This assessment is consist of 5 tasks. You need to prepare the following for
each question
- Programming object list
- Algorithm
- C++ Coding
Scenario 1: Mathematics operation
Write a C++ program that will display the calculator menu. The program will
prompt the user to choose the operation choice (from 1 to 5). Then it asks the
user to input two integer vales for the calculation.
1. Add
2. Subtract
3. Multiply
4. Divide
5. Modulus Enter your choice: 1
Enter your two numbers: 12 15 Result: 27
Continue? y
Scenario 2: Sorting Number
Write a C++ program (using function overloaded) to sort 10 integer values, or
10 long values, or 10 double values. Number lists provide below:
valListInt = 23, 2, 34, 23, 43, 22, 32, 32, 43, 34
valListLong = 7000, 15, 34, 2373645, 43, 22, 9392929294, 46, 32, 111143 valListDbl = 23.3847239, 2.3974, 34.183734, 23.0, 43.36381, 22.3, 32.0, 32.1919, 43.938363, 34.38364
Scenario 3: Order number
Create the C++ Function named multiples so that it has two parameters x, and
n. The first parameter x will be overloaded with int, double and float. n will
always be int. The return type is void. A Function created from multiples will
sum = 1 + x + 2x + 3x + … + nx e.g n = 4
sum = 1 + x + 2x + 3x + 4x
and display the result on screen.
Scenario 4: Temperature record
Write a program that takes a maximum and minimum temperature of the city from
Monday to Sunday, and three functions that calculate on average temperature,
maximum temperature and minimum temperature of that week.
Please enter this week temperature,
Monday: 19.0 14.0
Tuesday: 24.5 12.5
Wednesday: 22.0 9.5
Thursday: 17.0 9.0
Friday: 17.0 10.0
Saturday: 23.0 12.0
Sunday: 22.0 15.5
This week,
minimum temperature is: 9.0
maximum temperature is: 24.5
average temperature is: 16.21
Scenario 5: String and Character Function
Write a program that reads in a string provided the user. Return the following
statistics about the string:
- Length
- Number of vowels
- Number of lower case characters
- Number of upper case characters
- Number of numerals
- Number of other symbols