


This assignment will use concepts taught throughout the course to extend the
functionality of the provided tile based game. This assignment will ask you to
extend the game with basic, intermediate and advanced features. For CSSE7030
students there will also be an open-ended component.
The assignment will focus on the concept of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).
You will be requested to implement extra functionality to the base game
including extending the GUI for a better game experience.
Note: There will not be a practical interview for the third assignment.

Assignment Tasks

Task Breakdown

CSSE1001 students will be marked out of 20 and CSSE7030 students will be
marked out of 25 based on the following breakdown.

Mark Breakdown

For each task, marks will be awarded proportionately according to the
following breakdown.

Code Quality

Code is readable. Appropriate and meaningful identier names have been used.
Simple and clear code structure. Repeated code has been avoided.
Code has been simplied where appropriate and is not overly convoluted.


Documented clearly and concisely, without excessive or extraneous comments.


Components are functional, without major bugs or unhandled exceptions.

Download the Files

Before beginning work on the assignment you must download
provided from the course website.
Inside, there should be a file called This is the file
where you will write your assignment. The other files are support files. These
must not be edited. Their purpose is explained below.

Support Code

You have been supplied with a large amount of support code to help you
complete this assignment. To begin the assignment, you do not need to
understand much of this code. As you progress through the tasks, the degree to
which you should understand this code will increase.

File Description Understanding Main assignment file. Task 1 Plays a game of Lolo. Task 1
game_*.py Concrete modelling & app classes for each game mode. Task 1:
Simple Task 3: Solid Mappings of colour names to codes. Task 1 High score management. Task 2 GridView widget. Task 2 Abstract modelling classes. Task 3 Concrete tile generator classes. Task 3
modules/ Third-party libraries. Task 3
*Note: Ideally, each game type would be in a subdirectory called game, without the game_prefix. However, this would add complixity for managing this, so the prefix was chosen instead for simplicity.

Event Listeners

Note: In this section, the word function is used to mean anything that is
able to be called like a function, such as a method, a lambda, etc.
The *Game classes (AbstractGame and its subclasses) and the GridView class
follow a pattern which allows you to attach a function to be called when an
event is triggered. This can be referred to as binding to or listening for an
This pattern is called the Event Emitter pattern, and is an implementation of
the Observer pattern (the Publisher/Subscriber pattern is similar).
While it is also quite a similar approach to how Tkinter handles commands for
button presses, the Event Emitter pattern is far more exible in general.
The events that games and grid views emit are useful in completing the
assignment. For task 1 you should consider listening for the select event to
appropriately update the score. Postgraduate students are encouraged to
consider emitting their own events.

Task 1 Basic GUI

The purpose of this task is to create the basic graphical user interface (GUI)
for the Lolo game. You may choose any one of the supplied games (Regular, Make
13, Lucky 7, Unlimited). There are several sub-tasks that need to be completed
for this task. You will be working towards creating the user interface
demonstrated below.

Basic GUI

The very rst part of this task is to implement a class for the basic GUI. This
class should be named LoloApp and should inherit from BaseLoloApp. The
BaseLoloApp class provides some support code to simplify the complex process
of animating.
The title of the window should be set to something appropriate (i.e. Lolo ::
{game_mode_name} Game). This also applies to any window in subsequent tasks.
As the basic GUI is improved in subsequent tasks, the LoloApp class will need
to be modied accordingly.

Status Bar

Define a class named StatusBar, which inherits from tk.Frame. This class must
display two labels, with the following text and alignment:

  • {game_mode_name} Mode (Left)
    The name of whichever game mode the player is currently playing. See
  • Score: {score} (Right)
    Must be updated whenever the player’s score changes.
    Note: For convenience, you should have two methods, one for each of the
    relevant labels: set_game(game_mode) & set_score(score).

Define a class named LoloLogo, which inherits from tk.Canvas. This class must
draw a simple logo, similar to the one seen in examples, made out of canvas
shapes. It does not need to be resizable.
You are encouraged to extend on the complexity of the design but no extra
marks will be awarded.

File Menu

Implement a menu bar, with a File menu. The File menu should have the
following entries:

  • New Game: Restarts the game.
  • Exit: Exits the application.
    Note: On Mac OS X, this should appear in the global menu bar (top of the


Implement the following dialog boxes:

  • Invalid Activation: If the user attempts to activate a tile that cannot be activated, show an error dialog with an appropriate message.
  • Game Over: When the game ends, show a dialog informing the user of their score.

Lightning Button

When the lightning ability is active and the user selects a tile, instead of
being joined with the surrounding tiles, it should be deleted from the game
grid. Doing so uses one lightning.
Place the lightning button below the GridView. When pressed, this button
should toggle the lightning ability. If the user does not have any lightning
available, this button should be disabled. When the lightning ability is
active, the button’s text should indicate this to the user. It should also
include the number of lightning the user has remaining.
At the beginning of a game, the user should receive one lightning. Every so
often, the user should gain one lightning. This could be implemented in a
variety of ways, some more interesting than others, such as:

  • Fixed number of turns (i.e. every 20 turns)
  • Randomly (i.e. there is a 5% chance of the user gaining a lightning each turn)
  • Increasing number of turns (i.e. 5, 10, 20, 40, etc.)
  • etc.

