In this assignment you will texture a tube model, as shown in the pictures
Requirement 1 - Compute correct texture coordinates and apply it to your
Follow the steps below:
- First add to your project the files inside gsimage.7z, which is given as
support code. These files contain a simple GsImage class which will allow you
load an image in .png format. These files have to be placed inside the gsim
directory of the support code. - Create a SoTexturedTube class in your project and use it to contain the
textured tube that you will implement. You will need to work with (at least) 3
arrays/buffers: one for vertex coordinates, one for normals, and one for
texture coordinates. For example, you should have the following three arrays
as members of your SoTexturedTube class:
std::vectorP; //coordinates
std::vectorN; //normals
std::vectorT; //texture coords
—|— - In your init() function you will therefore need to declare 3 OpenGL
buffers. Keep all the uniform variables you used for your smooth object PA,
and add one more:
The uniform variable “Tex1” is used by the shader to access your “texture
unit”. In this PA you will only need 1 texture per object, so we can set that
uniform variable to contain index 0 at initialization time, and it will always
be 0. (It will be 0 even later when you will add a 2nd texture.)
The code below contain several initialization calls that you will need to do
in order to load and initialize your texture:
GsImage I;
gsuint id;
if ( !I.load(“../image.png”) ) { std::cout<<”COULD NOT LOAD IMAGE!\n”; exit(1); }
glGenTextures ( 1, &_texid ); // generated ids start at 1
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D, _texid );
glTexImage2D ( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, I.w(), I.h(), 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, I.data() );
glGenerateMipmap ( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
glBindVertexArray ( 0 );
I.init(0,0); // free image from CPU
—|— - Once the image is loaded and initialized as a texture, you can then turn
your attention to generating the texture coordinates. When you create the
coordinates of your tube, for each vertex added to your P array, you must as
well compute its corresponding texture coordinates and add them to the T
array. For every vertex P[i] its corresponding texture coordinates will be
T[i]. Remember that texture coordinates are 2D and should be between 0 and 1.
Your build() method will need to bind the texture buffer with commands like
the ones below:
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[2] );
glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, T.size()2sizeof(float), &T[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW );
glVertexAttribPointer ( 2, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0 ); // false means no normalization
—|— - Finally, if everything above is correctly addressed, you can then use the
new shaders provided at the end of this document to check your results. You
should draw your object as triangles, in the same way as in the “smooth
object” PA.
Choose any image to load as a texture. Your textured tube must be perfectly
wrapped by the texture, without any gaps or overlaps. There must not be any
strange rendering artifacts due texture coordinates not correctly computed.
Requirement 2 - Keys to control your tube generation
Maintain the following key controls used to parameterize the capsule of PA3:
- ‘q/a’ : increment/ decrement the number of faces (by one)
- ‘w/s’ : increment/ decrement the top face radius (by a small value)
- ‘e/d’ : increment/ decrement the bottom face radius (by a small value)
Your texture mapping should always work correctly, completely wrapping around
the tube for any valid combination of the parameters above. Every time one of
the keys is pressed your application should instantly re-generate a new tube
with always correct texture coordinates.
Requirement 3 - Add a switch to a second texture
For this requirement you will load 2 images and switch between them by
pressing a key. You will basically call 2 times the code that loads and
declares a texture to OpenGL; but you should of course save in your code the 2
different texture ids, so that at rendering time you can switch to the texture
that you would like to use. Key to use: ‘z’; which should be the key to switch
between two different image textures. Your draw method should look like this:
glUseProgram ( prog ); // set program to use
glBindVertexArray ( va[0] );
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D, CurrentTexID ); // select here the texture to use
// update all needed uniforms
// draw:
glDrawArrays ( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, _numpoints );
glBindVertexArray ( 0 );
Requirement 4 - Control of the shading influence
As a final requirement, you will edit the provided fragment shader so that it
uses a controlled variable for specifying how much of the object’s shading
color is added to the texture color. In the provided fragment shader a simple
fixed constant (of 0.75) is used. Replace that by a uniform and update its
value according to the following key controls:
- ‘x’ : increases influence of the shading color
- ‘c’ : decreases the influence of the shading color
This requirement is extremely simple to be implemented, you just need to
understand how to create another uniform variable to pass to your shader. Feel
free to explore other combinations between the color computed by the shader
and the color extracted from the texture. The images above a show variations
obtained with a red material and with constants 0, 0.25, 0.5, and a 0.75. Re-
use all your shading parameters from PA4.
Enjoy your texturing!