
用Java实现数据结构中的Linked Binary Tree.

Specification of the coding


This assignment involves manipulating binary trees which represent arithmetic
expressions. The binary trees are implemented by the LinkedBinaryTree class
provided by the textbook, which we have put in a textbook package in the
source code. We have made one small modification to the code, to remove the
implementations of some standard tree traversals. If you choose to use tree
traversals as part of your solution, you will need to implement them yourself
in instead.
The only file which you should edit is, which contains a class
Assignment, which implements a number of static methods working with binary
trees. The following methods are required:
Each of these methods is described by a more detailed comment in the code, and
has some examples of input/output later in this document.
You can (and should) add private static helper methods as needed. Note that
all of the methods in this class should be static methods (meaning that you do
not need to instantiate the class to use them.)
For all the methods except isArithmeticExpression, an IllegalArgumentException
should be thrown if an invalid argument is used (i.e. if the tree is null or
not an arithmetic expression, or if we try to set a value to null.)
The first two methods, prefix2tree and equals have been implemented for you:

  • prefix2tree takes an arithmetic expression in prefix notation (also known as Polish notation) and builds a linked binary tree, using the textbook’s implementation
    LinkedBinaryTree, which is included in the code base in the package textbook.
    This should be very helpful for your testing, as it makes it very easy to
    build valid trees, as well as giving you an example of using one of the most
    useful LinkedBinaryTree methods, attach.
  • equals takes two trees and decides if they are the same (i.e. they have the same structure and every node has the same value.) You may find this useful during testing.


We strongly encourage you to implement most of the methods recursively. There
will be at least one question in the exam which will be much easier to answer
recursively than iteratively, so this is a great opportunity to get some more
practice with recursion.
If you would prefer to iterate over some sort of tree traversal for some of
the methods, you may do so, although you will need to implement the
appropriate traversal(s) yourself in the Assignment class, as we have removed
them from the textbook tree implementations.


Values and variables

Any strings which are integers are values. Anything that is not an integer or
an operator (see below) is to be considered a variable (although in the
automarking we will only use single letters for variable labels, i.e. “x”,
“c”, etc.)


Our operators are all binary operators (they take exactly two operands.) We
will support + , - and * only (i.e. you do not need to implement
division). Operands are always either numbers, or are variables. Any string
which is not an integer or decimal number is to be considered a variable.

Infix notation (parenthesised)

Infix is the notation you are probably most familiar with. Infix notation puts
binary operators (such as + , - and * ) in between their operands,
and uses parenthesis to show the order in which the operators should be
applied. For this assignment we will strictly include the parenthesis even
when we would normally omit them (for example, it’s obvious that 1 * 3 + 4 - 2 = 5 , but your tree2infix method should write this as ((1 * 3) + (4 - 2))) .

Prefix notation (without parenthesis)

Prefix notation is where the arithmetic operators are written before their
operands. For example adding one and two in prefix notation is + 1 2 .
Because we know in advance how many operands each operator uses, we will never
use parenthesis to show precedence (note: we are only using - as a binary
operator. If we want to take the negative of a variable x, we’d have to write
- 0 x to subtract it from zero.n

Specification of the report

You must write a short report, and submit it via Turnitin. The report contains
the following sections

  • Description and justification of the tests you have written. Each test should be described to say what the input and expected output are, and what the purpose of this test is.
  • Analysis of run-time cost. For each public method, you should describe the algorithm you intend to use for this, and state the big-Oh worst-case runtime, in terms of the length of the arithmetic expression, the height of the tree, or other important aspects of the input data. You should also give a short justification of this cost, for example, by indicating how much of the tree is examined, and how much work is done on each node.
  • If you are a postgraduate student enrolled in INFO9105, also describe some extra methods you would propose to extend the functionality of the system. Explain what each proposed method would do (it would help to give examples of input and output, as we do for methods such as substitute above), and how this could be useful.


Code automarking

Part of the marking of your code will be done automatically on Ed. You are
encouraged to submit early and often - there is no penalty for making multiple
There will be some visible tests to help you verify that your solution is
configured correctly. The remaining test cases will be invisible until after
the submission deadline. Test your code carefully to ensure that your solution
works correctly. The score on this component will be based on the number of
tests passed. If you pass every visible test, you will get at least half of
the available marks.

Code quality

Part of the marking of your code will be done by hand. We will grade your code
on its readability and overall quality. Your code should be well laid out,
with appropriate use of whitespace. Comments should be used where it makes
your code easier to understand.
Variables and methods should be named appropriately. If appropriate, helper
methods should be used to avoid duplicating code, and to make any very complex
methods easier to understand.

  • Pass level: You have implemented several of the methods in a sensible way. Most of the code is understandable without particular effort, with mostly sensible layout, and meaningful comments where needed.
  • Distinction level: As for Pass, and you have implemented most of the methods required in ways that avoid any serious inefficiency, and the code is easy to follow, helping the reader and avoiding distraction (this implies that the code is well-structured with appropriate use of helper methods; it has a good choice of layout and comments, well chosen names; and idiomatic use of Java language).


This is based on your report (where the tests are described and justified),
and on examination of the code (where the tests are written). Note that you
can gain these marks even if the code of the methods doesn’t work correctly or
even compile, as long as tests are written properly.

  • Pass level: There is a reasonable range of tests for normal cases of the public methods, which are provided in the submitted code and are listed in the report.
  • Distinction level: As for Pass, and also the tests are done in JUnit, they are well chosen and justified, covering a significant range of both normal and corner cases.

Analysis of worst-case runtime

This is based on your report. Note that you can gain these marks even if you
didn’t write any code, as long as you analyse algorithms that you describe in
the report, intended to operate on the binary tree.

  • Pass level: For several of the public methods, you describe a reasonable algorithm for the task, and you state the correct big-Oh for its worst-case running time.
  • Distinction level: For most of the public methods, you describe a reasonable algorithm for the task, and you state the correct big-Oh for its worst-case running time, and you provide convincing and valid arguments that justify your claim about the cost.

Proposals for additional methods

Note that this is only needed from postgraduate students who are enrolled in
INFO9105. Undergraduate students do not write this discussion. This is based
on your report, where you are asked to describe some extra public methods that
could be useful, if added to those that are described in the assignment. Note
that you can gain these marks even if you didn’t write any code, as long as
you propose some interesting methods that could provide useful extra
functionality for this system.

  • Pass level: Your report clearly describes a method that provides functionality not available in the system described in the assignment (the functionality needs to be understandable by the reader).
  • Distinction level: Your report clearly deescribes at least four methods that each provide additional functionality not available in the system described in the assignment or through use of the other methods proposed (the functionality of each needs to be understandable by the reader), and you show how each could be useful.

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