns an array of the discarded cards from that hand.
  6. public String toString(): Return a string representation of the hand. This includes the order at which the cards were drawn. For example, if the Ace of Spades and then the Queen of Hearts were drawn:
    * QUEEN OF HEARTS (Note: the numbers are printed.) If the hand is empty, this method should return “Empty hand”.
    Once you have finished implementing the above methods in the Hand class, run to test your class Hand. If a method in your Card class
    fails a test in BlackJackTester, then you’ll need to modify that method in a
    manner that allows it to pass the test. This means you may need to go back and
    handle various states not aforementioned. You should add some of your own
    tests to BlackJackTester to ensure all methods in the Card class are working

Class Deck

The class Deck represents the deck of cards that the Dealer and Player’s Hands
will come from.
A Deck object is characterized by the following instance variables:

  • cards: an Card[] that represents the cards stored in the Deck. Its size will always be 52 because there are 52 cards in a standard card deck. Conceptually, the 0th card is at the bottom of the deck, and the 51st card is at the top, and will be the first to be drawn.
  • numCardInDeck: an int that represents the number of cards actually in the physical deck. If drawn from, this is decremented, and if cards are added, it is subsequently incremented.
    Implement all of the following instance methods in the class Deck:
  1. public Deck(): The constructor is completed for you. It instantiates the cards instance variable to an array of size 52 and assigns a unique card to each slot.
  2. public Card draw(): Returns the card at the top of the deck (0 is at the bottom of the deck), and decrements the numCardsInDeck instance variable. If the deck is empty (check the numCardsInDeck variable), return null and print an error message.
  3. private void swap(int a, int b ): Swaps the cards at the a-th and b-th indices in the cards instance variable. This method can be used as a helper method later when you shuffle(). It will never be called outside of this class, so it is declared to be private.
  4. private void shiftRightOne(): Shifts the elements in the instance variable cards one to the right. The card at index 0 will now be at index 1, the index at 1 would now be at 2, etc. Print an error and don’t do the shift if the deck is full (numCardsInDeck == 52). This will be used as a helper method to addToBottom which explains why it is private - this method will never be called outside of this class.
    HINT: Start at the top of the deck (i.e., numCardsInDeck) & moving towards the
    Optional: You can use the swap method you have already created to help you
    with this process.
  5. public void addToBottom(Card c): Adds the card c to the bottom of the deck if the deck is not full.
    Do this by shifting the deck right and then assigning the 0th index of the
    cards instance variable to c.
    Make sure you increment the numCardsInDeck. If the deck is full, print an
    error message & do nothing.
  6. public void shuffle(int n): Do n random swaps on all the cards contained in the deck (that is their index is less than numCardsInDeck). This does not call the other shuffle method();
  7. public void shuffle(): Do 100 random swaps on all the cards contained in the deck (that is their index is less than numCardsInDeck).
    Once you have finished implementing the above methods in the Deck class, run to test your class Deck. If a method in your Deck class
    fails a test in BlackJackTester, then you’ll need to modify that method in a
    manner that allows it to pass the test. This means you may need to go back and
    handle various states not aforementioned. You should add some of your own
    tests to BlackJackTester to ensure all methods in the Deck class are working

Class BlackJack

The class BlackJack represents the actual game of blackjack being played. You
will not be implementing a full simulation however, as that is done by
A BlackJack object is characterized by the following instance variables:

