Learning Objectives
This homework will give you practice with operator overloading, C++ templates,
linked structures, dynamic memory allocation, and recursion. You will use git
for version control.
Important Note
This homework comes with three starter source files (“CTree.h”,
“CTreeTest.cpp”, and “TTreeTest.cpp”) . You should get these files from the
public repository under homework/hw7. Make sure you have a copy of these files
before you start writing any code.
Part 1
Create a class called CTree which is a dynamic tree of characters. A tree is a
data structure which begins with a root node containing data (a character in
this case), and then links to children nodes (like a single parent family).
Each child node in turn contains data and may have its own children. We refer
to all the children of a particular node as siblings of each other. (Other
family terminology such as parent node, descendents, ancestors, etc. apply in
the expected ways.)
In an ordered tree, the siblings are always ordered according to some metric
(ASCII ordering in this case). Our tree will also be special because the
children of any particular node must contain unique data. So essentially the
children form a set of data. Your class must be declared and implemented in
files “CTree.h” and “CTree.cpp”, respectively. We will give you the “CTree.h”
Visually, we may think of a character tree in a top-down fashion as depicted
here. In this case ‘a’ is the root node of the entire tree, but each node is
the root of the subtree below it. As such, trees are naturally recursive data
structures. Note that the topmost root node in a tree should not have
An ordered character tree that is used in a particular way to store string
information is called a “Trie” (pronounced “try”). You can store multiple
strings from some text in a Trie by using a path from the root to a leaf node
(a leaf node is one without any children) in order to spell each string in the
text. For example, the strings stored in the tree above are “able”, “apart”,
“apple”, “apt”, “ate”, and “atom”. Notice that by iterating through the nodes
in a depth-first, left to right manner, we get an alphabetical ordering of the
strings it represents.
Your CTree class must have private data to store a character and its children
information. Really we will treat each node of the tree as a (sub)tree itself.
That way we only need one class instead of separate node and tree classes, and
will be able to use recursion for much of the work. However, the
implementation picture is somewhat more complicated than that above since we
don’t know how many children any given node in the tree will have. Therefore,
we will basically use a linked list to keep track of the children of a node,
transforming the picture above into the following.
Here, each node keeps a link to its first child, which then links across to
the next sibling in the chain, and also down to its own first child if it has
one.The last node in a chain points to NULL. Each node should also keep a link
to its preceding node. That is the parent if the node is a first child, or its
left sibling if the node is not a first child. We are giving you the header
file for this class in order to help with setting up the recursive structure
Minimally, here are the functions that your CTree must have, keeping in mind
that at all times the siblings of any node must be ordered and unique. You
should only use the assignment ( =
), equals ( ==
), less than ( <
) and output ( <<
) operators on chars to implement these functions. You
are welcome to create helper functions and variations as well.
- A constructor that is passed the character to store in the root node of a new tree. Consider adding parameters for the links in the node also, all with default values of NULL.
- A destructor that clears all the children of the current node and all the siblings to the right of the current node, freeing that dynamically allocated memory. (Hint: use recursion!)
- An ‘addChild’ function, which is passed the character data to be stored in the child. This function returns false if it fails (which could happen because the data is already a child of this tree node) and true if it succeeds. Remember that the class must keep the children ordered.
- An (overloaded, second) ‘addChild’ function, which is passed the root of an existing tree to be stored as a child of this node. This function returns false if the root is invalid (has prev or siblings), or if the data in the root node is already a child of the tree node. Otherwise it adds the node in order and returns true.
- Two private ‘addSibling’ functions. One is passed a character to be stored in a new node, and the other is passed the root of an existing tree. Each of these functions returns false if it fails (because the data is already a sibling to the right of this tree node, or the root node is invalid) and true if it succeeds. Remember that siblings must always be ordered. (Hint: the character version can simply create the node, call the other version and then return the resulting value.) Note: these functions can be useful in implementing the add functions.
- A toString() function that creates and returns a string of all the elements in the nodes of the tree, separated by newline characters. The ordering of the nodes must be determined by a depth-first pre-order traversal from the root node (see below).
