
完成提供的Kernel中System Call的实现。


In this assignment, you are asked to implement several OS/161 process-related
system calls. Before you start implementing system calls, you should review
and understand those parts of the OS/161 kernel that you will be modifying.

Code Review

This section gives a brief overview of some parts of the kernel that you
should become familiar with.


This directory contains the files that are responsible for loading and running
user-level programs, as well as basic and stub implementations of a few system
call handlers.

  • proc syscalls.c: This file is intended to hold the handlers for process-related system calls, including the calls that you are implementing for this assignment. Currently, it contains a partial implementation of a handler for exit() and stub handlers for getpid() and waitpid().
  • runprogram.c: This file contains the implementation of the kernel’s runprogram command, which can be invoked from the kernel menu. The runprogram command is used to launch the first process run by the kernel. Typically, this process will be the ancestor of all other processes in the system.


This directory contains machine-specific code for basic kernel functions, such
as handling system calls, exceptions and interrupts, context switches, and
virtual memory.

  • locore/trap.c: This file contains the function mips trap(), which is the first kernel C function that is called after an exception, system call, or interrupt returns control to the kernel. (mips trap() gets called by the assembly language exception handler.)
  • syscall/syscall.c: This file contains the system call dispatcher function, called syscall(). This function, which is invoked by mips trap() determines which kind of system call has occured, and calls the appropriate handler for that type of system call. As provided to you, syscall() will properly invoke the handlers for a few system calls. However, you will need to modify this function to invoke your handler for fork(). In this file, you will also find a stub function called enter forked process(). This is intended to be the function that is used to cause a newly-forked process to switch to user-mode for the first time. When you implement enter forked process(), you will want to call mips usermode() (from locore/trap.c) to actually cause the switch from kernel mode to user mode.


The kern/include directory contains the include files that the kernel needs.
The kern subdirectory contains include files that are visible not only to the
operating system itself, but also to user-level programs. (Think about why
it’s named “kern” and where the files end up when installed.)


The kern/vm directory contains the machine-independent part of the kernel’s
virtual memory implementation. Although you do not need to modify the virtual
memory implementation for this assignment, some functions implemented here are
relevant to the assignment.

  • copyinout.c: This file contains functions, such as copyin() and copyout for moving data between kernel space and user space. See the partial implementations of the handlers for the write() and waitpid() system calls for examples of how these functions can be used.

In user

The user directory contains all of the user level applications, which can be
used to test OS/161. Don’t forget that the user level applications are built
and installed separately from the kernel. All of the user programs can be
built by running bmake and then bmake install in the top-level diretory

Implementation Requirements

All code changes for this assignment should be enclosed in #if OPT A2
statements. For example:
#if OPT_A2
// code you created or modified for ASST2 goes here
// old (pre-A2) version of the code goes here,
// and is ignored by the compiler when you compile ASST2
// the ‘’else’’ part is optional and can be left
// out if you are just inserting new code for ASST2
#endif /* OPT_A2 */
For this to work, you must add #include “opt-A2.h” at the top of any file for
which you make changes for this assignment.
If in Assignment 1 you wrapped any new code with #if OPT A1, it will also be
included in your build when you compile for Assignment 2.
For this assignment, you are expected to implement the following OS/161 system

