使用 Reinforcement Learning
In this programming homework, you will develop your own AI agents based on
some of the learned AI techniques for Search, Game Playing, and Reinforcement
Learning to play a small version of the Go game, called Go-5x5 or Little-Go,
that has a reduced board size of 5x5. Your agent will play this Little-Go game
against some basic AI agents as well as the agents from your fellow
classmates. Your agents will be graded and measured by their performance in
these online game “tournaments” on Vocareum.com. Your objective is to develop
and train your AI agents to play this Little-Go game as best as possible.
Game Description
Go is an abstract strategy board game for two players, in which the aim is to
surround more territory than the opponent. The basic concepts of Go (Little-
Go) are very simple:
- Players: Go is played by two players, called Black and White.
- Board: The Go board is a grid of horizontal and vertical lines. The standard size of the board is 19x19, but in this homework, the board size will be 5x5.
- Point: The lines of the board have intersections wherever they cross or touch each other. Each intersection is called a point. Intersections at the four corners and the edges of the board are also called points. Go is played on the points of the board, not on the squares.
- Stones: Black uses black stones. White uses white stones.
The basic process of playing the Go (Little-Go) game is also very simple: - It starts with an empty board,
- Two players take turns placing stones on the board, one stone at a time,
- The players may choose any unoccupied point to play on (except for those forbidden by the “KO” and “no-suicide” rules).
- Once played, a stone can never be moved and can be taken off the board only if it is captured.
The entire game of Go (Little-Go) is played based on two simple rules: Liberty
(No-Suicide), and KO. The definitions of these rules are outlined as follows:
Rule1: The Liberty Rule
Every stone remaining on the board must have at least one open point, called a
liberty, directly orthogonally adjacent (up, down, left, or right), or must be
part of a connected group that has at least one such open point (liberty) next
to it. Stones or groups of stones which lose their last liberty are removed
from the board (called captured).
Based on the rule of liberty, players are NOT allowed to play any “suicide”
moves. That is, a player cannot place a stone such that the played stone or
its connected group has no liberties, unless doing so immediately deprives an
enemy group of its final liberty. In the latter case, the enemy group is
captured, leaving the new stone with at least one liberty.
Examples of capturing:
- Example 1. The white stone is captured after Black play at position 1, because its directly orthogonally adjacent points are occupied.
- Example 2. The 3 white stones are captured as a connected group.
- Example 3. The two groups of white stones are captured.
- Example 4 (Special example). This example illustrates the rule that a capturing stone need not have a liberty until the captured stones are removed.
Rule 2: The “KO” Rule
For the position shown on the left board above, Black can capture the stone by
a play at position a. The resulting position is shown on the right board
above. Without a KO rule, in this position White could recapture the stone at
position b, reverting to the position shown on the left, and then Black could
also recapture. If neither player gave way, then we would have Black a, White
b, Black a, White b, …, repeated ad infinitum, stalling the progress of the
game. This situation is known as KO.
The KO rule resolves the situation: If one player captures the KO, the
opponent is prohibited from recapturing the KO immediately.
- Example. Given the initial status on the left below, white player puts a stone at position 1, which captures a black stone. Black stone cannot be placed at position 2 immediately after it’s captured at this position. Black must play at a different position this turn. Black can play at position 2 the next turn if this position is still not occupied.
- More examples. KOs need not occur only in the center of the board. They can also show up at the sides or corners of the board, as shown in the diagram below.
Because Black has the advantage of playing the first move, awarding White some
compensation is called Komi, which gives White a compensation of score at the
end of the game. In this homework (a board size of 5x5), Komi for White player
is set to be 5/2 = 2.5.
A player may waive his/her right to make a move, called passing, when
determining that the game offers no further opportunities for profitable play.
A player may pass his/her turn at any time. Usually, passing is beneficial
only at the end of the game, when further moves would be useless or even
harmful to a player’s position.
End of Game
A game ends when it reaches one of the four conditions:
- When a player’s time for a single move exceeds a time limit (See Section 6. Notes and Hints).
