


This project has multiple parts. You should work on these parts step-by-step,
reading the description carefully. You should only move on once a part works
correctly. We will discuss the project in detail in class.
Important: It is strongly encouraged that you use Anaconda and Spyder for this
project as you will use both the editor and the REPL console. We will also not
be able to help you debug issues with the graphical output in other


The purpose of this project is to simulate the outbreak of an infectious
. This
is a common problem in the field of epidemiology, which is the study of
infectious diseases. While the simulation we will write is an extremely
simplified version of actual models, it is based on some of the the same
We will simulate the spread of the disease on a map of New York City. Our map
is a 150x150 grid. You can think of each cell (or pixel) of this grid as
representing a number of individuals that live in that area. In step 1 of the
project, you will read in map data from a file and display the map.
Our model is based on the so-called SRI model. At any time step, each cell on
the map can be in one of three states:

  • S (susceptible): The cell is healthy and not infected. Displayed green on the map.
  • R (resistant): The cell cannot be infected (in our case, that means the cell is dead). Displayed gray on the map.
  • I (infected): The cell is currently infected. Displayed red on the map.
    When a cell is infected, it has the potential to infect neighboring cells, it
    might recover after a certain time (revert to state S), or it might die (move
    to state R). Initially all cells will be susceptible and only one cell will be
    infected. The details about how and when these changes occur are described
    Time is measured in discrete steps. After a number of steps, the disease will
    have spread and infected a number of cells. Some may have recovered and others
    may have died. The map might look something like this:

Step 1 - Modeling and displaying the map

Start by downloading the file , which contains skeleton code with
some function and class definitions already in place.
We first need to create a model for each cell and then store the cells
together into a map. We will use two classes: Cell and Map. Cell has
attributes the x and y coordinate of each instance, as well as the current
state of this cell as a string (“S”=susceptible, “R”=resistant, “I”=infected).
Map is going to be the main class that implements the simulator. The Map has
attributes for height and width, as well as a dictionary cells that stores the
actual cells on the map. The keys of this dictionary will be tuples of (x,y)
coordinates, and the values will be Cell instances.

  1. Take a look at method add_cell(self, cell) in the Map class. This method takes a cell object as its parameter and inserts it into the cells dictionary.
  2. Take a look at the function read_map(filename). This function reads in x,y coordinates from a file, create a new Cell instance for each coordinate pair. The function should return a Map instance containing all the cells. The file nyc_map.csv contains the coordinates for each cell of the 150x150 New York City map in comma separated value format.
  3. Write the method display(self) in the Map class. To display the map, we will use matplotlib (a graph plotting package, which we will discuss in class). To plot the map, we first need to turn the data in the map into a suitable format, described below, and then call matplotlib to display it in the IPython console (this is why you need to use Spyder for this assignment). To display the map, you can use the line plt.imshow(image). matplotlib requires the image to be a numpy array:
    * The image consists of pixels. Each pixel has Red,Green, and Blue(RGB) components. RGB values are floats in the range (0.0,1.0). 0.0 is no color, 1.0 is full color. So White would be (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).
    * The shape of the numpy array should be (150, 150, 3), which corresponds to (row, col, RGB). So a[40,70, 1] is the green value of the pixel at (40,70). For details, examine and run the image_example function in
    * Each cell should be displayed in the color that represents its state: green if the state is S, red if the state is I and gray if the state is R. Pixels in the image that do not correspond to a cell on the map should be displayed in black.
  4. You should now be able to run your program, which will load the class and function definitions and then type the following into the IPython console.

Step 2 - Making cells infectious

Next, we will work on the mechanism that allows cells to become infected and
infect their neighbor cells. Any cell that is infected can infect its

  1. Add a method infect(self) to the Cell class. When infect is called, the state attribute should be set to “I”. Each cell should also have a time data field that keeps track of how long a cell has been infected. Initially this data field can be set to 0, but calling infect on a sell will also always reset the time field to 0.
  2. We need to obtain a list of neighbor cells for a given cell. This cannot be a method of of Cell because each Cell instance is unaware of its neighbors. We therefore need to add a method to Map and pass the cell’s coordinates. Write the method adjacent_cells(self, x, y) that returns a list of cell instances that are adjacent to coordinate (x,y). Adjacent means that the cell could be to the north, east, south, or west. Diagonal cells do not count as adjacent. Pay attention to the boundary of the map. There cannot be any cells outside of the map area.
  3. Next, write the method process(self, adjacent_cells) in the Cell class. adjacent_cells is a list of cell instances (as returned by the adjacent_cells(…) method of Map.). The process method is only relevant if the status of the cell is “I” and has been infected for at least one time step (i.e. the time data field is ]=1) (think about what would happen if you allowed a cell to infect its neighbors in the same time step). Otherwise, the method can just increment the time data field and then return immediately. The method should look at each of the adjacent cells. If the adjacent cell is in state “S”, it can become infected. For each such cell, we decide randomly if an infection happens or not. The file contains a variable virality (near the top of the file). This variable stores the probability that a cell infects an adjacent cell. Use the function random.random() (in the random module) to obtain a random float between 0.0 and 1.0. If that number is [= the virality, call the infect() method of the neighboring cell.
  4. Finally, we need to be able to process all cells on the map. Our simulation uses discrete time steps. Write the method time_step(self) in the Map class, which evaluates such a time step. The method should simply call the process() method on each of the cells on the map and finally call display() to display the new state of the map.
    You should now be able to infect a cell on the map and see the disease spread
    on each time step.
    Unfortunately, you cannot simply call m.time_step in a for loop to produce
    multiple outputs. Matplotlib would only display the last plot.

Step 3 - Recovery

We would also like our cells to be able to recover from the infection. In our
model, we will recover after a certain number of time-steps. The variable
recovery_time (near the beginning of the file) specifies after how many time
steps a cell recovers. When a cell recovers, it’s state moves from “I” to “S”.
Modify the Cell class and the process method to allow recovery.

Step 4 - Mortality

Finally, some cells may not recover from an infection and will die instead.
Our model assumes that an infected cell dies with a certain probability in
each time step. The probability depends on the number of time steps that the
cell has been infected. The probability of dying, giving the number of time
steps, is normally distributed. So, for example, a particularly deadly disease
might kill most people on time step 3 after becoming infected. Some people
might die earlier and some might survive longer (or long enough to recover).
The function pdeath(x, mean, stdev) models the mortality of a cell using the
normal distribution (this has already been implemented). You can think of it
as returning the probability that an infected cell dies at time step x. The
mean represents the average time step at which people typically die. Modify
the process(self) method. Use the random.random() function to obtain a random
float between 0.0 and 1.0 and use it to decide if the cell dies or not. Note:
The order in which each cell is processed matters. When a cell is processed,
first decide if the cell recovers, then if it dies. Then, if it is still
infected, proceed to infect adjacent cells, as described above.

Step 5 - Experiment!

Finally, modify the parameters of the model (virality, recovery time, mean and
standard deviation for the normal distribution) and see how the disease
spreads. Infect any cell, as in the example above, and repeatedly call
time_step() to advance the simulation. The most interesting (and horrible)
part about modeling deadly infectious diseases is to study the interaction
between mortality and virulence. A particularly deadly disease may kill the
hosts before they can infect others, thereby preventing the disease from
spreading further (this has happened in the case of Ebola epidemics). Many
diseases are usually harmless but may be extremely virulent (such as the flu
or common cold), or hosts can stay infectious for a long time (for example,
herpes). Changing the parameters a little bit can have devastating

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