
用Java实现一个iPhony pocket Telegraph Simulator的菜单类应用。


The UML Diagram for all the classes specified below is as follows.


Write a fully-documented interface named Command to represent each command
entered on the phone app. The Command interface will require the following

  • public boolean validCommand(CommandStack stack)
    • Returns whether this Command is valid and can be added to the given CommandStack. Specific behavior will be outlined in the following classes.
  • public String toString()
    • Returns the String representation of this Command in long form (for current screen display)
  • public String toShortString()
    • Returns the String representation of this Command in short form (for stack display)

Map Commands

  • FindPlace implements Command
    • Write a fully-documented class named FindPlace to represent the “F: Find a place” command for the Maps app. This class requires the following properties (with NO mutators, However, accessors are allowed) and methods:
      • private String destination
      • public FindPlace(Scanner scanner)
        • Constructs this FindPlace instance accordingly using the Scanner.
      • public boolean validCommand(CommandStack stack)
        • Returns whether or not pushing this FindPlace command will be valid for the given stack.
      • public String toString()
        • Returns the String representation of this Command in long form (for current screen display)
      • public String toShortString()
        • Returns the String representation of this Command in short form (for stack display)
  • PlanRoute implements Command
    • Write a fully-documented class named PlanRoute to represent the “P: Plan a route” command for the Maps app. This class requires the following properties (with NO mutators, However, accessors are allowed) and methods:
      • private String source
      • private String destination
      • public PlanRoute(Scanner scanner)
        • Constructs this PlanRoute instance accordingly after reading input from the scanner.
      • public boolean validCommand(CommandStack stack)
        • Returns whether or not pushing this PlanRoute command will be valid for the given stack.
      • public String toString()
        • Returns the String representation of this Command in long form (for current screen display)
      • public String toShortString()
        • Returns the String representation of this Command in short form (for stack display)
  • StartNavigation implements Command
    • Write a fully-documented class named StartNavigation to represent the “N: Start Navigation” command for the Maps app. This class requires the following properties (with NO mutators, However, accessors are allowed) and methods:
      • private String source
      • private String destination
      • public StartNavigation (CommandStack commandStack)
        • Constructs this StartNavigation instance accordingly after grabbing navigation information from the last instruction
      • public boolean validCommand(CommandStack stack)
        • Returns whether or not pushing this StartNavigation command will be valid for the given stack.
        • This cannot be placed on top of another StartNavigation command or an empty stack
      • public String toString()
        • Returns the String representation of this Command in long form (for current screen display)
      • public String toShortString()
        • Returns the String representation of this Command in short form (for stack display)

Safari Commands

  • GoogleSomething implements Command
    • Write a fully-documented class named GoogleSomething to represent the “G: Google something” command for the Safari app. This class requires the following properties (with NO mutators, However, accessors are allowed) and methods:
      • private String query
      • public GoogleSomething (Scanner scanner)
        • Constructs this GoogleSomething instance accordingly after reading input from the scanner.
      • public boolean validCommand(CommandStack stack)
        • Returns whether or not pushing this GoogleSomething command will be valid for the given stack.
      • public String toString()
        • Returns the String representation of this Command in long form (for current screen display)
      • public String toShortString()
        • Returns the String representation of this Command in short form (for stack display)
  • GoToBookmark implements Command
    • Write a fully-documented class named GoToBookmark to represent the “F: Go to favorite/bookmark” command for the Safari app. This class requires the following properties (with NO mutators, However, accessors are allowed) and methods:
    • private String bookmark
    • public GoToBookmark (Scanner scanner)
      • Constructs this GoToBookmark instance accordingly after reading input from the scanner.
    • public boolean validCommand(CommandStack stack)
      • Returns whether or not pushing this GoToBookmark command will be valid for the given stack.
    • public String toString()
      • Returns the String representation of this Command in long form (for current screen display)
    • public String toShortString()
      • Returns the String representation of this Command in short form (for stack display)
  • FollowLink implements Command
    • Write a fully-documented class named FollowLink to represent the “L: FollowLink” command for the Safari app. This class requires the following properties (with NO mutators, However, accessors are allowed) and methods:
      • private String link
      • public FollowLink (Scanner scanner)
        • Constructs this FollowLink instance accordingly after reading input from the scanner.
      • public boolean validCommand(CommandStack stack)
        • Returns whether or not pushing this FollowLink command will be valid for the given stack.
        • This cannot be placed on top of an empty stack
      • public String toString()
        • Returns the String representation of this Command in long form (for current screen display)
      • public String toShortString()
        • Returns the String representation of this Command in short form (for stack display)


