


This challenge consists of two phases. In the first phase you will construct a
simple network server. The next phase will consists of convincing multiple
such servers to work together. Read the document completely before starting
any coding; everything in the document is part of the specification and it is
your responsibility to ensure that you have implemented the whole server as
The challenge is set up so that it gives you the opportunity to showcase your
skills at system programming in a POSIX environment. Indeed, you must
implement the server as a UNIX service (“daemon”) and you further must use the
POSIX API provided by the UNIX standard C library. Therefore your server must
be written in C or C++.
Throughout the handout we will refer to the following configuration
parameters. How these parameters are obtained will be described in Section

  • bp is the port number for client-server communication (positive integer), see Section 1;
  • sp is the port number for inter-server communication (positive integer), see Section 2;
  • bbfile is the name of the bulletin board file that will be manipulated throughout this project (string), see Section 1;
  • Tmax is the number of preallocated threads (positive integer), see Section 1.4;
  • peers the list of peers participating in synchronization (possibly empty list of pairs host name-port number), see Section 2;
  • d is a Boolean flag controlling the startup of the server, see Section 1.5;
  • D is a Boolean flag controlling debugging facilities, see Sections 1.3 (last paragraph) and 3.2.

Phase 1: A Bulletin Board Server

Your first task is to construct a simple bulletin board server. The server
accepts one-line messages from multiple clients, stores them in a local file,
and serves them back on request. The name of the file is given by the
parameter bbfile. Messages are identified upon storage by an unique number
established by the server, and by the “sender” of the message (as provided by
the USER command explained below).
The clients connect to our server on port bp. We also assume a production
environment so that we implement concurrency control.

Application Protocol

For reasons of interoperability a network application communicates using a
strict protocol (called the application protocol). The particular application
protocol used by your server is outlined in this section. Fixed-width font
represents text which is fixed for the given command or response, while
parameters that may vary are shown in italics.
Every command and response consists of a single line of text. The server
should handle any combination of the characters ‘\n’ and ‘\r’ as line
terminator and should send back responses terminated by a single ‘\n’. You
should be able to test your server using telnet as a client or indeed any
other client capable of sending and receiving plain text.
At the beginning of the interaction the server send the following text to the
client that just connected:
0.0 greeting
where greeting is some (possibly empty) message intended for human
consumption. There is no particular format for the greeting text, but it is
strongly suggested for this text to summarize the commands available to
USER name
This command establishes the user name of all the subsequent messages being
posted by the respective client. The argument name is a string not containing
the character /. Future messages posted by the respective client will be
identified as posted by name. Normally, a client will send this command at the
beginning of the session, but the server should handle the case in which this
command is sent more than once during the interaction with a particular
client, as well as the case when a client does not send a USER command at all
(case in which the poster will be nobody).
The server response is the line
1.0 HELLO name text
where text is some (possibly empty) message intended for human consumption.
Whenever the user name contains unacceptable characters (including but not
necessarily limited to
‘/‘) or is otherwise incorrect the response of the server is:
1.2 ERROR USER text
where text is once more intended for human consumption and explains the issue
encountered in processing the request.
READ message-number
This command asks for the message number message-number. In the event that
this message exists on the bulletin-board, the server will send in response
one line of the form
2.0 MESSAGE message-number poster/message
where message represents the requested message, prefixed by its poster (as
identified by the USER command in effect at the time of posting).
If message message-number does not exist, then the server sends the line:
2.1 UNKNOWN message-number text
where text is a message for human consumption. If the server encounters an
internal error while serving the request (e.g., the unavailability of the
bulletin board file), then the following response is sent back to the client:
2.2 ERROR READ text
Again, text is an explanatory message with no particular structure.
WRITE message
This command sends message to the server for storage. The server will store
the message into the bulletin board file as a line of the form:
where message-number is a unique number assigned by the server, and poster is
the poster of the message as specified by a previous USER command issued by
the respective client (nobody if no USER command has been issued by that
client). Upon successful storage, the server returns the following message to
the client:
3.0 WROTE message-number
When an error occurs during the storage process, the server responds with this
message instead:
3.2 ERROR WRITE text
The receipt of such a response must guarantee that no message has been written
to the bulletin board.
REPLACE message-number/message
This command asks the server to erase message number message-number and
replace it with message (which will be assigned the same message number as the
original). The poster is also changed to the current poster as identified by a
previous USER command (nobody if no such command has been issued).
The server response is identical to the response to a WRITE request, plus
3.1 UNKNOWN message-number
when message number message-number does not exist in the bulletin board file
(case in which no message is added to the file).
QUIT text
Signals the end of interaction. Upon receipt of this message the server sends
back the line
4.0 BYE some-text
and closes the socket. The same response (including the socket close) is given
by the server to a client that just shuts down its connection. The server
always closes the socket in a civilized manner (by shutting down the socket
before closing it).

