
用C++代写一个出租车公司运营的模拟器,算法采用经典的 Dijktra’s algorithm


For this assignment, you will create a simulation of a taxi company operating
in a small town. You will use a graph to represent a map of the town. Each
intersection will be given a unique number. Clients will call the dispatch
centre and ask for a taxi to pick them up at a particular location and take
them to a requested destination. The dispatcher must decide which taxi to
assign to each incoming request. It will also determine the route the taxi
would take, being as efficient as possible. The program will simulate the
progress of the taxis over time as they drive around town, picking up
passengers and dropping them off.
This is a discrete time simulation, meaning that events will be simulated by
sequentially advancing time a set amount (a “time step”) and updating the
progress of all the “actors” in the system for that time step. In this case,
the “actors” are the taxis and the update involves moving them around the map
an appropriate amount. Note, taxis are only moved when they are on a call.
Otherwise, they remain at the same intersection until they are dispatched.
Various events can occur during the simulation, and these can be divided into
two categories, internal and external, as summarized below. Study the output
files from the sample run to make sure you are clear on what should be
displayed with each event. You will be marked largely based on this output.

External Events


A person calls the taxi company and requests a pickup for a certain location.
When this event happens, the dispatcher must:

  • a) decide which available taxi (one that is not currently on a call) is closest to the client
  • b) assign that taxi to the client
  • c) calculate the most efficient route to reach the client (this can be done by the taxi or the dispatcher)
  • d) print out which taxi is being dispatched, the customers starting location and destination and the route the taxi will take to get to the passenger.
    Format: c
    e.g. c 4 17

time step

A time step is an increment of your simulation. You should move every taxi
that is on a call along its route. I’ve made a couple of simplifications here.
The time step will always be 1. The edge weights will represent the number of
time steps required to transverse the corresponding edge. Edge weights will be
integers greater than or equal to 1. So for example, if an edge has weight 4
it will take four time steps for a taxi to drive across the edge.
Format: t
e.g. t 1


The map event specifies the road map (i.e. graph) that represents the possible
routes for the taxis.
Format: m <# of vertices> (the last three entries can be repeated for each edge)
e.g. m 35 0 1 5 1 0 5 1 2 2 2 1 5

Note that the map is directed. This is a partial specification. It says
there are 35 vertices (numbered 0 to 34), and specifies the following edges:
(0,1), weight 5; (1,0), weight 5; (1,2) weight 2; (2,1) weight 5.


Sets the location of each taxi to a specified vertex and sets the taxis status
to available. There are five taxis in the simulation, R, B, G, Y, P (the
letters stand for Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and Pink)
Format: r
e.g. r R 1 B 3

Internal Events

Internal events reflect something occurring within the simulation that is not
triggered by an external call.

taxi arrives at client’s start location

Once dispatched, the taxi must travel to the location of the client. When the
taxi arrives, it must do the following:

  • a) plan a route to the passenger’s requested destination.
  • b) print out a message indicating that the passenger has been picked up and the taxi name. Print out the route the taxi will take to drop off the passenger.

taxi arrives at passenger’s destination

Once the taxi arrives at the destination of the passenger, it must do the

  • a) Print out a message indicating the taxi’s name and that it has reached the destination.
  • b) Make itself available to pick up other passengers.

Simulation Run

All the external events are specified in a data file “test.dat”. You will be
provided with code that reads this file and triggers the associated events.
You will need to implement the code that handles the events. Look through the
sample file and associated output to see how the process works. We will use a
different “event file” when testing your code, but it will be similar in

Assumptions, Directions and Hints

  • You can assume that the input data for external events is correct.
  • You can assume that there will always be a taxi available when a customer calls.
  • Use Dijktra’s algorithm to calculate the routes and distances. You may find that you don’t need to call it every time you need to check a distance, but be sure that you are using data that is current for the given check
  • You can use the following line as part of code that will go from a taxi index to a taxi name:
    string taxiNames[]={“RED”,”BLUE”,”GREEN”,”YELLOW”,”PINK”};
  • You should use an adjacency list to represent your graph.
  • The included header files are a big hint (see below).

Sample code

In the CSIF Linux directory you are given code for TaxiMain.cpp, Dispatcher.h,
Taxi.h and Graph.h
The file TaxiMain.cpp contains the driver that runs the simulation. For every
event, it makes a call to the Dispatcher which implements the associated
functionality. Graph implements the graph ADT that you will use to represent
your map. Taxi contains methods used to track and update each taxi.
TaxiMain.cpp is the file we will use when testing your code. You must NOT
change this file. You must implement the functions in the CDispatcher class
which are called in TaxiMain.cpp. You can change the other header files as
needed. They are from my solution. They give you a lot of hints as to how you
could solve this problem. There are other solutions, though, so you are free
to make adjustments as you like. Aim for a clean, efficient solution. Be sure
to comment your code.
You can make use of the STL to make your job easier. “string” and associated
stream classes are quite useful. I also made use of the list class. You should
write your own CGraph class.
The following example shows how I pulled the data I needed out of the
parameter string:
// “teleport” the taxis to given locations and set their status to be available
void CDispatcher::SetTaxiLocations(string buf)
istringstream tBuf(buf);
// dump command from buffer
char command, taxi;
int location;
// position all the taxis
int index;
switch (taxi)
case ‘R’:
index = RED;
case ‘G’:
index = GREEN;
case ‘B’:
index = BLUE;
case ‘Y’:
index = YELLOW;
case ‘P’:
index = PINK;
There are two additional files:

  • test.dat : This file contains test events to exercise your code. Feel free to modify it as you like to test your own code.
  • output.txt : This file contains the results of running the code on test.dat.

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