练习使用C++访问 SQLite 数据库。
In this tutorial we will look at how to access an SQLite database from within
your C++ code.
Verify that you are able to access the SQLite database using its sqlite3.exe
console app as you did in the previous tutorial. If necessary review those
steps before proceeding with this tutorial.
Problem 1: Compiling SQLite Access Into Your C++ Code
Download the SQLite Amalgamation from the sqlite.org downloads page
and unzip the contents.
Copy the extracted sqlite3.h and sqlite3.c files into your directory where you
will be writing and compiling your .cpp code files (i.e. add them to the code
provided in the demo_code folder).
SQLite is written in C, not C++. So use the gcc C compiler to compile only and
object file from sqlite3.c (Notice this is s gcc compile and not a g++
$gcc -c sqlite3.c
This should produce an sqlite3.o object file that we can link in with the
main.cpp used for the C++ application.
Look at the main.cpp file provided with the demo code it should have contents
like the following. Notice it includes the local sqlite3.h file) For what is
to follow it’s helpful to examine the sqlite.org C interface reference to
understand the functions being called: http://www.sqlite.org/cintro.html
using namespace std;
#include “sqlite3.h”
string input; //input from user
sqlite3 *db; //pointer to our database
char * zErrMsg = 0; //pointer to error used by sqlite3 int rc; //return code
int main(void) {
cout << “Hello SQLite\n”;
// establish connection to database
rc = sqlite3_open(“test.db”, &db);
if (rc) {
cout << “Could Not Open Database: “
<< sqlite3_errmsg(db);
cout << “\nEXITING\n”;
return 0;
else {
// close database connection
// keep console open until user presses a key
cout << “\n\n” << “Press any key to continue”;
getline(cin, input);
return 0;
Compile main.cpp by itself like this:
g++ -g -Wall main.cpp
Notice the errors that result because of undefined references (unimplemented
functions). That’s because the sqlite3.o file compiled previously is not being
linked in.
Now compile by linking in the sqlite3.o object file as well including the
libraries that were referred to when sqlite3.o was compiled (here we are also
including some link options to make things thread-safe and dynamically
linkable -these may or may not be needed so include them to be safe):
g++ -g -Wall main.cpp sqlite3.o -lpthread -ldl
This time an a.out should be produced and when run should open a new test.db
When you press an key and close the program you should notice a test.db sqlite
database file has been created:
You have now successfully connected to a SQLite database.
Problem 2: Adding a Makefile
Next we will create a makefile to help with the compilation.
Create a makefile with the following contents:
OBJ = main.o sqlite3.o
myApp: $(OBJ)
g++ -o myApp $(OBJ) -lpthread -ldl
main.o: main.cpp
g++ -c main.cpp
sqlite3.o: sqlite3.c sqlite3.h
gcc -c sqlite3.c
rm -f $(OBJ) myApp
Verify that you can compile and run your code using this new makefile by
make clean
make myApp
Problem 3: Accessing beatles.db Database
Next lets access the beatles.db sqlite database from our C++ code and print
the contents of the recordings table to the console. As a reminder here is the
ER model and Schema of the database.
Modify the main.cpp to have the following contents. This code connects to the
beatles.db database, executes an SQL query on the data, and calls the
“callback” function for each row of the resulting answer table. (A version of
this file is provided in the demo code as problem3_main.cpp for you to copy
and paste from.)
// main.cpp
using namespace std;
#include “sqlite3.h”
string input; // user input from console
const char * db_file_name = “beatles.db”;
sqlite3 *db; // pointer to our database
char * zErrMsg = 0; // pointer to error returned by sqlite
int rc; //return code
const char * sql = “SELECT * FROM recordings”; // SQL Query String
const char * data = “call back function called”; // passed back on callback;
static int callback (
// callback funtion that will be called by sqlite3_exec() when SQL
// query has completed
void * data, // data provided to sqlite3_exec() [4th argument]
int argc, // Number of columns in answer table row
char ** argv, //array of string representing table row values
char ** azColName //array of strings representing column names
//cout [[ (const char *) data << “\n”;
for (int i=0; i < argc; i++){
cout << argv[i] << “, “;
cout << “\n”;
return 0;
int main(void) {
cout << “Hello SQLite\n”;
// establish connection to database
rc = sqlite3_open(db_file_name, &db);
if (rc) {
cout << “ERROR: Could Not Open Database: “
<< sqlite3_errmsg(db);
cout << “\nEXITING\n”;
return 0;
else {
cout << “\nSUCCESSFULLY OPENED DATABASE: “ << db_file_name << “\n\n”;
rc = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, callback, (void *) data, &zErrMsg);
if( rc != SQLITE_OK) {
cout << “ERROR EXECUTING SQL: “ << zErrMsg;
else {
cout << “\nSQL QUERY SUCCEEDED\n”;
// close database connection
// keep console open until user presses a key
cout << “\n\n” << “Press any key to continue”;
getline(cin, input);
return 0;
Compile and debug the new main.cpp. Once it runs successfully you should see
the entries in the beatles.db recordings table printed to the console by your
C++ code:
Problem 4: Executing User SQL Querys
Next we want to allow the user of our C++ app to type in an SQL query and have
it run against the beatles.db database. We have provide a problem4_main.cpp
that should do this. Study that code and the main.cpp file to match that
contents. With this code try running some SQL queries against with your app.
(Notice when the user types their SQL it does not seem to matter whether they
end with a semi-colon or not -why is that?)
Look through the SQL documentation on the sqlite.org website and compose try
different queries against the beatles.db database.
When you have completed these exercises show your work to the TA’s to get
credit for the tutorial.