Performance and Other Implementation Requirements

Your server must be robust, in the sense that no message shall be lost when
the server is terminated, except possibly a message that is currently being
written to disk. The bulletin board file should be considered too large to be
kept completely in memory.
Your server must also be efficient, in the sense that it must not rewrite the
whole bulletin board file upon the receipt of each and every message. It
should use the file system as little as possible (within the robustness
requirements above).
Now it is also the time to think about and implement a mechanism for rolling
back the most recent transaction (write or replace). This is going to be used
in the second part of the assignment.
You must build a concurrent server, which is able to serve many clients
simultaneously. You must provide an implementation based on POSIX threads,
using concurrency management and thread preallocation (as explained in Section

The Bulletin Board File

The bulletin board file specified in the configuration file or on the command
line must be created if nonexistent and must be re-used as is otherwise
(rather than being overwritten). Message numbers are assigned by the server in
sequence, according to the order in which the WRITE requests have been
received. No two messages can have the same number in any bulletin board file.
In particular, if the server is started on an existing file it should inspect
the file on startup and make sure that any new message written to the file has
an associated number that does not conflict with existing message numbers.
The access control to the bulletin board file follows the readers/writers
paradigm, a common scheme in operating systems. Simultaneous reads of the
bulletin board file by different threads of execution must be allowed.
However, no other operation (read or write) is allowed when a thread writes to
the bulletin board file. Of course, if a write request is issued while several
read operations are in progress, the write will have to wait until the current
reads complete. Note that this mechanism is slightly more complicated than the
normal file locking. You may want to use a structure (that records the number
of current read and write operations) protected by a critical region and also
a condition variable to enforce this restriction. Inefficient implementations
of this access control mechanism will be penalized. Do not use file locking
for implementing the access control since this method will not work as
Testing the fine access Obviously, testing the correct implementation of
access control is primarily your responsibility. No matter how you choose to
perform your tests however, the following method of testing must be available
in your submission: Whenever the parameter D is true: ( a) suitable messages
marking the beginning and the end of a read or write operation should be
provided to the standard output, and (b) each read and write operation should
be artificially lengthened by different amounts of time (recommended values: 3
seconds for read operations and 6 seconds for write operations) using suitable
sleep() statements inside the respective critical regions. I will let you
figure out by yourself how is this helpful in debugging access control.

Concurrency Management

The server must use preallocated threads. The number of threads to be
preallocated is is also a limit on concurrency. Tmax, so that Tmax

Startup and Reconfiguration

Whenever the configuration file and the command line (see Section 3.1) results
in a value of true for d the server performs the following startup sequence:

  1. Binds to the port numbers as specified and performs any necessary initialization of the data structures.
  2. Sets an appropriate umask.
  3. Installs appropriate signal handlers for all the signals.
  4. Leaves the current process group.
  5. Closes all file descriptors and re-opens them as appropriate. In particular console output is redirected to the file bbserv.log located in the current working directory.
  6. Detaches from the controlling tty.
  7. Puts itself into background.
  8. Check and writes into the PID file located in the current working directory.
    Whenever d is false the following steps above are not performed: 4, 5, 6, and
  9. The server reacts to the SIGQUIT and SIGUP signals as follows: It closes all
    the master sockets, terminates all the preallocated threads immediately after
    the current command (if any) is completed, and then closes all the connections
    to all the clients. If the signal received is SIGQUIT then the server
    terminates. If on the other hand SIGHUP is being handled, then the server re-
    reads the configuration file, applies the changes (if any) and restart the
    normal operation. However, any change of d is disregarded. Also note that as
    opposed to the normal startup (see Section 3.1) this time the (new) parameters
    re-read from the configuration file take precedence over the command line,
    including the list of peers (which is set exclusively according to the new
    configuration file).

Phase 2: Data Replication

We are now ready to implement a replicated database management system. Since
we have it already we will use the bulletin board file as our database. This
file is now kept replicated (and synchronized) on multiple servers.
Each server receive a list of the other servers that are participating in the
synchronization. This is the list peers as specified in the configuration file
and/or on the command line (see Setion 3.1). Each element in the list consists
of a host name and a port number.
In addition, each server listens on port sp for incoming requests for


The fact that this is a replicated database is transparent to the clients. All
the peers are equally capable of serving clients as described in the previous
section. The only perceptible difference is a possible delay in the response
of a request to write or replace a message. Any USER, READ, or QUIT request is
served locally as before. The synchronization between servers is initiated by
the receipt of a WRITE or REPLACE command, and is accomplished using the two-
phase commit protocol. This protocol is widely used in applications where data
consistency is critical. Specifically, the protocol ensures as much as
possible that data stored at each replica server are identical, even if this
causes some data to be lost.
When using the two-phase commit algorithm, the server that received the WRITE
or REPLACE command becomes the master (or coordinator), and the others become
salves (or participants). In passing, note that the master becomes a client to
all of the slaves. As the name of the algorithm implies, it consists of two

Precommit phase

The master broadcasts to all the peers (in the list peers) a “precommit”
message. The servers which are available for synchronization acknowledge
positively the message; the servers which are not ready (because of, e.g., a
system failure) will send back a negative acknowledgment.
The master blocks (within some timeout) until it receives all the
acknowledgments. A negative acknowledgment is assumed if no acknowledgment
comes until the master times out.
If there exists a negative acknowledgment, the master sends an “abort” message
to the slaves and aborts the writing altogether (sending a 3.2 ERROR message
to the respective client). The slaves will abandon the whole process if they
receive a negative acknowledgment.
If on the other hand all the acknowledgments are positive, the second phase of
the protocol is initiated.

Commit phase

In the second phase, the master sends a “commit” message to all the slaves,
followed by the data necessary for the current operation to proceed (namely
the operation to be performed and its arguments, which you can send in the
commit message itself or in a separate message).
Each slave then performs the corresponding operation. Each slave sends a
positive acknowledgment back to the master if the (local) operation completed
successfully, or a negative acknowledgment otherwise. The master performs the
requested operation if and only if it has received positive acknowledgments
from all the slaves. Upon the success of the local operation a “success”
message is sent to all the slaves.
If there has been a negative acknowledgment from at least one slave, or if the
master has been unsuccessful, then the master broadcasts a “not successful”
message. Upon receipt of such a message, a slave “undoes” the writing process,
in the sense that the effect of the writing is canceled.
If the process is successful then a suitable 3.0 WROTE message is sent to the
client, otherwise a 3.2 ERROR message is sent instead.
To summarize, the two-phase commit protocol can be represented by two finite
automata (one for the master and another for the slave), which are shown in
Figure 1 (the conditions that enable the corresponding transitions are written
in italics and in blue, while the actions associated to the transitions are
written in plain text).

Application Protocol

You are responsible for designing the application protocol for the two-phase
commit algorithm. Give some thought to this design, preferably before starting
coding so that your protocol is robust and unambiguous. The protocol must be
fully described in a file named protocol2pc.txt included in your submission.
In addition, whenever D is true your server must print to the standard output
all the messages exchanged with its peers (sent and also received). Please
identify in such a printout what are the messages that have been sent and what
are the messages that have been received.