  • deck: The Deck being used to play.
  • dealer: The Dealer of the game.
  • player: the Player of the game. Essentially the human player
    Implement all of the following instance methods in the class BlackJack:
  1. public BlackJack(): Constructs a new game of BlackJack. Creates the player, the dealer, and deck objects by calling their default constructors. The player and the dealer both a Hand instance variable. You should use their getHand() methods which return a reference to their Hand. Call the shuffle method to shuffle the deck. Next we will want to give the dealer and the player 2 cards each by drawing the cards from the deck and adding them to the players/dealers hand.
    HINT: 1) Draw 2 cards from the deck, put them in the players hand
  1. Draw 2 cards from the deck, put them in the dealer’s hand.
  1. public void restart(): Resets the game in three steps:
    * The player and the dealer return their cards to the deck. This should remove the cards from the player’s hand.
    * The deck is shuffled
    * The player and dealer both receive two cards from the top of the deck
    Implement all of the following static methods of the BlackJack class:
  2. public static int getValueOfCard(Card c): Returns the value of a card in a standard game of
    Black Jack. For example the Two of Clubs would return a 2. Jacks, Queens, and
    Kings all have the value of 10. Aces are a special case as they can have two
    different values, 1 or 11, but for this method they will return a value of 1.
  3. public static int getValueOfHand(Hand h): Returns the maximum value of h that does not result in a bust (if avoidable). A bust is a value above the desired maximum of 21. This constraint is what determines if the Ace(s) in the hand are evaluated as 11 or 1.
    HINT: Compute the values of the aces after you have computed the total value
    of the other cards.
    Once you have finished implementing the BlackJack class, run If a method fails a test in BlackJackTester, then you’ll
    need to modify that method in a manner that allows it to pass the test. This
    means you may need to go back and handle various states not aforementioned.
    You should add some of your own tests to BlackJackTester to ensure all methods
    in your BlackJack class are working correctly.

Class Dealer

The class Dealer represents the dealer in the Black Jack game. He draws (hits)
until he reaches 17 points or 5 cards.
A Dealer object is characterized by the following instance variables:

  • hand: The Hand of cards the dealer has.
    Implement all of the following instance methods in the class Dealer:
  1. public Dealer(): The constructor instantiates the hand instance variable to an empty hand.
  2. public Card playTurn(Deck d): Dealer draws a card & adds the card to his hand if his hand is worth less than 17 points and contains less than 5 cards. This method should return the card if one was drawn or null otherwise. (The card returned here is used in the file to display the correct card graphic in the game).
    HINT: Are there methods that we have previously created in other classes to
    make this task easier?
  3. public boolean busted(): Returns true if the dealer has busted (value of his hand is greater than 21).
  4. public boolean isDone(): Returns true if the dealer will not draw a card next turn. (the dealer draws if his hand is worth less than 17 points and contains less than 5 cards.)
  5. public boolean returnsCardToDeck(Deck d): This method empties the dealer’s hand, and returns the discarded cards to the bottom of the deck.

Class Player

The class Player class represents the human player in the Black Jack game.
A Player object is characterized by the following instance variables:

  • hand: The Hand of cards the player has.
    Implement all of the following instance methods in the class Player:
  1. public Player(): The constructor instantiates the hand instance variable to an empty hand.
  2. public boolean busted(): Returns true if the player has busted (value of his hand is greater than 21).
  3. public void returnsCardToDeck(Deck d): This method empties the player’s hand, and returns the discarded cards to the bottom of the deck.
    Finally, uncomment the line in that says “launch(args);”
    This will execute the BlackJack App. Play the game many times to make sure
    everything is working correctly, and have lots fun!

Project Submission

After you have thoroughly tested your program with all of the tests provided
plus your own tests, you should submit,,,,, & to eLC for grading. You should not include
any other files.

Project Grading

All projects are graded out of a possible 100 points. Programs can be
submitted up to 48 hours late, but late programs will lose late points per the
syllabus. Programs not submitted within 48 hours after the deadline will
receive a grade of zero. Programs that do not compile will also receive a
grade of zero.
You must make absolutely certain your program compiles before submitting.
Also, you must thoroughly test your program by playing the game many times and
by running the provided tester classes with your own tests added to it. You
must make absolutely certain your project conforms to all specifications and
instructions; otherwise, it may not compile or run correctly with our testing
program(s), which may result in a failing grade on this project. 10 points for
will be deducted if the class comment required for all projects is not
included in all of your submitted .java files

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