Write a fully-documented class named CommandStack. You are allowed to use the
Stack class or extend other built-in Java libraries, or implement your own
stack (using an array, ArrayList or LinkedList). CommandStack must only use
stack methods (push, pop, isEmpty, and peek), with the exception of printing.

  • public void push(Command command)
    • Pushes command onto the top of the backing data structure.
    • Throws:
      • InvalidCommandException if the Command is invalid given the current state of this CommandStack.
        • You can use the command’s built in method to check
        • Make sure safari commands aren’t placed on top of map commands and vice versa
      • If you are extending LinkedList, you may rename this pushCommand(Command command) if your IDE is complaining about throwing a InvalidCommandException
  • public Command pop()
    • Removes the topmost Command from the stack and returns it.
    • Throws:
      • EmptyStackException if the stack was empty.
      • If you are extending LinkedList, you may rename this popCommand() if your IDE is complaining about throwing a EmptyStackException
  • public Command peek()
    • Returns the topmost Command from the stack without removing it. The stack should be unchanged as a result of this method.
    • Throws:
      • EmptyStackException if the stack was empty
  • public boolean isEmpty()
    • Returns true if the stack is empty, false otherwise.
  • public String getScreenCommand()
    • Returns a String representation of the Command that will be displayed on the screen.
  • public String toString()
    • Returns a String representation of this CommandStack. See the sample I/O.


Write a fully-documented class named Application. This class will have the
following properties and methods:
Note: you may make this abstract and have two implementing classes Maps and
Safari. You may make all private methods and variables protected in this case.

  • private CommandStack stack;
  • public void readCommand(Scanner scanner)
    • Reads in input from the scanner to construct a Command and add it to the CommandStack.
    • After determining command type, use the command’s built in method to read from scanner to populate data fields
    • Throws:
      • InvalidCommandException if the Command is invalid given the current state of the stack
  • public void goBack()
    • Returns the application to the state it was before the most recent Command.
    • Throws:
      • EmptyStackException if there was no Command entered


Write a fully-documented class named iCatchup. This class will have the
following properties and methods:

  • public static void main(String[] args)
    • The main method runs a menu driven application which allows the user to create two instances of the Application class and then prompts the user for input based on which screen it is currently in (Home, Maps, or Safari). The required information for each command is then requested from the user based on the selected operation.


An Exception class that is thrown when trying to push a Command that is not
valid for the given CommandStack.


An Exception class that is thrown when trying to pop from a stack with no
Note on Exceptions: all exceptions should be handled gracefully - they should
be caught in the main, and the user should be notified by a nice printout.
Your messages will not be graded for creativity, but they should clearly
indicate what the problem is (bad index, full list, negative number, etc.).
The program should continue to run normally after an exception is encountered.
We will not be checking Input Mismatch cases.
Pretty Printing: Here is a tutorial on how to print tables neatly using printf
in java. It is highly encouraged that you print the output neatly, as it makes
grading much easier.
a friendly reference page: [
format-cheat-sheet ](

General Recommendations

You might want to use the toString() method for CommandStack to make debugging
and printing easier. You do not have to do this, but it will help you.
You can feel free to add extra methods and variables if you need.

UI Required Functions

Note: please make sure that the menu is NOT case sensitive (so selecting A
should be the same as selecting a).

  • Home
    • S - Safari
    • M - Maps
    • Q - Quit
  • Maps
    • F - Find a place
    • P - Plan a route
    • N - Start Navigation
  • Safari
    • G - Google something
    • F - Go to a favorite/bookmark
    • L - Follow a link
  • Both Safari and Maps
    • B - Back
    • S - Switch
    • H - Home

文章作者: SafePoker
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