- When a player makes an invalid move (invalid stone placement, suicide, violate KO rule, etc.).
- When both players waive their rights to move. Namely, two consecutive passes end the game.
- When the game has reached the maximum steps. In this homework (a board size of 5x5), the maximum steps is 5*5-1 = 24.
Winning Condition
There are various scoring rules and winning criteria for Go. But we will adopt
the following rules for the scope of this Little-Go project.
- “Partial” Area Scoring: A player’s partial area score is the number of stones that the player has occupied on the board.
- Final Scoring: Black player’s final score is the partial area score, while White player’s final score is the sum of the partial area score plus the score of compensation (Komi).
- Winning Criteria:
- If a player’s time for a single move exceeds a time limit, s/he loses the game.
- If a player makes an invalid move (invalid stone placement, suicide, violate KO rule, etc.), s/he loses the game.
- If the game reaches the maximum steps or both players waive their rights to move, the winner is the player that has a higher final score at the end of the game. For example, on the following board at the end of a game, White’s partial area score is 10 and Black’s partial area score is 12 at the end of the game, White is the winner because
10 + 2.5 = 12.5 > 12
Clarification of the Game Rules
This particular set of rules references several popular rule sets around the
world, but some changes are made in order to best adapt to this project. For
example, the “Full” Area Scoring counts the number of stones that the player
has on the board, plus the number of empty intersections surrounded by that
player’s stones. Go is a very interesting and sophisticated game, please do
some more research if you like.
Playing against Other Agents
In this homework, your agent will play against another agent, either created
by the TAs, or created by another student in the class.
Program Structure
Figure 1 shows the basic program structure. There is one game host and two
players in each game. The Game Host keeps track of the game process, gets the
next move from the players in turn, judges if the proposed move is valid,
wipes out the dead stones and finally judges the winner. Each of the two
Players must output its next move in an exact given format (in a file called
output.txt) with the intended point (row and column) coordinates to the Game
Host. The job of a player is very simple: take the previous and current states
of the board (in a file called input.txt) from the host, and then output the
next move back to the host.
Rule Parameters
The following parameters are adopted in the scope of this homework project.
- In a board, 0 stands for empty point, 1 stands for Black stone, 2 stands for White stone.
- For visualization, X for Black stone and O for White stone.
- Black always plays first.
- The default board size is 5x5.
- The maximum movement is n n 1 , where n is the size of the game. For example, max movement of a board size 5x5 is 5 5-1=24.
- Komi for White player is n/2 . For example, Komi of a board size 5x5 is 2.5. If White scores 10 and Black scores 12 at the end of the game, then White is the winner (
10 + 2.5 = 12.5 > 12
The Game Board
The host keeps the game board while two players make moves in turn. We will
use zero-based, vertical-first, start at the top-left indexing in the game
board. So, location 0,0 is the top-left corner of the board; location 0,4 is
the top-right corner; location 4,0 is the bottom-left corner, and location 4,4
is the bottom-right corner. An example of game state is shown in Figure 2, in
which “1” denotes black stones, “2” denotes white stones, and 0 denotes empty
positions. For manual players, we visualize the board in which X is black
stone and O is white stone.
Players and Game Host
AI Players
Different AI Players are available for your agent to play against for the
purpose of testing and/or grading. Examples of these existing AI players
- Random Player: moves randomly.
- Greedy Player: places the stone that can kill the most stones from the opponent.
- Aggressive Player: looks on the next two possible moves and tries to kill the most stones from the opponent.
- Alphabeta Player: use Minimax algorithm (Depth[=2; Branching factor[=10) with alpha-beta pruning technique.
- QLearningPlayer: use the Q-Learning technique to learn Q values from practice games to make moves intelligently under different game conditions.
Manual Player
To familiarize yourself with the game rules, you can manually play this game
on Vocareum as “Player1” against one chosen agent (e.g., the Random Player)
“Player2”. When there is at least one manual player, the game board will be
visualized. On vocareum, please click the “Run” button to play YouSelf vs.
RandomPlayer game. You are highly encouraged to do so, and hope you may win in
the end.
