

In this lab, each student is to write a program that allows the user to
manipulate the entries in vector , or in a matrix
. The program should keep track of one vector of variable length, and one
matrix of exactly 4x4 size. The program should enter a loop, displaying a set
of options (given below). Once the user selects an option, the program should
display the vector (or matrix, as appropriate) before and after the operation
chosen by the user. For example, if the user selects “reverse vector” and the
current vector is [-3 0 2 5] then the program should display:
-3 0 2 5
5 2 0 -1
The program should run until the user selects an option to quit.
The program must use the following structure definitions.
struct vector {
float *data;
int size;
struct matrix {
struct vector rows[4];


Vectors和Matrices, 矢量 矩阵 ,也称一维和二维
反转和转置需要用到排序算法,这里我们采用 Quicksort ,也就是 快速排序


int parition(struct vector *vec, int left, int right) {
float piovt, temp;
int i, j;
piovt = (vec[left]);
i = left;
j = right + 1;
while (1) {
do {
} while (
(vec[i]) <= piovt && i <= right);
do {
} while (*(vec[j]) > piovt);
if (i >= j) {
temp = *(vec[i]);
*(vec[i]) = *(vec[j]);
*(vec[j]) = temp;
temp = *(vec[left]);
*(vec[left]) = *(vec[right]);
*(vec[right]) = temp;
return j;
void quick_sort(struct vector *vec, int left, int right) {
int i;
if (left < right) {
i = partition(vec, left, right);
quick_sort(vec, left, right - 1);
quick_sort(vec, i + 1, right);

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