
实现一个 CPU

Assignment Overview

The overall aim of your assignment is to build a software based implementation
of a
Central Processing Unit (CPU). Such an implementation should be capable of
emulating the execution of machine code instructions. The implementation
should be written in the ‘C’ programming language but you are free to use
‘C++’ if you are more comfortable with the latter. You are free to use any
compiler you wish, however the GNU tool-chain is recommended. CPUs can clearly
be very complex devices, hence you will not be expected to build a fully
compliant implementation. However the more complete the implementation, the
higher the final grade will be. The CPU to be simulated will be loosely based
on the standard ARM architecture. You will be provided with a datasheet which
will specify the nature of the device (e.g, register count, status register
format etc. and the instruction set to be supported). In order for the
simulation to work your program will also have to provide some virtual
peripheral devices, e.g. Some virtual RAM will be required and virtual
The project has been broken down into three requirements described as follows.

Requirement 1 - Instruction Decoding and Disassembling

The first requirement will be to develop a program which is capable of
decoding ARM based instructions from their native form (machine code) and
displaying these as Assembly language instructions. This should result in the
development of a computer program which has the ability to fetch, decode and
display the instructions within the provided instruction set.
One key aspect you will have to consider is how the instructions will be
defined and read by your program. The op-codes should be stored in your
virtual RAM (or ROM if you decide to include such a feature). However these
codes need to get into the virtual machine somehow. Initially you may want to
consider hard-coding some simple instructions for testing purposes. Later you
may decide to load the instructions from a file.
As the program is executing it should display the original op-code value along
with the assembly language equivalent. For example, given the following
machine code hexadecimal op-codes -
E3 A0 00 01
E3 A0 10 02
E0 80 20 01
E2 82 20 05
The program should output something similar to the following.
Op-Code Assembly Mnemonic
E3 A0 00 01 MOV r0,#l
E3 A0 10 02 MOV rl,#2
E0 80 20 01 ADD r2,r0,rl
E2 82 20 05 ADD r2,r2,#5

Requirement 2 - Basic Emulation

The second requirement of the assignment is to extend the implementation so
that as well as displaying each Assembly language instruction it should also
emulate the behaviour of these, i.e. implement a basic CPU emulator. For this
requirement only the basic ALU type instructions need to be supported, e.g.
ADD, SUB, CMP, MOV. Also conditional execution of each instruction does NOT
yet need to be supported.
In order to achieve this you will need to create variables to represent the
internal “state” of the CPU. For example, you will need to be able to store
the current contents of each of the 16 registers. It is recommended that all
registers are initially set to 0 (except R13 which should be set to the top of
stack position).
As the program is executing it should display the same output as requirement
1, plus the contents of each of the sixteen registers. This way the correct
execution of each instruction will be verifiable. It may be a good idea to
pause between each instruction and wait until the user presses the enter key
before proceeding. For example -
Op-Code Assembly Mnemonic
E3 A0 00 01 MOV rQf#l
R0: 00000001 R1: 00000000 r2: 00000000 r3: 00000000
R4: 00000000 R5: 00000000 r6: 00000000 r7: 00000000
R8: 00000000 R9: 00000000 r10:00000000 r11:00000000
R12:00000000 R13:00010000 r14:00000000 r15:00000104
Press for next instruction.
Op-Code Assembly Mnemonic
E3 A0 10 02 MOV rl,#2
R0: 00000001 R1: 00000002 r2: 00000000 r3: 00000000
R4: 00000000 R5: 00000000 r6: 00000000 r7: 00000000
R8: 00000000 R9: 00000000 r10:00000000 r11:00000000
R12:00000000 R13:00010000 r14:00000000 r15:00000108
Press for next instruction.
Op-Code Assembly Mnemonic
EG 80 20 01 ADD r2,r0,r1
R0: 00000001 R1: 00000002 r2: 00000003 r3: 00000000
R4: 00000000 R5: 00000000 r6: 00000000 r7: 00000000
R8: 00000000 R9: 00000000 r10:00000000 r11:00000000
R12:00000000 R13:00010000 r14:00000000 r15:0000010C
Press for next instruction.
Op-Code Assembly Mnemonic
E2 82 20 05 ADD r2,r2,#5
R0: 00000001 R1: 00000002 r2: 00000008 r3: 00000000
R4: 00000000 R5: 00000000 r6: 00000000 r7: 00000000
R8: 00000000 R9: 00000000 r10:00000000 r11:00000000
R12:00000000 R13:00010000 r14:00000000 r15:00000110
Press for next instruction.
Program end. Terminating.

Requirement 3 - Full Emulation

The final requirement will be to extend requirement two so that it emulates
all of the provided instruction set. So therefore the (Dranching instructions
(B and BL) will need supporting as will the memory access instructions (LDR
and STR), along with all instructions defined within the datasheet.
All instructions should also be extended to support conditional execution
(based on condition codes). Therefore you should take care to ensure that the
instructions not only undertake their operation correctly, but they also carry
out appropriate side effects, such as the setting of status register flags.
To get to the highest bracket of the available marks you should also include
the ability to count elapsed time during the simulation (in terms of
instruction cycle usage). To implement this feature you will need to use the
instruction timing information provided in the datasheet and keep a running
total of total time elapsed.


The following criteria will be taken into account during the demonstration and
grading of your assignment solution. An inability to explain the code can
result in a fail even if requirements are completed.

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