Your Programed Agent Player
You will need to write your own agent in this project. Name your agent as
my_player.xx, where xx is the conventional extension used in homework 1 (See
Section 6 Notes and Hints), and upload your my_player.xx into the work
directory on Vocareum. Then, when you click the “Submit” button, your uploaded
agent will be called by the Game Host to play against the random player, the
greedy player, and the aggressive player. The results of these games will be
reported for you to view after these games.
The Game Host
The Game Host integrates Go game with players. During a game play process, the
Game Host will do the following steps:
Loop until game ends:
- Alter the CurrentPlayer;
- Clean up any input.txt and output.txt in the player’s directory;
- Provide the current and previous game boards by creating a new input.txt (see format below);
- Call the CurrentPlayer’s agent, which reads input.txt and creates a new output.txt;
- Validate the new file output.txt, and process the proposed move;
- The validity of your move will be checked. If the format of output.txt is incorrect or your move is invalid according to the rules of the game, your agent loses the game.
- Check if the game ends. If so, the winning agent will be declared.
For testing purposes, You player can play this game on Vocareum against one
chosen (The Random Player) AI agent. On vocareum, please click the “Build”
button to play YourPlayer vs. RandomPlayer game once you have my_player.xx
uploaded into the “work” directory.
To help you start, the basic source code (in Python) for playing the Little-Go
game (i.e., the host, the random player, and the read and write functions) are
available for you to see. You can download them from
HW2/stage1/resource/$ASNLIB/public/myplayer_play onto your local machine and
play there. For example, you can - Duplicate ranndom_player.py and rename one of them to my_player3.py,
- Download build.sh to the same directory, modify line 36: prefix=”./“,
- Start a game between two random_players on your machine by the following command.
$ sh build.sh
On Vocareum, you can do the same by copying the random_player.py into your
work directory and rename it as my_player3.py, and then click “Build” for the
two random_players to play against each other.
Project Instructions
Task Description
Your task is to implement your agent in my_player.xx. Note that in the grading
and/or the second stage of competition, your agent will play against the
agents from other students or TAs, so it is important that your agent inputs
and outputs in the exact same format as specified. Other helper files (either
.json or .txt) or scripts are acceptable, such as files to store Q-value
tables or other types of helper functions, but they are not required. Please
note that only source code files (.java, .py or .cpp) and helper files (.json
or .txt) are acceptable.
You are required to use the AI techniques you learned from the class for your
implementation. In addition to the regular game playing techniques, such as
MinMax or Alpha-beta pruning, you are also highly encouraged to use
reinforcement learning in this homework in order to win the honorary
competition against other students in the second stage. You are encouraged to
research other possible methods or Go tactics that may help you defeat your
In your implementation, please do not use any publicly available library calls
for minmax, alpha-beta, or Q- Learning. You must implement the algorithms from
scratch yourself. Please develop your code yourself and do not copy from other
students or from the Internet.
There will be 2 stages in this project, the 1st stage is for the course grade,
and the 2nd stage is for the competition to win a Google interview or other
Prizes (for honorary purpose).
The First Stage (100 pts)
In the first stage, you will be graded by playing 100 times against each of
the four existing AI players (random, greedy, aggressive, and alpha-beta) in
the table below. 50 times as Black and 50 times as White. Note that when you
click the “submit” button, your agent will play against only the random,
greedy, and aggressive agents. The agent alpha-beta is reserved for the
grading purpose.
- VS random player: win 95 games out of 100 games 25 pts.
- VS greedy player: win 85 games out of 100 games 15 * 0.85 = 12.75 pts
- VS aggressive player: win 80 games out of 100 games 20 * 0.8 = 16 pts
- VS alpha-beta player: win 67 games out of 100 games 10 * 0.67 = 6.7 pts
So the total points for the 1st stage will be: 25 + 12.75 + 16 + 6.7 = 60.45
The Second Stage (for extra pts)
Students’ agents that get >=80 points
will enter the second stage. In the
second stage, your agent will compete against other agents that have also
entered this stage to win the Google Interview and the honorary prizes.
