
编写 Kernel module , 通过修改进程的运行时Stack,改变进程的运行状态。


The objective of this lab is to enhance XINU’s IPC services and utilize run-
time stack manipulation to “hijack” a process by executing malware.


Read Chapters 6 and 7 of the XINU textbook.

Blocking send() IPC

This problem concerns the implementation of a blocking version of send(),
bsend(), which has the same function definition as send(). The difference is
that if the receiver’s buffer is full, bsend() blocks until the receiver’s
buffer frees up. This is in contrast to send() which returns immediately with
SYSERR indicating that sending has failed. Use your code from lab1 as the code
base. Put bsend() in system/bsend.c.

Kernel modifications: bsend()

For send() to behave in blocking mode means, first, if the receiver’s 1-word
message buffer is empty, it behaves the same way as send(). That is, send()
copies the message to the receiver buffer, sets the receiver’s prhasmsg flag
to 1, and returns OK without blocking. Second, if the receiver’s buffer is
full, bsend() blocks until the receiver’s buffer becomes free. To block upon
attempting to send means that the sender’s state changes from current to
PR_SND (define PR_SND as 11 in include/process.h). The kernel records the
message to be sent in a new 1-word process table field, umsg32 prsndmsg.
Before calling resched() to context-switch out the sender and context-switch
in a different process, the sender is inserted into a FIFO queue of processes
blocking to send to the same receiver. To do so, we need to provide each
process with a private FIFO queue in case it becomes a receiver process to
whom other processes attempting to send messages block. Increase NQENT in
include/queue.h to accommodate per-receiver process blocked sender queues.
Explain in Lab4Answers.pdf why your change of NQENT works. Confer Chapter 4 of
the textbook for a discussion of how XINU implements queues. Define two
additional process table fields
bool8 prsenderflag; /* Set to 1 if one or more processes are blocking to send /
qid16 prblockedsenders; /
Index to FIFO queue of blocked senders */
where prsenderflag is true if one or more processes are blocking to send, 0
otherwise. prblockedsenders is an index to a FIFO queue of blocked sender
processes which must be initialized in create(). Use XINU’s enqueue() and
dequeue() functions for implementing FIFO queues for managing the per-process
blocked sender queues. In XINU, a process can be resident in only one queue
(e.g., sleep queue, ready list) which affords space efficient queue management
using the kernel data structure queuetab[].

Kernel mods: receive()

When a process makes a receive() system call, receive() checks if it has a
message in its 1-word buffer by inspecting the prhasmsg flag. If prhasmsg is
0, the receiver blocks. In the case prhasmsg is true, before the 1- word
message is returned by receive(), the kernel must check if there are any
blocker sender processes. If prsenderflag is 1, one or more sender processes
are waiting in the receiver’s blocked sender FIFO queue. Using dequeue() the
process at the front of the queue is extracted and inserted into the ready
list. The dequeued sender’s message is copied from the sender’s prsndmsg
process table field to the receiver’s prmsg 1-word buffer. Use of the local
variable msg prevents the previous message (which hasn’t been returned yet)
from being overwritten. The receiver’s prhasmsg flag remains 1. Lastly, the
previous message stored in msg is returned by receive(). Note that in our
version of receive(), the scheduler is only called when the receiver blocks
because its 1-word message buffer is empty. Even in the case where an
unblocked sender process has higher priority than the receiver process, the
receiver process will remain current and execute the instruction following the
receive() system call. That is, we do not preempt a process making a receive()
system call if its message buffer is not empty. This comes at the cost of
potentially delaying execution of a high priority process which just became
ready after blocking in a receiver process’s blocked sender queue. The benefit
is reduced overhead as resched() is not called before executing ret from
receive(). In the case the just unblocked sender has lower priority than the
receiver, the resched() call would have been pure overhead.


Test your kernels mods for implementing bsend(). Describe in Lab4Answers.pdf
what test scenarios you have considered to gauge correctness.

Hijacking a process by modifying its run-time stack

Basic idea

An important technique for modifying the run-time behavior of a process is ROP
(return-oriented programming) which we utilized in Problem 3, lab3, to make a
process execute code that it wasn’t programmed to do. By modifying the return
address pushed onto the stack of a newly created process, we induced it to
make a detour to code that took time stamps to commence CPU usage measurement.
In this problem, we will use the same technique to “hijack” a process by
making it execute malware code. We will do so by modifying the run- time stack
of a victim process while it is context-switched out so that when it
eventually becomes current we induce ctxsw() to jump to the attacker’s malware
code. In the first attack, the attacker makes ctxsw() jump to malware function
hellomalware() which prints a hello message and terminates the victim process.
The attacker makes no effort to hide the attack. In the second attack, the
attacker makes ctxsw() jump to its malware function quietmalware(). Instead of
printing a message and terminating the victim process, quietmalware()
surgically modifies the victim process’s data – a local variable in the app
code – then returns to resched() as if nothing had happened. The victim
process will continue to execute, but when printing the value of the local
variable, it will have been corrupted unbeknownst to the victim. Use your code
base from lab1 but set QUANTUM to be 30 msec.

