Your task
In this project, you will extend Pintos’s support for user programs. The
skeleton code for Pintos is already able to load and start user programs, but
the programs cannot read command-line arguments or make system calls.
Task 1: Argument Passing
The “process_execute(char *file_name)” function is used to create new user-
level processes in Pintos. Currently, it does not support command-line
arguments. You must implement argument passing, so that calling
“process_execute(“ls -ahl”)” will provide the 2 arguments, [“ls”, “-ahl”], to
the user program using argc and argv.
All of our Pintos test programs start by printing out their own name (e.g.
argv[0]). Since argument passing has not yet been implemented, all of these
programs will crash when they access argv[0]. Until you implement argument
passing, none of the user programs will work.
Task 2: Process Control Syscalls
Pintos currently only supports one syscall: exit. You will add support for the
following new syscalls: halt, exec, wait, and practice. Each of these syscalls
has a corresponding function inside the user-level library,
lib/user/syscall.c, which prepares the syscall arguments and handles the
transfer to kernel mode. The kernel’s syscall handlers are located in
The halt syscall will shutdown the system. The exec syscall will start a new
program with process_execute(). (There is no fork syscall in Pintos. The
Pintos exec syscall is similar to calling Linux’s fork syscall and then
Linux’s execve syscall in the child process immediately afterward.) The wait
syscall will wait for a specific child process to exit. The practice syscall
just adds 1 to its first argument, and returns the result (to give you
practice writing a syscall handler).
To implement syscalls, you first need a way to safely read and write memory
that’s in user process’s virtual address space. The syscall arguments are
located on the user process’s stack, right above the user process stack
pointer. If the stack pointer is invalid when the user program makes a
syscall, the kernel cannot crash while trying to dereference an invalid or
null pointer. Additionally, some syscall arguments are pointers to buffers
inside the user process’s address space. Those buffer pointer could be invalid
as well.
You will need to gracefully handle cases where a syscall cannot be completed,
because of invalid memory access. These kinds of memory errors include null
pointers, invalid pointers (which point to unmapped memory locations), or
pointers to the kernel’s virtual address space. Beware: It may be the case
that a 4-byte memory region (like an 32-bit integer) consists of 2 bytes of
valid memory and 2 bytes of invalid memory, if the memory lies on a page
boundary. You should handle these cases by terminating the user process. We
recommend testing this part of your code, before implementing any other system
call functionality. See 3.1.7 Accessing User Memory for more information.
Task 3: File Operation Syscalls
In addition to the process control syscalls, you will also need to implement
these file operation syscalls: create, remove, open, filesize, read, write,
seek, tell, and close. Pintos already contains a basic filesystem. Your
implementation of these syscalls will simply call the appropriate functions in
the file system library. You will not need to implement any of these file
operations yourself.
The Pintos filesystem is not thread-safe. You must make sure that your file
operation syscalls do not call multiple filesystem functions concurrently. In
Project 3, you will add more sophisticated synchronization to the Pintos
filesystem, but for this project, you are permitted to use a global lock on
filesystem operations, to ensure thread safety. We recommend that you avoid
modifying the filesys/ directory in this project.
While a user process is running, you must ensure that nobody can modify its
executable on disk. The “rox” tests ensure that you deny writes to current-
running program files. The functions file_deny_write() and file_allow_write()
can assist with this feature.
Note: Your final code for Project 2 will be used as a starting point for
Project 3. The tests for Project 3 depend on some of the same syscalls that
you are implementing for this project. You should keep this in mind while
designing your implementation for this project.
Design Document Guidelines
For each of the first 3 tasks of this project, you must explain the following
4 aspects of your proposed design. We suggest you create a section for each of
the 3 project parts. Then, create subsections for each of these 4 aspects.
- Data structures and functions - Write down any struct definitions, global (or static) variables, typedefs, or enumerations that you will be adding or modifying (if it already exists). These definitions should be written with the C programming language, not with pseudocode. Include a brief explanation the purpose of each modification. Your explanations should be as concise as possible. Leave the full explanation to the following sections.
- Algorithms - This is where you tell us how your code will work. Your description should be at a level below the high level description of requirements given in the assignment. We have read the project spec too, so it is unnecessary to repeat or rephrase what is stated here. On the other hand, your description should be at a level above the code itself. Don’t give a line-by-line run-down of what code you plan to write. Instead, you should try to convince us that your design satisfies all the requirements, including any uncommon edge cases. This section should be similar in style and format to the design document you submitted for Project 1. We expect you to read through the Pintos source code when preparing your design document, and your design document should refer to the Pintos source when necessary to clarify your implementation.
- Synchronization - This section should list all resources that are shared across threads. For each case, enumerate how the resources are accessed (e.g., from inside of the scheduler, in an interrupt context, etc), and describe the strategy you plan to use to ensure that these resources are shared and modified safely. For each resource, demonstrate that your design ensures correct behavior and avoids deadlock. In general, the best synchronization strategies are simple and easily verifiable.
If your synchronization strategy is difficult to explain, this is a good
indication that you should simplify your strategy. Please discuss the
time/memory costs of your synchronization approach, and whether your strategy
will significantly limit the parallelism of the kernel. When discussing the
parallelism allowed by your approach, explain how frequently threads will
contend on the shared resources, and any limits on the number of threads that
can enter independent critical sections at a single time. - Rationale - Tell us why your design is better than the alternatives that you considered, or point out any shortcomings it may have. You should think about whether your design is easy to conceptualize, how much coding it will require, the time/space complexity of your algorithms, and how easy/difficult it would be to extend your design to accommodate additional features.