
练习C语言中文件 I/O 相关函数的用法。


Take any program that you have written this semester

  1. Show file input (get your input from a file)
  2. File output (output to a file)
  3. File append (add to the end of a file)
  4. Also,Try to have your code handle an error if for example you try to read from a file that doesn’t exist.
    Most of you might use the bitcoin program or the race betting, but you can do
    anything you want, or even make up your own original program. For example you
    could add a save and load to your bitcoin assignment which lets them save the
    current ledger to a file and load the old ledger in
    If you are pressed for time you can choose either 2, or 3 instead of doing
    both ( just to complete at least the majority of the task if you are rushed) ,
    but you need to understand the difference between them: writing to a file
    creates a new file to write to and deletes whatever was in it previously if it
    exists, while appending to a file appends to the end of the existing file.
    If you are a beginner you can do the read, write, and append as three separate
    programs. If you integrate this into one of your existing programs you can
    just do read and write and skip append if you want.. If you do three simple
    stand alone programs then please show a read example, a write example, and an
    append example.
    Please make it easy for me to see what you are doing, ie: Document it so it is
    obvious: Here is my read, here is my write, here is my append.

文章作者: SafePoker
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