Nowadays, most commercial shops have their own web sites for sale and
databases for managing their sales. They use relational database system to
manage their new arrivals, the products kept in stock, the customers’
transactions or orders and their customers’ information. These maintained
information will help shop managers to track their sales in their shops. In
addition, they often provide online sales that allow customers make their
orders via shop web sites. The online web sites are often developed and
connected to their database systems. The online web sites can also help shop
managers to manage their databases for those who don’t have specific IT
knowledge. To develop this application, you need to have the basic skills and
knowledge about relational database concepts, MySQL queries, HTML, PHP. All
these have been delivered in this unit of CITS1402 - relational database
management system, 2017 Semester 2. Therefore, this project based assignment
includes three components as below:
Part 1: Database Designs
You are required to design a database including all the mandatory tables. Your
designed database should meet the requirements described in the practical
application. Regarding Part 1, you MUST create all the tables in your database
on the web server cits1402.csse.uwa.edu.au. For each table, you MUST insert at
least 10 rows as test data. Meanwhile, you MUST submit a * .sql file named
as yourown-studentID.sql (e.g., 123456.sql). In the .sql file, you have to
include all your mysql queries used for creating tables, inserting rows.
Part 2: SQL Queries
Query 1: What SQL query will produce the row of customer information who have
made three or more successful orders from this shop?
Query 2: What SQL query will produce the row of customer information who have
spent $500 or more in total in this shop?
Query 3: What SQL query will list the product information where no customers
bought this product before?
Query 4: What SQL query will list the product information where only one
customer bought this product before?
Query 5: What SQL query will list the total number of customer orders per
product in the database?
Query 6: What SQL Query will produce the total amount of the sold products in
the database?
Query 7: Write a function CostOfBestBuyers(number INT) Return Double that
returns the total price of the top number of customers who spent in this shop.
For instance, if number =5, the returned price is the total cost of the 5
customers who spent the most in this shop.
Query 8: Create a view BuyerCostPerProduct with columns Customer ID, Customer
Name, Product ID, Product Name, Date which provides a more accessible way for
the DB user to run queries regarding customers and products. The date is the
time to produce the view. In other words, the virtual table view maintains
each buyer’s cost for each product by a view generation date.
The above 8 MySQL queries MUST be included in the submitted file yourown-
studentID.sql (e.g., 123456.sql).
Part 3: Database Driven Web Site Development
Task 3.1: New Arriving Product Submission Web Page
In this page, you need to develop a web page NewArriving.php including HTML
form part and PHP part. Shop manager can submit the new arriving product item
information and write it into the Database. The written item information must
include product code, product name, product price, and quantity. After the
item information is written into database successfully, it should display a
confirmation message on the web page and let the shop manager to know the
successful insertion.
Task 3.2: User Buying Product Transaction Web Page
In this page, you need to develop a web page BuyingTransaction.php including
HTML form and PHP part. A user can make her/his order through the HTML form.
It is required to provide a drop down list allowing the user to choose one
product. It also needs an input field allowing the user to specify the
quantity of product she or he wants to buy. It also asks user to provide
her/his personal information including user name, phone number, and address.
PHP part will be used to calculate the total price and print a message for the
user. If the number of her/his ordered product doesn’t exceed the available
quantity of the product in database, then you need print a message on the web
page including a successful confirmation about the user’s order and the total
price of this order.
You also need to update the available quantity of the product in the database.
If the transaction is successful, you also need to record the user
information, transaction information in the database. If the number of her/his
ordered product exceeds the available quantity of the product in database,
then it says the transaction failed. So you need to show a message on the web
page. It tells the user the failed transaction and the available quantity of
the product.
Task 3.3: User-friendly Web Page Design
All the web pages should be designed in a well format. It should be
reasonable, attractive, user-friendly, and informative.
Regarding Part 3, you MUST submit TWO web pages, each for Task 3.1 and each
for Task 3.2. The first web page is named as NewArriving.php. The second web
page is named as BuyingTransaction.php.
Submission Requirements and Format
This is an individual assignment. You have to develop by your own and cannot
copy the codes from the others. You have to submit 4 files including your-
ownstudentID.sql, NewArriving.php, and BuyingTransaction.php, declaration.txt
via the link in Blackboard by the Assignment Due Date.
Meanwhile, you have to test NewArriving.php and BuyingTransaction.php on your
web server, and also upload the two web pages to your web folder