In this project, you will create a basic graphical game in the Java
programming language. The graphics will be handled using the Slick library.
This is an individual project. You can discuss it with other students, but all
submitted code must be your own work. You can use any platform and tools you
like to develop the game, but we recommend using the Eclipse IDE, since that
is what we are supporting in class.
In project 2, you will continue working on the game, and produce a complete
playable product.
The purpose of this project is to:
- give you experience designing object-oriented software;
- introduce simple game programming concepts; and
- teach you to work with a simple object-oriented library.
Below is a screenshot of the game after having completed Project 1.
The game in its Project 1 state involves simply navigating a player character
on a tile-based game board. The player can move through some tiles, but not
through others.
The player is controlled via the arrow keys. There is no goal at this stage -
in project 2 the player will push stone blocks onto target squares to advance
through the game.
The rest of this document details exactly how the game is to work. You must
implement all of the features described here. In project 2, you will have the
opportunity to flex your creative muscles and extend the project beyond the
specification if you so choose.
The game map
The world in this game is a two-dimensional grid of square tiles, each of
which is 32 pixels wide and 32 pixels high. Remember that in Slick, the top-
left corner is (0, 0). x therefore increases to the right, and y increases
downwards. The tiles come in four types.
- Floor:
The floor tile is a plain background tile. The player can move freely through
this tile. - Wall:
The wall tile cannot be moved through. - Stone:
For now, the stone tile is a plain background tile. The player can move freely
through this tile. - Target:
For now, the target tile is a plain background tile. The player can move
freely through this tile. - Player:
While a bit different from other tiles, the player is treated as a tile, and
should be loaded in the same way from 0.lvl.
Each of the images, or “sprites”, are provided to you in the res folder. You
will need to load the world from a level file. One is provided to you in the
res folder, called 0.lvl. This file is in a comma-separated value (CSV)
format. A sample file is provided below.
The first line contains the width and height of the map. You will need this
information so that the game world can be centred on the screen, rather than
being drawn from the top-left corner.
Each successive line contains data in the format type, tile x, tile y. The
type is either wall, floor, stone, target, or player. The coordinates are in
tile counts; you will need to convert this to a pixel location on screen. Note
that some tiles share a location. The earliest tile in 0.lvl should be the
first to be drawn, so that the latest tile is the one seen on screen.
The player
The player character is 32 pixels wide and 32 pixels high. Pressing (but not
holding) the left, right, up, and down arrow keys moves the player one tile
(32 pixels) in the appropriate direction, unless the player cannot move
through the tile in that direction. To achieve this, you should make sure you
store data on which tiles can and cannot be moved through in an appropriate
data structure.
Your code
You have been provided with the skeleton code for four classes.
- App: this is the outer layer of the game, inheriting from Slick’s BasicGame class. This class starts up the game, and handles delegation of update and render to the World class.
- World: this class represents the entire game world.
- Sprite: this class represents one sprite on the screen, including its graphics and its behaviour.
- Loader: this is a static class with functions to load the map from the CSV file.
The full code for App has been provided for you; the other classes have only
method stubs. You can modify this code however you like - it is provided
simply as a guide. Your implementation of the classes provided, as well as any
that you add, should follow object oriented design principles, including
abstraction, delegation, and polymorphism if appropriate.
Implementation tips
Here, we present some suggestions on how to go about doing the project. Feel
free to ignore this advice if you think you have a better idea.
Loading the game map
We recommend using the Loader class to create the necessary sprites. An
example on reading CSV files has been provided to you in past workshops; feel
free to reuse this code with appropriate attribution.
To draw the sprites, you can use the Image.draw method from Slick. This should
be done in the render method of the relevant class(es). There is also a method
to draw sprites centred; look at the Slick documentation available here.
Implementation checklist
This is a pretty big project, so to make it less scary, here’s a list of the
features you need to implement ordered in a logical way.
- drawing a sprite on the screen
- loading and parsing the level file
- displaying the map from the parsed data
- aligning the map correctly in the centre of the screen
- defining a class for the player
- movement of the player
- walls blocking the player
The supplied package
You will be given a package, oosd-project1.zip, which contains all of the
graphics and data you will need, as well as some sample code to get you
started. There is also a copyright notice detailing the source of the
graphics; please follow the rules detailed at the provided links if you wish
to use the graphics in other ways.
Submission requirements
The project must:
- be written in Java
- not depend on libraries other than the Java standard library and the Slick graphics library
- compile and run in Eclipse on the Windows machines in labs1
- contain no syntax errors (i.e. must compile fully on the command line)
- be submitted as a zipped Eclipse project containing your student username in the project name
Submission will take place on the LMS.
Coding style and best practices
Good coding style is a fairly subjective matter; often it depends on the
company or team you’re working with. For the purposes of the project we want
you to think about:
- commenting as you go rather than after the fact. You will forget why you did something that weird hacky way after having not looked at your code for a week.
- proper use of visibility modifiers - unless you have a really good reason, member variables should be private. This is important because it helps to separate the interface from the implementation, ultimately leading to fewer logic errors.
- declaring constants appropriately. Constants should be marked final, and should be defined using CAPITAL LETTERS. Avoid magic numbers and strings in the interests of extensibility.
- future-proofing your code. This project will form the base of your project 2, so you should think about designing your project so that adding features will be as easy as possible. Obviously this is hard when you don’t know future requirements… but this is software engineering, and requirements are typically not known until two weeks after the software is due.
- delegation. You should make sure that each class has a single well-defined purpose, and that every class handles its role fully. Large classes lead only to headaches, much like how large tutorials give your head tutor a headache.
Late submission
There is a penalty of one mark per day for late submissions, unless you have
emailed appropriate documentation to the head tutor, Eleanor McMurtry. If you
submit late, you must email Eleanor with your username and the file you want
us to mark; otherwise, we will simply mark the latest project submitted before
the deadline.
Marking scheme
Project 1 is worth 8 marks out of a total 100 for the subject.
- Features implemented correctly: 4 marks
- Level correctly loaded and displayed: 2 marks
- Player displayed and able to be moved: 1 mark
- Player correctly blocked by walls: 1 mark
- Coding style, documentation, and use of object-oriented principles: 4 marks
- Avoiding magic numbers and strings: 0.5 marks
- Encapsulation (data contained within appropriate classes): 1 mark
- Delegation (functional decomposition and appropriate use of different classes): 1.5 marks
- Use of visibility modifiers: 0.5 marks
- Use of commenting and sensible conventions: 0.5 marks