- Students’ agents will play against each other in the second stage.
- For student A and student B, they will play 11 games. Whoever wins more in the 11 games is the winner of A and B, counted as one WIN for the winning player.
- The extra chance to move first is decided randomly.
- Each student will play with all the other students entering this second stage.
- The student will be ranked according to the WIN counts.
Input and Output Format
The format of input and output of your agent must follow the exact same
format, otherwise, your agent will never win any game. The input and output
format is described as follows. End-of-line character is LF (since Vocareum is
a Unix system and follows the Unix convention).
Input: Your agent should read input.txt from the current (“work”) directory.
The format is as follows:
- Line 1: A value of “1” or “2” indicating which color you play (Black=1, White=2);
- Line 2-6: Description of the previous state of game board, with 5 lines of 5 values. This is the state after your last move. (Black=1, White=2, Unoccupied=0);
Line 7-11: Description of the current state of game board, with 5 lines of 5 values. This is the state after your opponent’s last move. (Black=1, White=2, Unoccupied=0); At the beginning of a game, the default initial values from line 2 - 11 are 0.
For example:
========input.txt========Output: To make a move, your agent should generate output.txt in the current
(“work”) directory.
The format of placing a stone should be two integers, indicating i and j as in
Figure 2, separated by a comma without whitespace.
For example:
2,3If your agent waives the right to move, it should write a “PASS” (all letters
are capital) in output.txt. For example:
About Stages and Your Agent
All students shall submit their one agent named my_player.xxx to Vocareum
before the due date and the submitted agent will be used for grading in the
1st stage. After the grading in the 1st stage is completed, we will inform all
those students whose agent has been advanced into the 2nd stage. At that time,
the students who are in the 2nd stage will have a one-time chance if they want
to update their agent for the competition before the 2nd stage starts.
For both stages, you are free to choose the AI methods you have learned in the
class to build your agent. For example, you may choose to best implement the
alpha-beta pruning for the 1st stage and then submit a Q-Learning agent for
the 2nd stage. Or, you may build the best agent and use it for both stages.
To facilitate the learning process of your Q-Learning agent, you may use the
Game Host to conduct as many training games as you like to train your
Q-Learning agent, and submit the well-trained Q-Learning agent for grading or
for competition.
Notes and Hints
- Please name your program “my_player.xxx” where ‘xxx’ is the extension for the programming language you choose (“py” for python, “cpp” for C++, and “java” for Java). If you are using C++11, then the name of your file should be “my_player11.cpp” and if you are using python3 then the name of your file should be “my_player3.py”. Please use the programming languages mentioned above for this homework.
- In order to better recognize who you are in the later games, please put your USC id and name as a comment at the first line of your my_player.xxx. The format can be “1234567890:Your Name”.
- To allow grading the whole class in a reasonable amount of time, each program is suggested to finish within 60 minutes ( to complete 300 games against AI players when you click the “submit” button on Vocareum). Please note that running out of time may lead to all points lost.
- In order to avoid infinite loop and other unexpected situations, the maximum time for each move is 10 seconds. Please note that running out of time may lead to points lost for the ongoing game. This doesn’t mean you should fully utilize these 10s. Please note the 60-minute-300-game-per-player policy is on the top of it (when you click “submit”).
- The time limits mentioned above are the actual CPU time on Vocareum. Your local machine may be more powerful, thus faster than Vocareum. It’s highly suggested to make your plan of testing on Vocareum at the later stage of this project.
- Try first to fully understand the game rules before developing your own code.
- There may be a lot of Q&A on Piazza. Please always search for relevant questions before posting a new one. Duplicated questions make everyone’s life hard.
- Some source code (e.g. host.py and random_player.py) are provided for your reference. You are NOT allowed to directly copy/use the source code.
- Only submit the source code files (in .java, .py or .cpp) and helper files (if any, in .json or
.txt). All other files should be excluded. - Please submit your homework code through Vocareum ( https://labs.vocareum.com/ ) under the assignment HW2. Useranme is your email address. Click “forgot password” for the first time login. You should have been enrolled in this course on Vocareum. If not, please post a private question with your email address and USC ID on Piazza so that we will invite you again.