    BaseLoloApp.remove facilitates the proper removal of tiles at arbitrary
    position(s), similar to BaseLoloApp.activate.
    Note: For usability, it is recommended to automatically disable the
    lightning ability after the user removes a tile from the grid.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Implement the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • ctrl + n: Start new game.
  • ctrl + l: Activates the lightning ability.
    Note: Ideally, cmd would be used on Mac instead of ctrl. It is permitted to
    also bind to cmd on Mac, however ctrl must also be implemented.

Task 2 Intermediate Features

The purpose of this task is to extend the functionality of the basic GUI by
adding a loading screen and high score window.
Instead of the basic GUI, the loading screen should be displayed upon
launching the game.

Auto-Playing Game

Implement a class, AutoPlayingGame, which inherits from BaseLoloApp. This
class must be able to display either a static or automatically played game.

Hint: this can be achieved by initially displaying a static representation
of the game, and implementing a method that begins the game playing.
The player should not be able to interact with this class. For automatically
played games, a random valid tile should be chosen each move, and the game
should restart after the game ends.
Hint: For repeatedly moving, a loop will interfere with Tkinter’s mainloop.
AbstractGame’s resolve event is emitted once a move is resolved (i.e. when
the animation is completed), before the game_over event. Consider listening
to it and performing the next move after a short delay. See
Note: Because resolve is emitted before game_over, if you wish to move
immediately and without any delay, you must use .after with a delay of 0.

Loading Screen

The loading screen must be the rst thing the player sees when they start the
game. It must contain all of the components from the example above. You may
lay them out however you wish, provided it is reasonable.
Required components:

  • Logo: Should be reused from task 1 (see 4.3. Logo).
  • Buttons: Play Game, Exit Game, High Scores (performing the appropriate action). Others may be added during 6. Task 3 Advanced Features and 7. Open-Ended CSSE7030 Only.
  • Name Entry: For recording high scores.
  • Auto Playing Game: Randomly playing a game (see 5.1. Auto-Playing Game above).

High Score Window

The high score window should be displayed in a separate window to the main
application. It can be accessed through the button on the loading screen, or
through the le menu (a new entry must be added).
The high score window contains all of the components from the example above,
laid out as shown.
Required components:

  • Best Player: Display the name, score, and a static visual representation of how their game ended (see 5.1. Auto-Playing Game above).
  • Text Leaderboard: display a row of text with the player’s name and score for each player on the leaderboard. Name and score should be left-aligned and right-aligned respectively

Task 3 Advanced Features

Multiple Game Modes

On the loading screen, add a Game Mode button underneath New Game. When
pressed, this should open a window that allows the user to choose the game
mode. If the user hasn’t entered their name yet, they should be prompted with
a dialog box.
The window must have a series of Radiobuttons, one for each available game
mode, with the current game mode preselected. It must also contain a visual
example and the name of the currently selected game mode. The visual example
must update whenever a Radiobutton is selected. For the visual example,
AutoPlayingGame can be reused here.
Modify New Game so that it starts a game of the currently selected mode.
Initially, your application must include all of the provided game types
(Regular, Make 13, Lucky 7, Unlimited). Any additional game types added must
also be included (see 6.2. Objective Game Mode and 7. Open-Ended CSSE7030 Only

Objective Game Mode

An objective game mode is an extension of the regular game mode, in which the
player has a number of tiles as objectives. The objectives are not a part of
the game grid, but should be displayed in their own widget above the game
The player’s goal is to join tiles to eliminate each objective tile. For each
objective tile, the player must form a tile with the same type and with at
least the value of the objective. Once this happens, the objective tile is
eliminated, and tile that was joined should be removed from the game grid.
The player may eliminate objective tiles in any order. The game is won only if
they eliminate all objectives before the move limit is reached.
Objective game modes should be able to be loaded from a JSON file in the
following format.

Open-Ended CSSE7030 Only

This task is only required for CSSE7030 students. CSSE1001 students are
permitted to attempt this task, but will be not be awarded marks for it.
This task is open ended. It is up to you to decide what to do for this task.
Marks will be awarded based on the sophistication of the features you choose
to implement. Ensure that you consult with course staff before you commence
this task to ensure that the features are sufficiently sophisticated.
You are encouraged to utilize extra Python modules to help you implement your
desired functionality.
You must also submit a brief PDF describing the features you have implemented
for this task, named description.pdf. This file must be in PDF format; marks
will be deducted if you submit another format (such as .txt or .docx, for
example). This file should also contain an outline of any third party Python
modules you have used, and instructions on how to install them. For example if
you have used Pillow module, then the following would be sufficient:
Install the Pillow module with pip using the command:
pip install Pillow
It is also helpful to provide information on the specic version of any third-
party libraries used.


  • Saving and loading a game
  • Background music/event sounds
  • Additional custom game modes
  • Various animations
  • Multiplayer (local or network)

文章作者: SafePoker
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