Implementation and Testing

Most of the implementation requirements have already been outlined earlier.
The only major thing left to specify is how are the configuration parameters
obtained. We also include a short discussion on debugging considerations.


Upon startup, our server reads a configuration file. This file contains pairs
consisting of a variable name and a value for that variable, separated by an =
character (with no blanks). The configuration file includes (in no particular
order) the following definitions:
where Tmax, bp, and sp are strings representing positive numbers, bbfile is a
file name, D and d are Boolean values and can be specified using either the
numbers 0 and 1 or the strings false and true. The list of peers peers
consists of strings separated by blanks. Each such a string has the form
host:port, where host is a host name (DNS name or IP in dotted decimal
notation2 ) and port is a positive number. You can assume that the list of
peers does not include the current server. You do not need to validate the
peers on startup. Instead you only need to try to connect to the peers when a
synchronization is needed; any malformed peer will be handled by the
synchronization protocol in the precommit phase.
Most of the lines in the configuration file are optional; each missing line
causes the respective variable to take a default value, as follows: 20 for
Tmax, 9000 for bp, 10000 for sp, an empty list for peers, true for d, and
false for D. The only mandatory data is bbfile; if the server cannot obtain
the file name from either the configuration file or the command line (see
below) then it must refuse to start (with a suitable error message printed to
the standard output). The server never modifies the configuration file, even
if it is missing or incomplete.
The default configuration file is called bbserv.conf and resides in the
current directory. The name can be overridden by the command line option -c
whose argument specifies (using an absolute or relative path) the
configuration file to be used for the respective session.
All the options provided in the configuration file can be overridden using
command line switches as follows:

  • -b overrides (or sets) the file name bbfile according to its argument
  • -T overrides Tmax according to its argument
  • -p overrides the port number bp according to its argument
  • -s overrides the port number sp according to its argument
  • -f (with no argument) forces d to false or 0
  • -d (with no argument) forces D to true or 1
    Any non-switch argument is further interpreted as a peer specification (and so
    must have the form host:port as explained above).
    If some option is specified in both the configuration file and by a switch on
    the command line then the command line version takes precedence. The non-
    switch arguments on the other hand are additions to the peers specified in the
    configuration file (meaning that they will be added to the list peers).
    Command line switches must be ideally specified in any order and any
    combination (ideally they will be parsed using getopt()). However, at a
    minimum the following order must be supported: -b, -f, -d, -t, -T, -p, -s, -c,
    followed by the non-switch arguments. Note that all the switches are optional
    (meaning that any of them may be missing).


Most (if not all) real-life servers contain debugging facilities, which serve
two purposes. For one thing, concurrent applications are notoriously difficult
to debug, so debugging facilities must be provided to facilitate this process.
Secondly, if a server misbehaves in the wild the respective system
administrator will typically enable these debugging facilities to identify and
correct the problem if possible, or else provide meaningful data to the
developer if the problem cannot be resolved locally.
In our case the debugging facilities are controlled by the parameter D. The
only such facilities that are mandatory are the ones related to debugging the
concurrent access to the bulletin board file and exposing the peer-to-peer
communication (see Sections 1.3 and 2.2). Increasing the overall quantity of
the messages produced to the standard output in the presence of this flag is
highly recommended. I do not have actual suggestions what events to identify
this way, but I am sure that throughout the development you will find the need
to print out information in order to debug your server; these messages should
be suppressed during normal operation, but I suggest that you re-enable them
in the presence of the flag D.