  • fork
  • getpid
  • waitpid
  • exit
    fork enables multiprogramming and makes OS/161 much more useful. exit and
    waitpid are closely related to each other, since exit allows the terminating
    process to specify an exit status code, and waitpid allows another process to
    obtain that code. You are not required to implement the WAIT ANY, WAIT MYPGRP,
    WNOHANG, and WUNTRACED flags for waitpid() - see kern/include/kern/wait.h.
    To help get you started, there is a partially-implemented handler for exit
    already in place, as well as stub implementatations of handlers for getpid and
    waitpid. You will need to complete the implementations of these handlers, and
    also create and implement a handler for fork. There is a man (manual) page for
    each OS/161 system call. These manual pages describe the expected behaviour of
    the system calls. The system call man pages are located in the OS/161 source
    tree under os161-1.99/man/syscall. They are also available on-line through the
    course web page.
    Your system call implementations should correctly and gracefully handle error
    conditions, and properly return the error codes as described on the man pages.
    This is because application programs, including those used to test your kernel
    for this assignment, depend on the behaviour of the system calls as specified
    in the man pages. Under no circumstances should an incorrect system call
    parameter cause your kernel to crash.
    Integer codes for system calls are listed in kern/include/kern/syscall.h. The
    file user/include/unistd.h contains the user-level function prototypes for
    OS/161 system calls. These describe how a system call is made from within a
    user-level application. The file kern/include/syscall.h contains the kernel’s
    prototypes for its internal system call handling functions. You will find
    prototypes for the handlers for waitpid, exit and getpid there. Don’t forget
    to add a prototype for your new fork() handler function to this file.

Process IDs

A PID, or process ID, is a unique number that identifies a process. You should
carefully review the manual pages for fork, exit, and waitpid to understand
how PIDs are expected to work.
For the purposes of this assignment, you should ensure that a process can use
waitpid to obtain the exit status of any of its children, and that a process
may not use waitpid to obtain the exit status of any other processes. In the
terminology used on the waitpid manual page, you should assume that a process
is “interested” in its children, but is not interested in any other processes.

Silence is Golden

Your final, submitted kernel should not produce any output other than the
normal boot and shutdown messages and the kernel menu prompt. We enourage you
to use the DEBUG mechanism to generate kernel debugging output while you are
testing your work, but make sure that all such debugging messages are turned
off in the version of the kernel that you submit.
If your kernel produces lots of spurious output, it is more difficult for us
to review the output produced by the user-level programs that we test with. If
your kernel produces output other than the normal boot and shutdown messages,
your assignment may be penalized.


The kernel’s runprogram command, which was described in Section 1.1, will
allow you launch a process to run a user-level application program. This is
handy for testing that your system calls work. Without making any
modifications to the base OS/161 code, you should be able to run the
testbin/palin user program, which is a simple palindrome tester. testbin/palin
uses only write to the console and exit, both of which are partially
implemented in the OS/161 base code.
OS/161 includes a number of application programs that you can use. The
user/bin and user/sbin directories contain a number of standard utility
programs, such as a command shell. In addition, the user/testbin and user/uw-
testbin directories contain a variety of programs that can be used to conduct
some simple tests of your OS/161 kernel. The A2 hints (on-line) will identify
some specific programs that we will be using to test your submission. Any of
these programs can be launched directly from the kernel using the runprogram

Configuring and Building

Before you do any coding for Assignment 2a, you will need to reconfigure your
kernel for this assignment. Follow the same procedure that you used to
configure for Assignment 1, but use the Assignment 2 configuration file
Generally, you should not have to rebuild those applications every time you
build a new kernel. However, there are certain header files, e.g, in
kern/include/kern that are used by the kernel and by the user-level
application programs. In the unlikely event that you make changes to these
files, you must rebuild the user-level code.
It is always OK to rebuild the user-level applications. If you are getting any
weird, unexpected behaviour from those applications, it is a good idea to
rebuild them just to be on the safe side.
More importantly, make sure to completely recompile your kernel and user-level
programs just before you submit the assignment. A common problem is not
noticing that an erroneous change in header files that are shared between the
kernel and user programs prevents the user programs from compiling. If we
cannot compile the user-level applications, we cannot test your code!

What to Submit

You should submit your kernel source code using cs350 submit command, as you
did for Assignment 1. It is important that you use the cs350 submit command -
do not use the regular submit command directly.
Assuming that you followed the standard OS/161 setup instructions, your OS/161
source code will be located in $HOME/cs350-os161/os161-1.99. To submit your
work, you should run
/u/cs350/bin/cs350_submit 2a
in the directory $HOME/cs350-os161/ This will package up your OS/161 kernel
code and submit it to the course account.
You can submit multiple times, and only your last submission will be used.
Just be careful that your submitted version works and that you submit well
before the deadline.

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