Project Submission Instructions
You are required to submit, via Moodle, both a program (package) and a single
PDF file report.
- The program must be written in Java or C++ and you are allowed to use any of the read-made libraries of Java or C++ (e.g, STL), those that implement data structures and algorithms.
- You are allowed to consult and borrow ideas from any source as long as (a) you reference the external sources, in your report, and (b) you do not copy and paste external code into your own program: re-write any externally-sourced code yourself, making sure your understand it.
- You are, however, allowed to use external libraries/programs for data pre-processing and data post-processing purposes, but these cannot form part of the program package you submit.
- Name the program COEN352-#id-Project#-P. Example COEN352-#yourID-Project1-P, if you choose Project 1
- Submit the whole project including all dependencies required for running the project.
- Please make sure the project is compiling before submission.
- Please include a readme text file with all the necessary information to run the project.
- The Report should be a PDF file and should be named as COEN352-#yourID-Project#-R.
- The report should have the following sections.
- Problem: Copy or - better - restate the problem statement in your own words.
- Methods: A Pseudocode to illustrate the working of your program. An example is shown below- use the same format. These can be organized in a hierarchical fashion and should cover all important (not trivial) algorithms.
A = an array of unsorted N number.
Small = stores a small value.
Swap(A,i,j) = Swaps elements at index ‘i’ and ‘j’ in the array ‘A’.
Procedure selection_sort(A): // performs selection sort
For all I = 0 to N-1 do:
Small = I
For all J = I + 1 to N-1 do:
If A[J] < A[Small]
Small = J
For Project 1
The goal is to achieve accurate recall of all similar images (given some
distance measure: e.g., Hamming distance) as fast as possible.
The results should have a table listing the top recalled images for a random
selection (e.g., 10) of input image (each with a given threshold distance). An
example table format is shown below.
For Project 2
The Goal is to optimize a random sort algorithm as much as possible.
The results for project 2 should have a plot for the effectiveness and
efficiency of the sort algorithm at each iteration of generation. A sample
plot is shown below. You need a plot for data category.
Analysis of Results & Conclusions + Future Recommendations (on how to do
things better).
Have both the report and program in a single folder named COEN352-#yourID-
Project. Submit the compressed folder.