The objective of this assignment is to write classes to simulate a deck of
cards. Recall that a deck of cards consists of 52 cards consisting of the 13
ranks (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, T(ten), J(jack), Q(queen), K(kind), and A(ace)
paired with the four suits CLUBS, DIAMONDS, HEARTS, and SPADES. Consider the
following header file carddeck.h:
#ifndef CARDDECK_H
#define CARDDECK
using namespace std;
enum Suit
class Card
char rank; // use digit (e.g., 4) for cards valued 2 through 9, ‘T’ for 10,
// ‘J’,’Q’,’K’,’A’ for Jack, Queen, King, and Ace
Suit suit;
Card(); // creates Ace of Spades as default card
Card(char, Suit); // creates card with given rank and suit
char getRank() const;
Suit getSuit() const;
void setRank(char);
void setSuit(Suit);
string toString() const; // creates text representation of card, e.g. “2C” for 2
// of Clubs, “KH” for King of Hearts, etc.
class CardDeck
Card* deck;
Card* next_card; // keeps track of where we are in a deck after dealing some cards
// (initially, next_card == deck)
CardDeck(); // sets member variable deck to be an array of 52 Card objects
// representing deck of cards
void shuffle(); // randomly shuffles the deck (you will need to think about how
// to do this). also, this function should reset next_card =
// deck
Card* dealHand(int); // deals a hand of N cards where N is the input to the
// function. this function should also increment the
// next_card pointer by N cards.
This header file has been attached for your convenience.
Problem 1
In a source file carddeck.cpp, provide an implementation for the Card class,
i.e., please provide an implementation for all the member functions defined in
the class. Observe that there are two constructors: a default constructor to
create the card representing Ace of Spades (or AS) and a second constructor
that defines a custom card with given rank and suit. The member function
toString() should return a two character string representation of a card, i.e.
it would return QH for Queen of Hearts, TD for Ten of Diamonds, 5S for Five of
Spades, etc.
Problem 2
In the same source file carddeck.cpp, provide an implementation of the
CardDeck class.
The constructor of this class should dynamically allocate an array of 52 cards
and set them to all of the appropriate values (all ranks with all suits). The
destructor should deallocate this array. The shuffle function should use
random numbers to shuffle the cards, i.e., to re-arrange them in a random
order such that no cards are repeated. The dealHand(int N) function should
accept an integer and return a pointer to a sub-array consisting of N cards.
If dealHand(int) is called twice after a shuffle, then the cards returned
during the second call should be completely different from the cards returned
during the first call. Notice that the CardDeck class contains a next_card
pointer. You should use this pointer to keep track of which cards remain in
the deck after dealing out hands.
Write a main function that generates a deck of cards, shuffles it, and deals
two hands of 5 cards each. Have your function print out the cards in each
When submitting this assignment, please only submit the file carddeck.cpp that
you wrote. No other files should be included.