My term project will be a game called Sniper. Unlike the 3D shooting game,
this game is a 2D game and the user can’t move the location of the sniper.
Instead, the main focus of this game is finding the target according to the
description and seeking the best opportunity to one shoot the target. It’s the
combination of shooting game and puzzle game.
Game Description
This game will have several levels, which have increasing difficulties. In the
beginning of every level, the game will give a detailed description of the
target and the mission introduction, such as special time limit or shot limit.
And then, the user will move the limited sight from the telescope to find the
target and hit the head of the target. According to the mission, user will be
given success or failure. What’s more, user also can change his/her weapon.
Each weapon has its own pros and cons.
Proposal/ Technological Demonstration
I will use Tkinter for the interface part: drawing the background and the
moving target. Tkinter is useful for drawing basic shapes and moving objects.
Since I
The user can not only use keyboard or mouse to manipulate the sniper rifle,
but also use gestures to move the telescope and shoot. This part I will use
Kinect to capture the gestures of the user and transform it into computer
readable commands.
Competitive Analysis
Good features
- Lifelike animation of death: After the target got shot, he/she will have lifelike reaction, gradually fall down and bleed.
- Different limit: In order to increase game difficulty, there will be diverse limits: time limit, shoot limit or even precision limit.
- Weapon shop: After winning the game, the user will earn points, which could be used to upgrade or buy better weapons.
Bad features
- Multiple manipulation: The user need to both manipulate the movement of the sniper, but also manipulate the vision from the telescope. I dislike this feature because I don’t want this game to be like normal shooting game. I want to decrease the level of difficulty on operating the game, but add more difficulty on solving the puzzle: finding the target and the best opportunity.
- Too lengthy: Most other shooting games require too much time to finish one mission.