

这次需要代写的Java编程作业,是按要求实现两个不同的Hash Table,


Telling the difference between two different authors has many applications.
This assignment will compare the relative frequency of words in works by
William Shakespeare and Francis Bacon. Before the two works can be analyzed,
they will need to be stored in memory. To do this, we will use two different
hashing techniques, one that utilizes chaining and the other quadratic


You are to implement two separate hash tables, one per author, and use them to
store the number of times a word appears in a text file. You will also write
code that iterates through the hash tables and computes the relative frequency
of words stored in each of the hash tables.

Getting started

The neccessary files are available in the archive, included in this archive

  • Two text files: hamlet.txt and bacon-essays.txt. Code will be provided to read these works into arrays and add them to your hash tables. Note: they are very long. Do not print them.
  • This class provides two functions which read text files into String arrays. readShakespeare() and readBacon() will return their corresponding text files as an array of strings, where each element of the array represents a word (in order) from the original text.
  • This is where you will be expected to insert the data into your hash tables and then compare similarities between the two provided documents.There are four goals to accomplish in this file.
  1. Initialize the two hash tables and insert the elements from the readShakespeare() String array into one hash table and the readBacon() String array into the other. Keep an associated count for the number of times a word is added in the hash table.
  2. Iterate through the elements of one hash table and calculate how frequently that word occurs in both texts by using findCount() of a certain word divided by the lengths of the arrays from the readShakespeare() and readBacon() functions in FileInput. Use a squared-error approach.If a word appears in one text and not in the other, then add the square of the frequency of that word to the error. If the word appears in both texts, then find the difference between the two frequencies and add the square to the total error. For example, if Shakespeare uses a word 0.001 of the time and Bacon uses the same word 0.0001 of the time, subtract these two frequencies from each other (which would be 0.00099), square that result and add it to a “total comparative error” variable which keeps track of the sum of all such events.
  3. Repeat this process for the second hash table, making sure not to duplicate any of the squared-errors you have already added to the “total comparative error” variable from above. This means you only have to consider words that are not in the first hash table when calculating for the second. As a note: the sum from both hash tables should go into the same variable.
  4. Print the results. In addition to printing the final “Total comparative error”, print the word with the highest difference in frequency. For example, if Shakespeare uses the word “dog” much more frequently than Bacon, your final printed result should look like:
    Total Square Error: 1.126343843E-4
    Most different word: dog
    The number provided here is just an example, but you should expect numbers to
    be much smaller than one.
  • The final files will be your two hash tables: and Both will be required to support the same functionality, their only difference will be how they deal with collisions in the hash. Keep in mind that the differences in hash strategies will cause differences in all of the functions listed below. These are the functions we expect your hash tables to support:
    • Two constructors: the first instantiates the hash table to a default size and the other instantiates the hash table to an input size.
    • insert(String keyToAdd): This function will add the input string into your hash table. If the string is already in the hash table, it should increase the count of that corresponding string. If not, instantialize the count to one.
    • findCount(String keyToFind): This function will return the count for a particular String key. To be clear, this count variable will be the same as returning the number of times a particular key has been added to the hash table.
    • getNextKey(): Every call of getNextKey() will return the next key in the hash table. This function should utilize an interior cursor to iterate through the hash table. This function will be essential when computing the squared error.
    • Computing the hash codes for a string can be done by using the [insert String variable name].hashCode() system call that is part of the Java library. However, for extra credit, write a separate hash code that returns a unique integer for any input String. Also make sure that the resulting hash distributes Strings evenly over a large range of numbers or your hash table performance will suffer.


Submission for this assignment requires three files to be submitted:, and should be submitted to the
dropbox to complete the homework.

  • insert, findCount and getNextKey will be worth 5 points each for both hash tables, for a total of 30 points.
  • Correctly calculating the squared-error and most different word frequency will be worth 5 points each for a total of 10 points.
  • As usual, 5 points will be awarded for clean, well-commented code.
  • The extra credit of creating your own hash function will be worth up to 5 points subject to how well it performs in evenly distributing input Strings.

文章作者: SafePoker
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