- You can submit your homework code (by clicking the “submit” button on Vocareum) as many times as you want. Only the latest submission will be considered for grading. Late penalty will be applied as specified in the syllabus if your latest submission is after the deadline.
- Every time you click the “submit” button, you can view your submission report to see if your code works, while the grading report will be released after the due date of the project.
- You don’t have to keep the page open while the scripts are running.
Discussion and Feedback
If you have questions about the Little-Go game, the Game Host, or the
available AI agents, please feel free to post them on Piazza. However, all
students must complete their first and second stage on their own. To be fair
for all students, no discussion about implementation details on Piazza for
both stages would be allowed. In addition, you should check Piazza frequently
for any new announcements for the progress of the project. During the second
stage, the teaching staff team may adjust certain parameters of the
competition according to the actual situation.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_(game) )
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_of_Go
- https://senseis.xmp.net/?BasicRulesOfGo
- https://senseis.xmp.net/?Ko
Appendix: An Example QLearningPlayer for the Game of TicTacToe
To assist the development of your MinMax/Alpha-Beta or your QlearningPlayer
for the Little-Go game, we are also providing you with an example for the game
of TicTacToe (not the game of Little-Go). In this example, you can see as an
example how a QLearning agent is trained and learn how to play the game of
Tic-tac-toe. This example is to assist your development only, and feel free to
implement your own program in your own way.
The source code of this example can be obtained from
HW2/stage1/resource/startercode on Vocareum.
There are 6 files which are given In this example, and they are:,
- Board.py: tic-tac-toe board, 3 by 3 grid
- RandomPlayer.pyc, SmartPlayer.pyc, PerfectPlayer.pyc (cpython-3.6): think of them as 3 blackboxes. You do not need to know how things work inside of each player, but it may be helpful to know how they behave (see below).
- QLearner.py: Q-Learning Player that has been implemented for your reference.
- TicTacToe.py: where all players will be called to play tic-tac-toe games and where your
QLearner will be trained and tested. This is similar to the Game Host in
Figure 1 (except not using input.txt and output.txt). To play with the
TicTacToe games with these agents, you can run the following command line:$ python3 TicTacToe.py
The most important functions in QLearner.py include the method move() and
learn(). The parameter GAME_NUM is set to be the number of “exercise” games
for training the Q-Learner to learn its Q values for the game. Please see the
file QLearner.py for these details. Please also read TicTacToe.py for more
details about how the methods move(), learn(), and the variable GAME_NUM are
used. For example, you would notice that if you set GAME_NUM=1000 that would
train your Q-Learner to be reasonably good to win some games but not all
games. But increasing the number to be GAME_NUM=100000 would enable your
Q-Learner to learn and become the perfect player for the Tic-Tac-Toe game. You
can change the value of GAME_NUM and observe its effects on Q-learning.
You may write your own QLearner.py, but no other files in this directory need
to be modified. To get familiar with how the games are played, you can change
TicTacToe.py and experiment the process as you like. The three available
“opponent” agents are: - RandomPlayer: moves randomly
- SmartPlayer: somehow better than RandomPlayer, but cannot beat PerfectPlayer
- PerfectPlayer: never lose
You are free to choose values for all Q-Learning parameters, i.e. the reward
values for WIN,DRAW,LOSE, the learning rate alpha, the discount factor gamma,
and other initial conditions. Hint: The rewards will only be assigned for the
last action taken by the agent. Your Qlearner agent will be called inside
TicTacToe.py to first “learn/train” itself from a number (set by the parameter
GAME_NUM) of training games against other agents, and then, the
learned/trained agent will be called to play against other agents for
competition. Again, please see the details inside the file TicTacToe.py.
After you run python3 TicTacToe.py, the game results will be printed out as
Finally, you are encouraged to make experiments and improvements of the
Q-Learner here in terms of speed and performance, and that will help you to
get prepared for building your own Q-Learner agent for the game of Little-Go
in the first or the second stage.
We wish you the best in this exciting and rewarding project!