


This assignment is a continuation of Assignment 2a. If you have not finished
implementing the system calls from Assignment 2a, you should continue to work
on them. Part of the testing for Assignment 2b will involve re-testing the
system calls from Assignment 2a - so you can get some Assignment 2b credit for
those calls even if they were not implemented properly when you submitted
Assignment 2a. In addition, Assignment 2b requires you to implement one new
system call, execv, which was not required for Assignment 2a.

Code Review

This section gives a brief overview of some parts of the kernel that are
relevant to the new Assignment 2b requirements.


This directory contains the files that are responsible for loading and running
user-level programs, as well as basic and stub implementations of a few system
call handlers.

  • loadelf.c: This file contains the functions responsible for loading an ELF executable from the filesystem into an address space. (ELF is the name of the executable format produced by cs350-gcc.)
  • proc_syscalls.c: This file is intended to hold the handlers for process-related system calls, including the handler for execv, which you are implementing for this assignment.
  • runprogram.c: This file contains the implementation of the kernel’s runprogram command, which can be invoked from the kernel menu. The runprogram command is used to launch the first process run by the kernel. Typically, this process will be the ancestor of all other processes in the system. Studying the runprogram function should give you some ideas on how to implement execv. Think about how runprogram’s task is similar to execv’s, and how it is different.


This directory contains machine-specific code for basic kernel functions, such
as handling system calls, exceptions and interrupts, context switches, and
virtual memory.

  • syscall/syscall.c: This file contains the system call dispatcher function, called syscall(). As was described in Assignment 2a, you will need to modify this function to invoke your handler for execv().
  • locore/trap.c: In this file, in addition to the kernel exception handler, you will find the function enter new process, which should be useful for your implementation of execv.
  • vm/dumbvm.c: This file contains the machine-specific part of OS/161’s very simple implementation of virtual address spaces.


The kern/vm directory contains the machine-independent part of the kernel’s
virtual memory implementation.

  • copyinout.c: This file contains functions, such as copyin and copyout for moving data between kernel space and user space.


  • vfs.h: This file describes the VFS interface, which the kernel uses to open and close files, e.g., program executable files. See the runprogram function for an example of how to use the VFS interface.
  • vnode.h: Opening a file using the VFS interface results in a vnode object representing the open file. The vnode object can be used to read data from and write data to the open file. vnode.h describes the vnode interface. See loadelf.c for an example of code that uses vnode operations to read data from a file.
  • uio.h: This file describes the uio interface. The kernel uses uio structures to describe a data transfer between a file and memory, between memory and a file, or between two locations in memory. vnode operations, such as VOP READ, expect uio structures as parameters.

Implementation Requirements

For this assignment, you are expected to do two things:

  1. Implement the OS/161 execv system call, including argument passing.
  2. Ensure that it is also possible to pass arguments to the first process by modifying the kernel’s runprogram command to support argument passing.
    Your implementation should correctly and gracefully handle error conditions,
    and properly return the error codes as described on the man page. This is
    because application programs, including those used to test your kernel for
    this assignment, depend on the behaviour of the system calls as specified in
    the man pages. Under no circumstances should an incorrect system call
    parameter cause your kernel to crash.
    All code changes for this assignment should be enclosed in #if OPT A2
    statements, as was the case for Assignment 2a. Don’t forget to add #include
    “opt-A2.h” at the top of any file for which you make changes for this
    As was the case for Assignment 2a, your final, submitted kernel should not
    produce any output other than the normal boot and shutdown messages and the
    kernel menu prompt. We encourage you to use the DEBUG mechanism to generate
    kernel debugging output while you are testing your work, but make sure that
    all such debugging messages are turned off in the version of the kernel that
    you submit.
    If your kernel produces lots of spurious output, it is more difficult for us
    to review the output produced by the user-level programs that we test with. If
    your kernel produces output other than the normal boot and shutdown messages,
    your assignment may be penalized.


