


Please submit the following java programs in a zipped folder on Canvas:

  • Video Game Inventory:
    • Video Game Class (20 pts) -
    • Video game Collection (30 pts)-
    • Video Game Driver (10 pts)-
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      does not count.

Video Game Inventory

On canvas, you received an Array of Objects example that shows you how to
manage a DVD collection. Modify that code so that it manages a Videogame
collection instead.
You will need to perform the following steps:
Using the DVD class as a template:

  1. Create a class called VideoGame that has the following private members:
    * Game title (String)
    * Game publisher (String)
    * Year the game was released (int)
    * Platform the game is played on (String)
    * Price of the game (double)
    * Completed status (boolean)
  2. Modify the constructor so that it sets up a VideoGame object
  3. Modify the toString so that it displays the contents of the VideoGame object
    * Modify the if statement so that if the status is true, add the string “Finished” to the data.
    Using the DVDCollection class as a template:
  4. Create a class called GameCollection that has the following private members:
    * An array of VideoGame objects
    * Amount of games (int)
    * total cost of games (double)
  5. Modify the constructor so that it creates a VideoGame array of size 100
    * Keep the initial values of count and totalValues from the template
  6. Modify the addDVD method (call it addGame) so that it accepts the 6 corresponding parameters for a video game to set up a VideoGame object
  7. Modify the toString method to Display information for the VideoGame collection
  8. Modify the increaseSize method so that it doubles the size of the VideoGame array if needed
    Using the Movie class is as template:
  9. Create a driver program called GameDriver, that tests your VideoGame Array object
  10. Use the addGame method to add at least three games to the array
  11. Check the contents of the array
  12. Add at least one more game to the array using the addGame method
  13. Check the updated contents of the array
    A sample of the output is shown below:
My Video Game Collection
Number of Games: 3
Total cost: $60.97
Average cost: $20.32
Video Game List:
$15.99  1997  Final Fantasy VII  Square Enix  PlayStation  Finished!
$19.99  2004  Ninja Gaiden  Ubisoft  Xbox
$24.99  2005  Kingdom Hearts II  Square Enix  PlayStation 2  Finished!
My Video Game Collection
Number of Games: 4
Total cost: $82.92
Average cost: $20.73
Video Game List:
$15.99  1997  Final Fantasy VII  Square Enix  PlayStation  Finished!
$19.99  2004  Ninja Gaiden  Ubisoft  Xbox
$24.99  2005  Kingdom Hearts II  Square Enix  PlayStation 2  Finished!
$21.95  2013  Tomb Raider  Square Enix  PlayStation 3


  • Keep in mind that the length of the string of your name can affect the formatting of the output (as it does in the sample), but it’s ok if this happens.

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