Overt attack

Spawn three app processes from main() back-to-back using create()/resume(),
all running victimA(). This is followed by creation and resumption from main()
of an attacker process which runs attackerA(). Assign all four processes equal
priority, albeit less than that of the parent process running main().
Victim process. The app code victimA() in system/victimA.c is given by
void victimA(void) {
int x;
x = 5;
kprintf(“before funcA: %d %d\n”, getpid(), x);
kprintf(“after funcA: %d %d\n”, getpid(), x);
Creating and resuming the three app processes will result in the expected
output of a process’s PID and integer value 5, twice per process. This is in
the absence of interference by the attacker process. Verify normal operation
when the attacker process does nothing.
Attacker process. The attacker process runs, void attackerA(int y), in
system/attackerA.c which works as follows. The attacker chooses its victim’s
PID as getpid() - y. For example, if y = 1 then the victim is the third app
process created by main(). To stage a successful attack, the attacker is
assumed to be privy to certain knowledge such as the victim process being in
sleep state. The attacker is assumed to have access to the kernel’s process
table which allows it to know the address of the top of the victim’s run-time
stack by looking up prstkptr. With knowledge of how XINU’s context-switch
works, the attacker finds the address at which the return address of ctxsw()
(which returns to its caller resched()) has been pushed. Explain in
Lab4Answers.pdf how you determine this address. The attacker then overwrites
the return address with the address of void hellomalware(void) (in
system/hellomalware.c). When the victim process eventually wakes up and
becomes current, it will continue to execute the “second half” of ctxsw() that
pops the victim’s stack to restore register contents and returns to resched().
However, since the return address has been modified to contain the function
pointer of hellomalware(), the victim process jumps to hellomalware() which
outputs a suitable message (e.g., “successful takeover”) and terminates the
victim process.
Testing. Verify that the attacker code works as intended by running tests
without the attacker as a reference point, followed by attacks with different
values of argument y. For example, for y = 3, the first app process spawned by
the process main() should not return from sleepms() to victimA() and, hence,
not get to output the second kprintf(). The second and third app processes
should run as before.

Stealth attack

Hackers may opt for overt attacks in some cases. In others, a more stealthy
mode may be employed to leave a victim in the dark about having been attacked.
Code a stealth attack, void attackerB(int y), in system/attackerB.c which
works as follows. The victim code remains the same, and the process running
main() spawns three app processes followed by the attacker process as in 4.2.
When the attacker process run attackerB(), its goal is three-fold. First, as
in 4.2, make ctxsw() jump to malware code, in this instance, void
quietmalware(void), in system/quietmalware.c. Second, the code of
quietmalware() finds out the address of the local variable x of victimA() and
modifies its value from 5 to 9. Third, after quietmalware() is finished it
jumps to the instruction of resched() that ctxsw() would have returned to. The
victim process returns from resched() to sleepms() which returns to victimA()
and outputs the second kprintf(). The victim process seems to execute normally
except for the value of the local variable x having changed to 9. A victim
that does not know what the correct value of x should be will be unaware that
it has been corrupted. Explain in Lab4Answers.pdf your method for
accomplishing the second and third goals. For Problem 4.3, add the option
-fno-omit-frame-pointer in Makefile which forces gcc to use ebp as frame
pointer. By default, gcc tries to optimize by freeing up ebp to hold other
values. Test and verify that the attacker code works correctly.

Bonus problem

In Problem 3, the possibility exists that processes are blocked trying to send
to a receiver, but the receiver terminates without reading all messages. That
is, one or more processes are queued in the receiver’s blocked sender queue
when it undergoes termination. One approach is to dequeue such processes,
insert them into XINU’s ready list, and have bsend() return SYSERR. Describe a
solution in Lab4Answers.pdf that follows this approach and is backward
compatible with the solution of Problem 3. No need to implement the solution,
but the description should be sufficiently detailed. That is, all kernel
functions and data structures that are required to be modified should be
listed and the changes needed specified.
Note: The bonus problem provides an opportunity to earn extra credits that
count toward the lab component of the course. It is purely optional.

Turn-in instructions

General instructions:
When implementing code in the labs, please maintain separate versions/copies
of code so that mistakes such as unintentional overwriting or deletion of code
is prevented. This is in addition to the efficiency that such organization
provides. You may use any number of version control systems such as GIT and
RCS. Please make sure that your code is protected from public access. For
example, when using GIT, use git that manages code locally instead of its on-
line counterpart github. If you prefer not to use version control tools, you
may just use manual copy to keep track of different versions required for
development and testing. More vigilance and discipline may be required when
doing so.
The TAs, when evaluating your code, will use their own test code (principally
main()) to drive your XINU code. The code you put inside main() is for your
own testing and will, in general, not be considered during evaluation.
If you are unsure what you need to submit in what format, consult the TA Notes
link. If it doesn’t answer your question, send email to all four GTAs.
Specific instructions:

  1. Format for submitting written lab answers and kprintf() added for testing and debugging purposes in kernel code:
    * Provide your answers to the questions below in Lab4Answers.pdf and place the file in lab4/. You may use any document editing software but your final output must be exported and submitted as a pdf file.
    * For problems where you are asked to print values using kprintf(), use conditional compilation (C preprocessor directives #define combined with #if and #endif) with macro XINUTEST (in include/process.h) to effect print/no print depending on if XINUTEST is defined or not. For your debug statements, do the same with macro XINUDEBUG.
  2. Before submitting your work, make sure to double-check the TA Notes to ensure that additional requirements and instructions have been followed.

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