练习栈溢出相关安全渗透,也就是利用 [ Stack overflow
attacks-what-you-need-to-know/ “Stack Overflow”) .
Lab 6 experiments with memory errors which cause stack corruption and control
flow hijacking. The L7-ex1.c program is a slight modification of the stack-
overflow.c from the lecture notes. Note that not all exercises will use all
the code in the sample program. For this lab, you should ensure that your
submissions work with the lab Linux setup.
After this lab you will have investigated a simple form of compiler
canary/cookie defenses for protecting the stack. In addition, you will have
experimented with them as a memory integrity mechanism. You will also see how
stack smashing control flow attacks work on a simple program. If you happen to
use gdb, then you may also learn some gdb commands, such as commands to
examine memory. Note that this lab only simulates a certain memory defence,
and a sanitizer or the compiler would do it better.
Exercise 1: Showing a Stack Memory Error
Using L7-ex1.c, show the following:
- Give an input X which will cause a stack overflow to occur in buf causing the process to crash with a “segmentation fault”. You should compile using the gcc C compiler and use the option “-fno-stack-protector” which turns off the stack canary protection.
- Recompile without the “-fno-stack-protector” option1 (alternatively, you can use “-fstack-protector”) and show that the stack memory error with X is detected by the gcc stack canary protection.
Explain your answers in the report and give input X as the file
Exercise 2: Protecting the Return Address (Graded: 6 Marks)
Modify L7-ex1.c to lab7-ex2.c. The objective of lab7-ex2.c is to detect when
there is a buffer overflow of array buf and to prevent the return address from
being corrupted when that happens.
Implement your own canary-like mechanism to detect overflow in buf and then
call the function cookie error() when a buffer overflow is detected because
the canary value is not as expected. As this lab is only to show “in
principle”, the canary mechanism is only implemented in C. You can just modify
the code of f() to implement your detector but to be realistic, do not change
the code between LINE1 and LINE2 and hence the buffer data structure is also
unchanged. Please ensure that the functionality of f() from the original code
should be unchanged, you are only making the code more secure against a
pontential attack by adding code to the rest of f(). You may also want to add
other utility functions.
Note that main() should be unchanged.
Your canary mechanism is only used if my_protect is TRUE, thus, you can turn
it on or off on the command line with the -p option.2 The gcc stack protector
should be turned off, so that it does not interfere with your canary
Please test your code with the default optimization level, i.e. -O0 or no use
of -O, as well as with -O2. Thus, you should test with both compilation
commands below:
$ gcc -fno-stack-protector lab7-ex2.c
$ gcc -fno-stack-protector -O2 lab7-ex2.c
The normal gcc stack protector is designed to protect the stack meta-data
rather than local variables. It may or may not detect buffer overflow in the
local variable. Try to make your mechanism detect buffer overflow in array
Describe your defence mechanism in the report and also how you have tested it.
Note that input X from Exercise 1 may be program specific, as such may or may
not be useful to test Exercise 2. Since the defence can be turned off, longer
test input(s) should still cause a crash if my_protect is FALSE.
Exercise 3: Control Flow Hijacking (Graded: 6 Marks)
Please try Exercise 3 regardless whether you can get the hijack to work. It
might be possible that you can only get a segfault rather than the desired
The experiment in Exercise 3 is to see if you are able to exploit the program
in Exercise 1 (L7-ex1.c) by making the buffer overflow call do not call().
This is similar to the example discussed in lectures. Note that do not call()
is not explicitly called anywhere in L7-ex1.c, hence, there is no path which
connects main() to do_not_call() in the CFG.
Your submission will be tested on the L7-ex1 binary which has been compiled
with “-g”. When you unpack the zip file, you will need to make L7-ex1
executable, e.g.
$ chmod u+x L7-ex1
While there can be many ways to work out the attack, one way is to use the
debugger gdb. For this reason, the test binary has been compilede with -g. If
you are familiar with gdb, see the footnote.3
The printbytes() function may be useful in your debugging but is also not
necessary, it is provided simply as a convenience for students who want to use
it. It can also be “call” from inside gdb.4
To allow for deterministic reproduction and for ease of attack, stack
protector and PIE have been turned OFF in the L7-ex1 executable.5 Note that
testing will have ASLR turned on but with PIE and stack protector turned off.
You should submit the input, in a file, which causes the control flow to
do_not_call(). Your input will be tested in the following way (with filename
$ ./L7-ex1 < lab7-ex3.txt
Also write a report which explains how you obtain the input. In particular,
explain: (i) the length of the input; (ii) how is the contents of the input
obtained, a certain part of the input is arbitrary and another part is
Hint: Addresses in x86_64 Linux are 64 bit.
Submit the following for Lab 7: (please note that labs submissions are
- Report for Exercise 1 and data: Surname-StudentNumber-lab7-ex1.pdf and Surname-StudentNumber-lab7-ex1-input.txt.
- Report for Exercise 2 and code: Surname-StudentNumber-lab7-ex2.{pdf,c}. where I can be {1, 2, . . .}.
- Report and data for Exercise 3: Surname-StudentNumber-lab7-ex3.pdf and Surname-StudentNumber-lab7-ex3.txt.
Submit all files above in a single zip, e.g. yap-U123X-lab7.zip, to the
appropriate LumiNUS folder.