根据提供的Simple Operating System框架,实现其中的TODO函数。
What’s new in SOS1?
- A default exception handler (exceptions.c)
- A rudimentary process control block (kernel_only.h)
- A DUMB memory manager (memman.c)
- API for two system calls - printf and getc (lib.h, lib.c, systemcalls.c, kernelservices.c)
- Ability to run user programs in single tasking mode (this assignment)
The background material for this assignment is in Chapter 3 of “Understanding
a Simple Operating System.” You must read it (and the previous chapters)
before attempting this assignment.
The run command (console.c)
SOS1 adds a new command: run. This command is used to execute a user program.
The format of the command is: run [start_LBA] [n_sectors]. The implementation
of the command is in console.c, the command_run function. It does some error
checks and then calls the run function in runprogram.c.
User programs (/userprogs)
SOS1 uses a raw binary format for user program executables. The userprogs
folder has a sample program (test.c) and an adapted gcc compiler (gcc2) to
produce executables in this format. Compile test.c from inside the userprogs
directory as follows:
$./gcc2 -o test.out test.c
Program executables are written to SOS.dsk based on the progs.conf file. This
is done by the create script you would use to compile SOS.
Executing user programs (runprogram.c)
The void run(uint32_t LBA, uint32_t n_sectors)
function is called from
within console.c. The function requests alloc_memory for a memory area to load
the user program (starting location 0x400000 for the DUMB memory manager). We
always request for 16KB more than what is needed (12KB to be used as the user-
mode stack, and 4KB for use as kernel-mode stack). It then loads sectors LBA,
LBA+1,, LBA+n_sectors-1 from the disk to the memory area. The remainder of the
function will be implemented by you in this assignment, and will perform the
following tasks.
- Fill in a rudimentary PCB for the user program.
- Save state information in the console’s PCB (so that you can return to it).
- Call switch_to_user_process to start the user program.
Assignment objective
The file runprogram.c is filled with lots of TODO blocks. These TODO blocks
are what you will have to finish. Some easy assembly language coding will also
be required; there are some necessary pointers to write them at the end of
this document. This is a really straightforward assignment if you understand
the basics and do exactly what the TODO block asks; otherwise debugging can be
real tough! Read the comments thoroughly.
Download the ASG2.zip file from the assignment page. Extract the files in it.
In SOS1, use ./create to create the SOS.dsk file. Just like you did for SOS0,
create a new machine called SOS1 in VirtualBox (inside the XUbuntu
environment), and use the SOS.vmdk file in the SOS1 folder for the hard drive.
SOS boots, type the following at the console:
% run 1100 2
Nothing will happen for now, but once you finish the assignment, recompile
everything, and restart the machine, you should see the test.c program run
inside SOS.
Submit in Canvas the modified runprogram.c file, and a README file containing
any information you feel the GTA should know before grading your program.
Comment your program well (include your name).
The assignment is worth 60 point. 40 of these points will be for the
switch_to_user_process function. The assignment will be graded within the SOS
development environment. It is your responsibility to ensure that the
submitted code runs in that environment (irrespective of where you wrote or
tested your code). Failure to do so will result in full penalty.
The late policy is available in the course syllabus. You must work alone on
this assignment.
All 32-bit operations (registers must be 32-bit and variables must be of
uint32_t type)
asm volatile (“pushl $0x23\n” “popl %ds\n”);
asm volatile (“pushfl\n”); //pushes the EFLAGS register’s value into the stack
asm volatile (“pushal\n”); //pushes all general purpose register values into the stack
#### Moving a variable’s value into a register (EDI, ESI, EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESP or EBP)
asm volatile (“movl %0, %%
asm volatile (“movl %0, %%edi\n”: :”m”(console.cpu.edi));
#### Moving a register’s content into a variable
asm volatile (“movl %%
asm volatile (“movl %%esp,%0” : “=r”(console.cpu.esp));
#### Pushing a variable into the stack
asm volatile (“pushl %0\n”: :”m”(
asm volatile (“pushl %0\n”: :”m”(p-]cpu.ss));
#### Poping a value from the stack into a variable
asm volatile (“popl %0\n”: “=r”(
asm volatile (“popl %0\n”: “=r”(console.cpu.eflags));