The execv system call replaces the address space of the calling process with a
new address space containing a new program. After the execv system call, the
process starts executing the new program, starting with its main function.
Be sure to review the manual page for the execv system call, which describes
how execv is expected to behave. The system call man pages are located in the
OS/161 source tree under os161-1.99/man/syscall. They are also available on-
line through the course web page.
The second parameter to execv is an array of pointers to arguments
(parameters). The idea is that execv passes these parameters to the new
application program, which can access them using the argc and argv parameters
to its main function. As discussed in Section 3, you should first get execv
working without worrying about passing these arguments properly. Once execv is
working without argument passing, you can then focus on getting argument
passing working.

Argument Passing

The execv manual page specifies how the second parameter (the argument array)
must be set up. Make sure you understand this before proceeding.
Argument passing means taking the arguments that are passed to execv and
making them available to the new program that will start running in the
process that does the execv. To do this, your kernel will need to retrieve
these arguments from the address space of the original program (before
destroying its address spaces) and then set up a properly structured argument
array in the address space of the new program before it starts running. You
will need to decide where in the new address space to place the arguments.
In addition to passing arguments to new programs through execv, your kernel is
also expected to be able to pass arguments to the very first program that
runs, i.e., to the program that is launched in response to the “p”
(runprogram) kernel command. This is similar to passing arguments through
execv, except for the fact that the arguments are coming directly from the
kernel (which reads them from its command line) rather than from the program
that is making the execv call. Therefore, once you have argument passing
working for execv, it should be relatively simple to get argument passing
working for runprogram.


We cannot test your execv implementation unless the system calls from
Assignment 2a (fork, waitpid, exit) are implemented and working properly.
Therefore, there is little point in working on execv until the Assignment 2a
system calls are done. If you did not finish the Assignment 2a system calls,
get them finished first. When we test your Assignment 2b, we will also re-test
the Assignment 2a system calls, and part of the Assignment 2b marks will be
awarded based on that re-testing.
When you are ready to start working on execv, you should start by getting
execv to work without worrying about argument passing. There are some execv
tests that do not require argument passing - make sure that your execv will
pass those tests before you start on argument passing, which is the most
challenging part of the assignment. Once you have an execv that works without
argument passing, submit your kernel.
If you get argument passing working, you can submit a revised version. If you
do not, you will at least be able to get the marks for the partially working
version of execv that you submitted before you started on argument passing.
Finally, you should work on argument passing. Argument passing for runprogram
is very similar to argument passing for execv, so if you can get argument
passing working for one, you should be able to get it working for the other.


Our testing of your Assignment 2b submission will be broken down into three

  1. re-running the Assignment 2a tests
  2. running tests of execv without argument passing
  3. running tests of execv and runprogram with argument passing
    Although argument passing is the most challenging part of this assignment, the
    majority of the testing marks will be assigned based on the first two
    categories. Thus, it is best to ensure that you pass those tests before
    working on argument passing.

Configuring and Building

If you have already configured your kernel for Assignment 2a, you will not
need to reconfigure it for Assignment 2b unless you add new source files to
the kernel. If you wish to reconfigure your kernel, do it the same way it was
done for Assignment 2a.
For Assignment 2b, you build your kernel in kern/compile/ASST2, as you did for
Assignment 2a.
Remember to completely recompile your kernel and user-level programs just
before you submit the assignment. A common problem is not noticing that an
erroneous change in header files that are shared between the kernel and user
programs prevents the user programs from compiling. If we cannot compile the
user-level applications, we cannot test your code!

What to Submit

You should submit your kernel source code using cs350 submit command, as you
did for previous assignments. It is important that you use the cs350 submit
command - do not use the regular submit command directly.
Assuming that you followed the standard OS/161 setup instructions, your OS/161
source code will be located in $HOME/cs350-os161/os161-1.99.
Important: The cs350 submit script packages and submits everything under the
os161-1.99/kern directory, except for the subtree os161-1.99/kern/compile. You
are permitted to make changes to the OS/161 source code outside the kern
subdirectory. For example, you might create a new test program under user.
However, such changes will not be submitted when you run cs350 submit. Only
your kernel code, under os161-1.99/kern, will be submitted.

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