Reference and Staging Computing Environments

Your server is expected to interact with the standard telnet client as well as
any other client that sends and receives text. You should therefore be able to
handle clients that terminate lines of text with the usual ‘\n’ but also with
the sequence “\r\n” (which is the case of telnet). Note that in fact according
to the protocol specification (see Section 1.1) you should be able to handle
any combination of ‘\n’ and ‘\r’ as line terminator.
The reference computing environment for this challenge is a Linux machine
which provides recent version of GCC (currently 11.2.0, subject to change) and
GNU make (currently 4.3).
This being said, a well written solution should build and run on any
reasonably current POSIX system with a standard C/C++ compiler (including but
not necessarily limited to GCC and LLVM) and a nonancient version of make (GNU
or otherwise). You can easily set up such an environment using any current
Linux distribution (make sure that you install the development packages) or
Mac OS (with Xcode as well as the Xcode command line tools installed). Such an
environment can also be created in Windows, but I am not able to provide
advice on this matter since it exceeds my expertise.(just in case).
The machines are to be regarded as disposable, meaning that they can be reset
to their initial form at any time and without warning. While in principle they
will not be reset until the end of the term, this cannot be guaranteed, so
make sure that all your data is backed up elsewhere.
This all being said, note that the testing of your server does not need a
multi-machine environment. You can also run multiple replica servers on the
same machine but out of different directories and bound to different port
numbers. It is however a good idea to test your implementation on multiple
machines at least once in order to eliminate any possible bugs that do not
manifest themselves on a single-machine run.
Be aware that you will be working in a multi-user environment and so it is
reasonable to assume that each machine will run multiple instances of the
server. It is therefore a wise idea to choose unique port numbers. I recommend
that you use 8000 + your user ID as port number for service to clients, and
9000 + your user ID as port number for synchronization. The following two
shell commands will print out these numbers when run on or
any of the staging machines:
echo $((8000+$(id -u)))
echo $((9000+$(id -u)))
Even better, you can provide appropriate port numbers directly on the command
line of your server along the following line:
./bbserv -p $((8000+$(id -u))) -s $((9000+$(id -u))) -b bbfile
Note that if you use the staging machines then you should restrict yourself to
port numbers between 9000 and 11000 since other port numbers are blocked at
the firewall level.


Submit the source code for your server plus appropriate documentation. Note
that a description of the application protocol for synchronization is a
compulsory part of the documentation.


Your submission must contain the following:

  1. Your working code.
  2. A suitable makefile. Building your code must produce an executable named bbserv in the root directory of your submission. The build process must complete successfully when using GNU make and GCC by simply typing make at the shell prompt in the root directory of your submission. I recommend that you build a simple makefile by hand, but generated makefiles are also fine (as log as they work in the reference environment).
    Also provide the target clean that removes all the object, executable, log,
    and any other unnecessary files, thus restoring the submission to its pristine
    condition, ready to be built and run.
  3. Documentation is an integral part of your submission and should include:
    * A brief “user guide” documenting any deviations from, or additions to the specified human interface or protocols (as the case may be). Do not repeat the specification, just document deviations and/or additions. Also provide descriptions (or references thereof) to all the algorithms used by your code which were not given in the handout. Proper credit should be given to any code that you did not write and/or that existed before you started coding for this challenge. Describe here any non-obvious implementation solution you came up with. If you did some smart coding by all means document your smartness (otherwise I might miss it).
    * Suitable comments in the code, outlining the functionality of all the pieces of code and referencing the section on algorithms and functionality (above).
    * The file protocol2pc.txt (see Section 2.2).
    The documentation (except the content of protocol2pc.txt) can be included in
    the README file (see below) if its size does not justify a separate document.
    All the documentation should be provided in plain text; no other format is
  4. A README file. This file must be called README (all capitals and with no extension) and must be plain text. The first line must contain the name of all the collaborators separated by commas. The second line must contain a list of email addresses again separated by commas. Exactly all the email addresses on this line will be used for sending feedback on your submission; you can specify as many email addresses as you wish.
    The remainder of the file is free form and contain any information you may
    wish to convey. In particular I recommend to include here the documentation
    (see above) instead of having it in a different file.


