
代写MongoDB作业,练习Triggers, Procedures, Functions的使用方法。


You will continue to work in pairs for this assignment. You do not need to
register again but in case you change your group partner please let us know
via email. Use the following instructions to guide you in completing Four
Sections (Part A-Part D) of the project. You should turn the work in for
grading by the due date.
Note: Make sure you have altered the password of your (Group) Oracle a/c and
please keep it safe within your group. You do not want other people accessing
your account. We have seen this with Part A assignment that students have been
able to access other accounts, as the default passwords are not changed.
Remember it is your responsibility to protect your work.


Queries (SQL/LINQ), Triggers, Procedures, Functions (PL SQL) & MongoDB

Download following two files provided in a zipped folder ( under the
Assignment heading from the Stream site:

Bookscript database file (Bookscript2019.sql) - for Sections A, B and C.

The file provides code to create the required database in your Oracle account.

Collection file (NoSQL.txt) - for Section D.

Create a new script file using some text editor (e.g. Notepad++) for writing
your solution code. Include query number (e.g. a) and the given Query
statement (e.g. Write a query that will list…) as part of the comment before
each query’s SQL / PL/SQL / LINQ code and the output results. Make sure the
output results in the project report are reasonably formatted (proper
alignment, appropriate column names, etc.) for readability purposes.
For PL/SQL (triggers, procedures, etc.) include the code, the output produced
from creation (e.g. procedure successfully created, etc.) and testing examples
(e.g. execution of the procedure using some quality test examples to prove
that procedure/trigger works the way it is intended to work).
All (SQL/LINQ) queries must only be based on the information provided in the
assignment question (query’s plain English statement). Do not use a different
criterion to arrive at the expected equivalent query result set. Also, do not
use ROWID to sort and get the first record, etc. to manipulate the query
results. Please ensure that the query results display all the columns that are
necessary to evaluate the query results. Your code should work correctly even
when database is changed (e.g. added more records, deleted some, modified some
values, etc.).
Note: For all exercises asking you to display names, list first name and last
name as a single column instead of separate columns.
Remember to include the BOTH the code (SQL /PL SQL /LINQ/ Map-Reduce) and its
output in your printed report. Certain questions can have additional

Section A (SQL Queries)

Note: For each of the questions (a)-(j) in Section A, write code using a
SINGLE statement ONLY (i.e. you cannot write two separate select statements to
arrive at an answer; however select can be used more than once in a statement
i.e. only one semi- colon in your code). Use only the given criteria. We will
either give full or zero marks for questions in this section so make sure your
answer is fully correct.

  • a. Write a query that will list all the books with the price difference (between retail and cost) of $10 or more. Display your results in the decreasing order of the price difference.
  • b. Write a query that will list books in COMPUTER category along with other details (e.g. author(s), etc.). The query should work for all the case-variations of category values (i.e. ‘computer’, ‘Computer’, etc.) in the database.
  • c. Write a query that will list books that have retail price $30 or less and were published in any of the years 1999 or 2001. Display results in the increasing order of the publication year (and not the publication date) and decreasing retail price. Display the year of publication with the column titled Publication Year.
  • d. Write a query that lists both customer and author details (only their ids, first and last names). Provide suitable headings for the merged list.
  • e. Write a query that will list all the publishers, their details (name, etc.) and total number of published books. Display your output in the decreasing order of total number of publications.
  • f. Write a query that will display the states with more than one customer. Display the state with maximum customers first.
  • g. Write a query that will list the publisher(s) with the maximum number of published books. If there is more than one publisher (e.g. 2 publishers) with maximum publications, your query should and list all (i.e. both if 2).
  • h. Write a query that will list the customer(s) who had ordered maximum number of items (two copies of the same book will be counted as two items). Again, like g) there can be more than one customer.
  • i. Write a query that will display the customer(s) that referred maximum number of customers. Again, like g) there can be more than one customer.
  • j. Write a query to list all the books that have multiple authors. Also, display the number of authors who wrote the book.

Section B (PL SQL)

Comprehensive testing examples needed for all PL/SQL (triggers, procedures,
cursor and function). You need to capture and show that you tested your code
using good test cases. May include some exception handling if deemed

  • k. Think of some useful business rules or situations where it would be appropriate for your triggers to fire. Do not write triggers to do something that could be done using other database design constraints (e.g., simple referential integrity checking, default values to attributes, or simply saying record is being inserted, or an attribute has a null value, etc.). Provide sensible and useful trigger examples and do not use the already given or similar triggers for this question. Start with providing the plain English sentences that clearly explain the purpose (what they will do) of your triggers. Then provide the PL SQL code and the results. Triggers should be based on the tables already provided. Do not unnecessarily create too many and /or similar tables. Adding one or two tables may be okay - but justification needed. Altering a table (adding a field) is fine.
    Write two triggers - one statement level and one row level. Along with the
    purpose, code, display the successful creation and running of the triggers in
    your report. Please ensure that you also display the relevant tables before
    and after (results of the trigger) the triggers are fired.
  • l. Write a procedure to insert a new book record. The procedure should also automatically calculate the book retail value. This retail is calculated as 112.5% of the book cost price plus 8.5% of the average cost price of the existing books. Provide rest of the attributes’ values as input parameters. Execute your procedure to insert at least one book record.
  • m. Write a trigger that does not allow the book retail price to be updated when the increase (in retail price) is over 25%. Provide test data and corresponding results to confirm that the trigger works.
  • n. Write a trigger that does not allow more than three author names to be associated with books under FITNESS category (e.g. if a Book is added, it should only allow up to 3 book authors to be recorded in BookAuthor table for category FITNESS books). Provide the appropriate test data and results.
  • o. Write a cursor to list book authors for all the COMPUTER category books (along with their book title, cost and retail). Use appropriate exception handling.
  • p. Write a function to format book cost, retail price to $99.99. Use this function in a SQL statement for displaying books’ costs and retail prices.

Section C

For (q) - (u) below, write queries using LINQ

  • q. List all books with the retail $22 or over.
  • r. List all books that have the word “HOW” in the book title.
  • s. List all book categories, book titles and publisher names.
  • t. Display total number of books by each publisher in the order of publisher ID.
  • u. Display the count of books in each category in the increasing order of category.

Section D (NoSQL)

Use the code provided in NoSQL.txt to create a collection of ten rows called
Now write Map-Reduce code to generate a report based on:

  • gender-wise average weight
    Include both code and the report generated in your printed work. Place the
    code in script file as well.

Assignment Submission

Organise your final report to include complete requirements. Make sure the
report contents are also in the order of the laid requirements. There are
three parts to this assignment submission, a physical printed report and two
electronic resources - database objects and scripts. You must put all the
files you used as solution to Part B exercises into a “single” compresssed
file and should submit it via the Stream Assignment link.
Checklist for physical report submission (assignment box in reception of MS
Readable printout of SQL, PL/SQL, LINQ commands, and Map-Reduce code. Remember
to include the related outputs as well. For some questions, there are
additional specific requirements (e.g. purpose of triggers, test data, etc.).

文章作者: SafePoker
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