
设计并实现一个 Online bookstore 应用,网站或桌面应用皆可,需要包含数据库设计。

Problem Statement

Design and implement an application for an online bookstore (Look Inna Book).
This application lets users browse a collection of books that are available in
the bookstore. A user can search the bookstore by book name, author name,
ISBN, genre, etc.. When a book is selected, information on the author(s),
genre, publisher, number of pages, price, etc. can be viewed. A user can
select as many books as she likes to be added to the checkout basket. A user
needs to be registered in the bookstore to be able to checkout. When checking
out, the user inserts billing and shipping information (can be different than
those used in registration), and completes the order. The bookstore has the
feature of tracking an order via an order number. A user can use this order
number to track where the order is currently. Although shipping is carried out
by a third-party shipping service, the online bookstore should have the
tracking information available for when the user inquires about an order using
the order number. Assume all books are shipped from only one warehouse (no
multiple order numbers for multiple books shipped from multiple warehouses).
The bookstore owners can add new books to their collections, or remove books
from their store. They also need to store information on the publishers of
books such as name, address, email address, phone number(s), banking account.
The banking account for publishers is used to transfer a percentage of the
sales of books published by these publishers. This percentage is variable and
changes from one book to another. The owners should have access to reports
that show sales vs. expenditures, sales per genres, sales per author, etc..
The application should also be able to automatically place orders for new
books if the remaining quantity is less than a given threshold (e.g., 10
books). This is done by sending an email to the publisher of the limited books
to order a number of books equal to how many books were sold in the previous
month (you do not have to implement the email sending component).

Project Report

You need to submit one report file that contains the following sections. You
can add other sections, but the following sections (except Bonus Features)
must be in the report:

Conceptual Design

This section should explain the conceptual design of the database. That is,
the ER-diagram of the database for the bookstore and explanation of all the
assumptions made in the diagram regarding cardinalities and participation
types. Make sure that the assumptions do not contradict with the problem
statement in Section 1.

Reduction to Relation Schemas

Reduce your ER-diagram into relation schemas and list these in this section.

Normalization of Relation Schemas

This section should show that your relation schemas are either in a good
normal form (show tests), or if they are not, show how to decompose them into
a good normal form (show decomposition work), then show the testing work to
make sure that they are in a good normal form.

Database Schema Diagram

This section should show the final schema diagram for the database of the
bookstore. This diagram should be similar to the schema diagram of the
university database that we study in this course.


Feel free to use whichever programming language(s) for your application. Your
application can be a web-based application, or a desktop application. In this
section, you should describe the architecture of your application. That is,
what the modules in your application are and how they interact. You are
encouraged to include a diagram of the application’s architecture and explain
(in text) scenarios of using the application and the workflow of your
Your application should have two different user interfaces: The first is for
the users of the application through which the user can browse and buy books.
The second is for the bookstore owners/managers through which they can
add/remove books, display reports, etc. (more details about the application’s
features can be found in Section 1).
Include screenshots of your application’s two interfaces in different
scenarios (e.g., checking out, displaying a report, etc.).

Bonus Features (Optional Section)

You are free to add bonus features to your online bookstore. You will be
rewarded bonus marks for these features. The choice of bonus features is
entirely up to you. An example of a bonus feature is approximate search for
books. For example, when the user searches for “The Lord of The Rings”, the
user would find multiple matches “The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the
Ring”, “The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers”, “The Lord of The Rings: The
Return of the King”, “Lord of Flies”, etc., assuming that these were the
titles of the books in the database. Note that this approximate match is not
limited to matching prefixes only. Another example of a bonus feature would be
to show similar books (e.g., other books by the same author, or other books
with the same genre). The latter feature is a good example of using views.

GitHub Repository

All your source code for your application should be uploaded to a public
GitHub repository. The GitHub repository should also include a directory
titled “SQL” that includes all the SQL DDL statements and SQL queries used in
your application. You can organize the files in this directory in whichever
way you would like. But all the files should have the .sql extension. For
example, the directory “SQL” could have four files “DDL.sql”, “Functions.sql”,
“Triggers.sql”, and “Queries.sql”. The files should be well-documented using
comments in SQL (e.g., purpose of trigger, what a query retrieves from the
database, etc.). This section should include the url to this GitHub

Instructions for Submission

Please follow these instructions in your submission:

  • Submit your project report as one pdf file.
  • Make sure that your GitHub repository is public.
  • No submissions will be accepted after the deadline. It is your responsibility to guarantee there is a version of your report uploaded before the due date. If there is no submission after the due date, you will receive no marks for the project.
  • Some students will be randomly selected to demonstrate their work one day after the due date. It is your responsibility to make sure that your system is working properly.

文章作者: SafePoker
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