- An overloaded
operator that does the same thing as addChild. The difference is that instead of returning a boolean, it returns the resulting CTree. You should not change the function signature ofoperator^
function, but you should make a call to the addChild function when implementing it. The “CTreeTest.cpp” has an example on how this is supposed to work. (look for the testCaretOp() function). - An overloaded
operator that displays the value returned by toString (i.e., function operator<<
) on the output stream. In fact, when implementing this, you should make a call to the toString() function of the parameter object. Also, note this function is NOT a member of the CTree class. You need to implement this as a separate function in your cpp file. Again, there is a sample test in the “CTreeTest.cpp” that shows how this is supposed to work (look for the testOutputOp() function). - An overloaded
operator that checks if two CTrees are equal. Two CTrees are considered equal if they match node by node. In other words, two CTrees are equal if their structure and node values are identical. You should not change the function signature ofoperator==
function in the header file. The “CTreeTest.cpp” has an example of how this is supposed to work. (look for the testEqualityOp() function).
Regarding the toString() function, we want it to do a depth-first pre-order
traversal of the tree. This means that as you iterate through the tree, the
first node you get is the root, then it goes through that node’s children
(recursively depth-first), and finally its siblings. As a related example, a
simple (non-object-oriented) recursive depth-first traversal starting at some
parameter node would look like this:
DFtraverse(node) {
process data at node
if node has children,
do a depth-first traversal from its first child
if node has siblings (to the right),
do a depth-first traversal from its next sibling
You are given a file named CTreeTest.cpp that tests your implementation. Once
you are done implementing CTree.cpp, you should compile and run CTreeTest to
make sure that all test cases pass.
Part 2
For the second and final part of the assignment you will generalize the CTree
from part 1 to create a templated ordered tree with unique siblings. Note you
will write your own header file for this part. Your tree class must be called
Tree and be declared in “Tree.h” and fully defined (i.e., implementation of
functions longer than one line should occur) in a file named “Tree.inc”. Note
that the file has the .inc extension and not .cpp. The “Tree.inc” will be
included at the end of the “Tree.h” file after the class declaration (This is
because we can’t split templated classes into fully separate .h and .cpp
files). Also, note the Tree class must be templated so that it works for
various types as applicable.
Remember to keep data private, and const-protect objects (explicit and
implicit parameters) whenever you can. Your Tree class must contain the same
public functions and overloaded operators as the CTree class, except that
parameters for the data stored in each node will now be of some generic type
instead of char.
Because the templated Tree will need to keep siblings in order and unique,
each base type will need to have the equals ( ==
) operator and the less
than ( <
) operator defined on them. If you used any operators other than
these and the assignment operator ( =
) in the functions in CTree.cpp, you
will need to rewrite those functions too.
Similar to the previous part, You are given a file named TTreeTest.cpp that
tests your implementation (for the templated version). Once you are done
implementing “Tree.h” and “Tree.inc”, you should compile and run tTreeTest to
make sure that all test cases pass.
Makefile & Compiling
Create and submit a Makefile with two rules (aside, perhaps, from the clean
rule): 1) a rule that creates a target executable called cTreeTest for the
first part of this homework, and 2) a rule that creates a target executable
called tTreeTest for the second part of this homework (the templated version).
These two targets should compile with no errors or warnings using the typical
C++ compilation command:
Specific Requirements
- Do not eliminate anything from “CTree.h” file. You can add more private (helper) functions if you want, but your “CTree.cpp” file should at least provide an implementation for all the functions that are declared in “CTree.h” file.
- Your program should only use new and delete for dynamic memory allocation/deallocation. Do not make use of C functions such as malloc, calloc, free, etc. for that purpose.
- All variables must be declared inside functions. No variables should be global or extern.
- Do not use auto.
- Use header guards in all header (.h) files.
- Do not use using in .h and .inc files.
- In C++ source files (.cpp), you may import individual symbols using statements like “using std::string”. Do not use “using namespace [id]”, either in headers or in source files.
- You are not required to write a copy constructor for this assignment, but it would be great to write one for extra practice.
Hints and Suggestions
- Make use of gdb to debug and also run valgrind to make sure there is no memory leakage or invalid memory usage.
- The test files given to you are very minimal sample test files. To maximize your score on this assignment, you are encouraged to write additional tests so that your functions are tested thoroughly.