
实现 Jagged Array
, 一种不定长数组。


In this assignment you will build a custom data structure named JaggedArray. A
JaggedArray is a 1D array of n bins, and each bin stores a collection of
elements of templated type T. Building this data structure will give you
practice with pointers, dynamic array allocation and deallocation, and writing
templated classes. The implementation of this data structure will involve
writing one new class. You are not allowed to use any of the STL container
classes in your implementation or use any additional classes or structs.
Please read the entire handout before beginning your implementation. Also, be
sure to review the Lecture 8 notes.


The JaggedArray class is found in many real-world applications where a
variable number of elements are stored in a collection of bins. This data
structure is helpful to ensure high performance for applications needing
frequent read and write access to this organizational information.
For example, let’s consider a physical simulation with hundreds of ping pong
balls bouncing around inside a box. We will need to calculate the collisions
of the balls with the sides of the box, but also the collisions of the balls
with each other. A naive, brute-force implementation will require
consideration of all pairwise collisions - for n balls, this is n^2 !
A relatively straightforward optimization will instead consider the
interaction of each ball with only its nearest k neighbors = k n total
potential collisions (a great improvement for large n!). How do we efficiently
find each ball’s nearest neighbors? If we divide space into a large grid of
bins and sort all the balls into the bins, we can find the nearest neighbors
of a particular ball by collecting the balls in the same bin (and the adjacent
bins). How many balls are in each bin? Some bins are empty. Some bins have
several or many balls. As the simulation progresses and the balls move around,
balls move in and out of bins and the number of balls in each bin changes. A
JaggedArray is an obvious choice for storing this data for efficient collision

The Data Structure

The JaggedArray class you will implement has two fundamental representation
modes: unpacked and packed. In the unpacked representation, the JaggedArray
stores an array of integers containing the counts of how many elements are in
each bin and an array of pointers to arrays that hold these elements. In the
packed representation, the JaggedArray stores an array of offsets for the
start of each bin. These offsets refer to a single large array that stores all
of the elements grouped by bin but all packed into the same large array. We
can convert a JaggedArray from unpacked to packed mode by calling the pack
member function and similarly convert from packed to unpacked by calling
unpack. Below is an illustration of both representations for a small example
with 7 bins storing 6 total elements (unpacked on the left, packed on the
The JaggedArray stores elements of template type T. In the examples in this
handout, T is type char. The representation consists of the six member
variables presented in these diagrams and you should exactly follow this
representation (variable names, types, and data). Depending on the mode
(unpacked or packed) of the JaggedArray, two of the variables are set to NULL.
The JaggedArray contains the expected accessor functions numElements, numBins,
numElementsInBin, getElement, and isPacked and modifiers addElement,
removeElement, and clear. See the provided main.cpp code for example usage and
details on the arguments and return values for these functions.
In the packed version of the data structure, the first element in bin i is
stored at the index stored in offsets[i]. The number of elements in the bin is
equal to offsets[i+1] - offsets[i]. Except the last bin, which contains
num_elements - offsets[i] elements.

Modifying the Data Structure

The JaggedArray can only be edited while in unpacked mode. The left diagram
illustrates the necessary changes to the representation for the call
addElement(3,’g’), which adds the element ‘g’ to bin 3 (the bins are indexed
starting with 0). And the diagram on the right illustrates the changes to the
representation for the subsequent call to removeElement(1,1) which removes the
element in slot 1 (element ‘b’) from bin 1.
Note how the variables holding the total number of elements in the JaggedArray
and the count of the elements for the specific bin are updated appropriately.
For our implementation we will always size each of the arrays to exactly
contain the required information. This will ensure you get plenty of practice
with proper allocation and de-allocation. When the new array is allocated, the
necessary data from the old array is copied and then the old array is de-
Attempting to access the non-existent bins or elements (out-of-bounds indices)
is an error. Similarly, attempting to edit a JaggedArray while the array is in
packed mode is an error. Your program should check for these situations, and
if a problem is detected, your program should print an appropriate warning
message to std::cerr and call exit(1).

Testing, Debugging, and Printing

We provide a main.cpp file with a wide variety of tests of your data
structure. Some of these tests are initially commented out. We recommend you
get your class working on the basic tests, and then uncomment the additional
tests as you implement and debug the key functionality of the JaggedArray
class. Study the provided test cases to understand what code triggers calls to
your JaggedArray copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor and
verify that these functions are working correctly.
It is your responsibility to add additional test cases, including examples
where the template class type T is something other than char. You must also
implement a simple print function to help as you debug your class. Include
examples of the use of this function in your new test cases. Your function
should work for JaggedArrays containing char, int, and reasonably short
strings. The print function does not need to work for more complex types.
Please use the example output as a guide (we will grade this output by hand).

Performance Analysis

The data structure for this assignment (intentionally) involves a lot of
memory allocation & deallocation. Certainly it is possible to revise this
design for improved performance and efficiency or adapt the data structure to
specific applications. For this assignment, please implement the data
structure exactly as described.
In your README.txt file include the order notation for each of the JaggedArray
member functions described above: numElements, numBins, numElementsInBin,
getElement, isPacked, clear, addElement, removeElement, pack, unpack, and
print and don’t forget the constructors, destructor, and assignment operator.
For each function determine the performance for each of the representation
modes (packed and unpacked), as appropriate. You will be graded on the order
notation efficiency of your implementation, so carefully consider any
significant implementation choices.
You should assume that calling new [] or delete [] on an array will take time
proportional to the number of elements in the array. In your answers use the
variables b = the number of bins, e = the number of elements, and k = the
number of elements in the largest bin.

Looking for Memory Leaks

To help verify that your data structure does not contain any memory leaks and
that your destructor is correctly deleting everything, we include a batch test
function that repeatedly allocates a JaggedArray, performs many operations,
and then deallocates the data structure. To run the batch test case, specify 2
command line arguments, a file name (small.txt, medium.txt, or large.txt) and
the number of times to process that file. If you don’t have any bugs or memory
leaks, this code can be repeated indefinitely with no problems.
On Unix/Linux/OSX, open another shell and run the top command. While your
program is running, watch the value of “RES” or “RPRVT” (resident memory) for
your program. If your program is leaking memory, that number will continuously
increase and your program will eventually crash. Alternately, on Windows, open
the Task Manager (Ctrl-Shift-Esc). Select “View” “Select Columns” and check
the box next to “Memory Usage”. View the “Processes” tab. Now when your
program is running, watch the value of “Mem Usage” for your program (it may
help to sort the programs alphabetically by clicking on the “Image Name”
column). If your program is leaking memory, that number will continuously

Memory Debuggers

We also recommend using a memory debugging tool to find errors. Information on
installation and use of the memory debuggers “Dr. Memory” (available for
Linux/MacOSX/Windows) and “Valgrind” (available for Linux/OSX) is presented on
the course webpage.
The homework submission server is configured to run your code with Dr. Memory
to search for memory problems. Your program must be memory error free to
receive full credit.


Do all of your work in a new folder named hw3 inside of your Data Structures
homeworks directory. Use good coding style when you design and implement your
program. Be sure to make up new test cases and don’t forget to comment your
code! Please use the provided template README.txt file for any notes you want
the grader to read.

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