代写数据结构作业,使用Graph解决Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon问题。
The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate your general use of data
structures and particular mastery of Graphs and their algorithms. This will be
accomplished by reading and manipulating data about actors1 and the possible
associations by the movies they have acted in.
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a knowledge game based on the “small world” or
“six degrees of separation” concept. It is possible for a large network to be
linked by a limited number of steps through one or more who are well-
connected. As it turns out, Kevin Bacon may be less prolific than others Meryl
Streep or Ben Kingsley, for example so this game may belie the biases of the
In this assignment, your implementation will read data about movie credits.
Once read, your implementation will allow the user to search for pairs of
actors and connect them using one of the shortest possible paths between
Your implementation will read data from a file representing actors, allow the
user to search this data for individual actors and find the possible
connections between pairs of actors through the movies in which they have
Requirement 1
Your implementation must read the file tmdb_5000_credits.csv, which is
available for download through the Kaggle’s TMDB 5000 Movie Dataset2:
or via this link on Google
Drive. According to the Kaggle site, this data is more accurate than what is
available through IMDB. In order to download this file, you will need
credentials for the Kaggle site.
In your implementation, you must expect the user to provide the location of
this file on command line. For example, if your program is called A3.java, the
user is expected to launch your implementation with:
java A3 /tmp/data_files/tmdb_5000_credits.csv
The tmdb_5000_credits.csv file is officially a CSV file; however, two of the
fields (cast, crew) are in JSON format. As such, it may be useful to use a
JSON parser such as the one found in JSON-simple. If your implementation uses
a JSON parser other than JSON-simple, you must indicate so in your submission
comments along with instructions on how to install the package you use.
Requirement 2
Your implementation must find one of the (possibly many) shortest paths
between pairs of actors. The user is expected to provide actors by their
names. If the actors’ names are not found, your implementation must indicate
so. When a valid pair of actors are found, your implementation must find one
of the shortest paths between the pair. If no such path exists, your
implementation must indicate this. Here is an example, with the output of the
implementation in bold:
Actor 1 name: David Guy Brizan
No such actor.
Actor 1 name: Hailee Steinfeld
Actor 2 name: Abigail Breslin
Path between Hailee Steinfeld and Abigail Breslin: Hailee Steinfeld –> Abigail Breslin
Actor 1 name: Asa Butterfield
Actor 2 name: Paul Dano
Path between Asa Butterfield and Paul Dano: Asa Butterfield –> Abigail Breslin –> Paul Dano
By default, the names of actors are case sensitive. For example, a search for
actor “Benicio Del Toro” will yield no results by default although there are
two dozen records of his work in the data file. Ensure that your search works
for actors’ names regardless of the uppercase/lowercase characters provided by
the user.
Submit the source code for your implementation on Canvas. You may also add any
comments in a README file (text, PDF or Word document) to help the grader
understand or execute your implementation.
Your grade for this assignment will be determined as follows:
- 55% = Implementation: your class implementations must run successfully with the source files and data provided. It must produce the expected results, a sample of which appears in the Implementation section above. Any deviation from the expected results results in 0 credit for implementation.
- 20% = Decomposition: in the eyes of the grader, your solution follow the suggestions above or otherwise must represent a reasonable object-oriented and procedural decomposition to this problem.
- 15% = Efficiency: your code must consistently use the most efficient data structures for the task and must consistently use the most efficient algorithms on those data structures.
- 10% = Style: your code must be readable to the point of being self-documenting; in other words, it must have consistent comments describing the purpose of each class and the purpose of each function within a class. Names for variables and functions must be descriptive, and any code which is not straightforward or is in any way difficult to understand must be described with comments.