


For this project, you will create a C++ class for your data set and use logic
from your previous project to read the data from a file into 1000+ objects.
Your class should have at least 5 fields where at least one is a numerical
type and at least one is a string type. You should have constructors, getters,
setters, and other methods as appropriate. You also need to create a function
that will go through your data and perform some kind of calculation on it.


Consider the following questions:

  • What fields do I need? What are their type? What names make sense?
  • Which fields and methods need comments to clarify their meaning?
  • How will I store the objects? In a Stack, Queue, list, vector, or something else? Why?
  • What function makes the most sense to calculate on my data?
    Example functions include:
  • The sum, average, min, and/or max of a column
  • The shortest/longest word in a column
  • The number of times a specific value appears in a column


You must store the data you collect in one or more files. It is recommended
that you use the data and program from Project 1.
You must read the data from a file and store it in 1000 objects using a C++
You must write 500 words on the decisions you made in this project: which
fields and methods you chose, how you know they work correctly, how you stored
the objects, what function you chose to implement, why you chose it, the
complexity of your methods and function, etc.
You must submit your .cpp file(s), your data file(s), and your writeup. Please
submit your writeup in PDF format.


Make sure your program successfully stores all 1000+ objects from your data
set, and that all the methods of your class and your function work as
intended. When appropriate, use output manipulations when writing to the
console for easy readability.


The project is out of 50 points.

  • 5 pts Program compiles and runs.
  • 5 pts Code style. Readable, naming style is consistent, comments where appropriate.
  • 10 pts Class satisfies requirements.
  • 2 pts File input works correctly.
  • 8 pts Objects are stored in 1000+ objects in some type of containing data structure.
  • 5 pts Function satisfies requirements.
  • 5 pts Methods and function are tested fully.
  • 10 pts Writeup satisfies requirements, is easily readable, and is professional.

文章作者: SafePoker
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