使用C++完成 Karatsuba Algorithm
Task Description
You should carry out this work as a group of 2 students. You should work
together but each student has to do their own submission to the websubmission
system and marks will be automatically allocated individually.
You are asked to use C++ to implement
- School Method for Integer Addition
- Karatsuba Algorithm for Integer Multiplication
Submission Guideline
You must follow this guideline! Your submission will be marked automatically.
Failure to follow this guideline will result in 0.
Your submission should contain exactly one file: main.cpp. You do not need to
submit a design.
Your program takes one line as input. The input line contains three integers
separated by spaces. Let the three integers be “I1 I2 B”. I1 and I2 are both
nonnegative integers up to 100 digits long. B represents I1 and I2’s base (B
is from 2 to 10).
Your program should output the sum of I1 and I2, using the school method, then
the product of I1 and I2, using the Karatsuba algorithm. The results should
still use base B. Please separate the results using one space.
Sample input 1: 101 5 10
Sample output 1: 106 505
Sample input 2: 10 111 2
Sample output 2: 1001 1110
Marking will be done automatically. We trust that you’d indeed implement the
school method for addition and the Karatsuba algorithm for multiplication. We
will randomly pick some submissions to verify whether it is the case. If you
use other methods in your submission, it will be considered cheating and you
will receive 0.
Submit to Websubmission before the above deadline. The websubmission system
for this assignment will be open on 6 August. Websubmission will run an
automatic testing script immediately after each submission. Your mark is
simply the fraction of test cases that you pass. E.g., if there are 100 test
cases, and your code passes 78 of them, then your mark is 78/100. You can
submit as many times as you want. The last submission before the deadline will
be your “official” submission.
SVN Instructions
First of all, you need to create a directory under version control.
To check out a working copy, type svn checkout.
SVN helps keeping track of file changes (over different commits). You should
commit your work early and often.
You are asked to submit via the web interface. The submission steps should be
self-explanatory. Simply choose the correct semester, course, and assignment.
The websubmission system will automatically fetch the latest version of your
work from your SVN repository (you may also choose to submit older versions).
Once your work is submitted, the system will launch a script checking the
format of your submission. Click “View Feedback” to view the results. You are
welcome to resubmit for as many times as you wish (before the deadline).
We will compile your code using g++ -o main.out -O2 -Wall main.cpp.
It is
your responsibility to ensure that your code compiles on the university