


In this exercise, we will be working with inheritance, and thinking about how
we can set up our inheritance hierarchy to make our lives easier. There is an
easy way and a difficult way to complete this exercise. If you plan
appropriately, you’ll find you won’t have to write very much code at all.


Consider the following 4 shapes:


A four sided figure with parallel pairs of sides. A Parallelogram is defined
by the lengths of its two pairs of sides (labelled base and side in the
picture below) and the interior angle (in degrees) between adjacent sides
(labelled theta in the picture below).


A parallelogram with four right angles. A Rectangle is defined by the lengths
of its two pairs of sides (labelled base and side in the picture below).


A parallelogram with four equal sides. A Rhombus is defined by the length of
its sides (labelled base in the picture below) and the interior angle (in
degrees) between adjacent sides (labelled theta in the picture below).


A parallelogram with four equal sides and four right angles; both a Rectangle
and a Rhombus. A Square is defined by the length of its sides (labelled base
in the picture below).
Your first task is to figure out the IS-A hierarchy of these shapes. Draw it
out in a piece of paper. Are there any instances of multiple parents?

Your Task

You must write four classes: Parallelogram, Rectangle, Rhombus and Square,
ensuring that the class hierarchy follows your diagram from the previous step.
You may create additional classes if you wish (are there any good reasons why
you might want to do this?). The parameters of init methods should always be
input in the following order: (base, side, theta) (theta being given in
degrees), though of course, not every class’ init will take all three. So for
example, a Rectangle will only take (base, side).
Objects of these classes must have the following methods:

  • area() - returns the area of the shape
    • Note: The area of a parallelogram is computed by base side sin(theta)
    • Warning: function math.sin in Python expects its argument to be an angle given in radians - take a look at the function math.radians to convert between degrees and radians.
  • bst() - returns a list of three floats: [base, side, theta]. Even if a shape doesn’t need one of the parameters for its input, it should still be able to return it. (e.g., a 10 x 10 square would return: [10.0, 10.0, 90.0]).
  • When printed, each shape should return a string with text in the following format “I am a shape with area area”. Four example, a 10 x 10 square would return the string: “I am a Square with area 100”.

Be Lazy

One way to solve this would be to write four completely independent classes,
and have each class completely implement all of their own functions. This
would be a bad idea (why?). If you use inheritance correctly, you should find
the exercise much simpler. Remember, you should never calculate something when
you can just get another method to do the work for you. Hint: It’s possible to
set more than one parent for your class. Are there any shapes here for which
that would be a sensible thing to do?

What to Submit

All of your code should be submitted to MarkUs in a file called that
doesn’t import anything other than math, and does not ask for input or print
anything when imported.

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