The marking process will assume a production server. Such a server should not
deviate from the application protocol and generally should behave as
specified. Most tests are automated and so silly mistakes may result in
substantial loss of marks (so do not make them).
Marking is based on semi-automated tests carried on a fresh build of your
code. Your code will receive only a cursory inspection to ensure that you have
observed the implementation limitations (if applicable), and to establish code
ownership. Bad programming practice and dirty code will not impact your grade
unless they impact the execution of the program, or are conspicuous enough to
be easily noticed in said cursory code inspection.
I will build and run your program on a couple of batches of standardized
testing scenarios. The first batch will run your server with an empty list
peers (thus testing Phase 1) and the second batch will run multiple instances
of the server (thus testing Phase 2). I will be using my own configuration
file copied over to your directory. All of this is mostly automated. It is
therefore crucial to follow the build process and command line to the letter.
Note in particular that the ideal handling of the command line switches is to
accept them in any order, but at the minimum they should be accepted in the
order in which they are specified in Section 3.1.
As a consequence of this marking scheme your program must build exactly as
specified and must accept input exactly as specified. Any deviation from the
build specification or run time input requirements (command line arguments,
files, etc) will result in the submission not being marked at all and so
receiving zero marks. I will not debug or fix during marking build errors or
run time errors caused by not observing the given specification; trivial
mistakes can be very costly so don’t make them. If in doubt ask for assistance
before submitting your work.
Penalties will be applied on all deviations from the specified behaviour,
including but not necessarily limited to incorrect implementation of the
application protocols, incorrect concurrent behaviour, busywaiting loops, and
deadlocks. Note in particular that in network applications any communication
should have an associated timeout (to eliminate the possibility of deadlocks
caused by unreliable communication).
In addition to all of the above be aware that identical or nearly identical
submissions by two (or more) teams will receive (all of them) an automatic
grade of 0. Further action according to the departmental and university
guidelines for academic dishonesty may be pursued.

Marking scheme

The various aspects of your submission will have the following weight in the
final grade:

  • Basic client-server communication: 30%
  • Concurrent access to the bulletin board file: 20%
  • Peer-to-peer synchronization: 30%
  • Timeouts, busy loops (or rather lack thereof), deadlock avoidance, etc.: 10%
  • Signal handling: 10%


It is your responsibility to become familiar with POSIX and network
programming. The resources suggested below will probably accomplish this, but
I am sure that many more resources exist out there.
The UNIX implementation of the TCP/IP network stack is Berkley sockets. This
course also offered a presentation of programming techniques for concurrent
and distributed applications. Sections of particular interest include the
lecture notes (overhead slides and also recorded video lectures) and the code
samples. The latter section contains in particular an archive with various TCP
utilities which you are welcome to use (and will most likely make your life
On top of this, a very useful resource is the manual pages. On any UNIX
machine with the developer tools installed you can type
man function
for a detailed description of function (which could be a system or library
function but also some other programming construct). Sometimes a command like
the above can produce the wrong manual page. For example
man getopt
will produce the manual page of the UNIX command getopt rather than the
library function with the same name. This happens because manual pages are
split into numbered sections and by default the first hit is returned. Given
that getopt is a shell command it has a manual page in Section 1, while the
manual pages for library function (which is presumably what you are looking
for) are described in Section 3. To obtain the correct manual page in such a
case you must specify the section number (3 in our example) explicitly as the
first argument. Therefore the command that will give you the manual page of
the function getopt is
man 3 getopt
Note that shell commands are described in Section 1, system functions (OS API)
are described in Section 2, and standard C library functions in Section 3. It
is sometime difficult to realize right off the bat which function is a system
function and which is a library function; in such a case the only recourse
would be to try both sections. Occasionally you may need to go to Section 7
which is the rest of the Linux programmer’s manual. As an example signals are
described in the manual page signal residing in Section 7.
An excellent introduction into network and system programming in UNIX is
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol. III: Client-Server Programming and
Applications, Linux/Posix Sockets Version (by Douglas E. Comer and David L.
Stevens, Prentice Hall, 2001). This is actual the basis of the lectures
mentioned at the beginning of this section.

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