

纯粹是一个工程作业,但是由于是高年级的,extra都要写。程序工作量大,要求各种代码洁癖,一半的分都是Code quality,不过整体来说,作业难度不高。

Problem Overview

In this assignment, you will continue to implement the component classes of a
program for simulating the behaviour of a train management system.

Task Overview

In brief, you will write a method for reading in the sections of a track from
a file, and you will write a method for allocating routes to trains (so that
they don’t collide). If you are a CSSE7023 student you will also be required
to write a JUnit4 test suite for testing the track-reading method.
More specifically, you must code method read from the TrackReader class and
method allocate from the Allocator class that are available in the zip file
that accompanies this handout, according to their specifications in those
If you are a CSSE7023 student, you will also need to complete a systematic and
understandable JUnit4 test suite for the read method in the skeleton of the
TrackReaderTest class from the railway.test package. You may write your unit
tests assuming that the classes that TrackReader depends on (e.g. the
Junction, Section, Track classes and any of the Java 8 SE API classes) are
implemented and functioning correctly. That is, you don’t need to create test
stubs for these classes.
As in Assignment 1, you must complete these methods and classes as if other
programmers were, at the same time, implementing classes that use it. Hence:

  • Don’t change the class names, specifications, or alter the method names, parameter types, return types, exceptions thrown or the packages to which the files belong.
  • You are encouraged to use Java 8 SE API classes, but no third party libraries should be used. (It is not necessary, and makes marking hard.)
  • Don’t write any code that is operating-system specific (e.g. by hard-coding in newline characters etc.), since we will batch test your code on a Unix machine.
  • Any new methods or fields that you add to TrackReader or Allocator must be private (i.e. don’t change the specification of these classes.)
  • Your source file should be written using ASCII characters only.
    Implement the classes as if other programmers are going to be using and
    maintaining them. Hence:
  • Your code should follow accepted Java naming conventions, be consistently indented, readable, and use embedded whitespace consistently. Line length should not be over 80 characters. (Hint: if you are using Eclipse you might want to consider getting it to automatically format your code.)
  • Any additional methods that you write, and fields that you introduce should be private to hide implementation details and protect invariants.
  • Private methods that you write must be commented using preconditions and postconditions (require and ensures clauses). Informal description is OK.
  • Fields and local variables (except for-loop variables) should have appropriate comments. Comments should also be used to describe any particularly tricky sections of code. However, you should also strive to make your code understandable without reference to comments; e.g. by choosing sensible method and variable names, and by coding in a straightforward way.
  • Any exceptions that are created and thrown should have appropriate messages to help the user understand why the exception was thrown. This is particularly important for the read method in TrackReader, since if there is an error with the file format, then the user will want to know what is wrong with it when a FormatException is thrown. Each FormatException thrown should have a meaningful message that accurately describes the problem with the input file format, including the line of the file where the problem was detected. (You can create a new FormatException with a message using the constructor that takes a string parameter.)
  • The methods that you have to write must be decomposed into a clear and not overly complicated solution, using private methods to prevent any individual method from doing too much.
    I recommend that you attempt to write loop invariants for all non-trivial
    while-loops in your code, but this is not compulsory.
    The Zip file for the assignment also includes some other code that you will
    need to compile your classes as well as some junit4 test classes to help you
    get started with testing your code.
    Do not modify any of the files in package railway other than TrackReader and
    Allocator, since we will test your code using our original versions of these
    other files. Do not add any new files that your code for these classes depends
    upon, since you won’t submit them and we won’t be testing your code using
    The JUnit4 test classes as provided in the package railway.test are not
    intended to be an exhaustive test for your code. Part of your task will be to
    expand on these tests to ensure that your code behaves as required by the
    javadoc comments. (Only if you are a CSSE7023 student will you be required to
    submit your test file We will test your code using our
    own extensive suite of JUnit test cases. (Once again, this is intended to
    mirror what happens in real life. You write your code according to the “spec”,
    and test it, and then hand it over to other people … who test and / or use it
    in ways that you may not have thought of.)
    If you think there are things that are unclear about the problem, ask on the
    piazza forum, ask a tutor, or email the course coordinator to clarify the
    requirements. Real software projects have requirements that aren’t entirely
    If necessary, there may be some small changes to the files that are provided,
    up to 1 week before the deadline, in order to make the requirements clearer,
    or to tweak test cases. These updates will be clearly announced on the
    Announcements page of Blackboard, and during the lectures.

More about the allocate method from the Allocator class

In this section we explain some of the terminology used in the specification
of the allocate method.

  • A route describes a path through a track. A route is a list of zero or more (non-null) segments.
  • A segment, implemented as the class Segment from the railway package, is a part of route. A segment is located on one section of track, and it has a direction of travel along that section, and a first and last location that are on that section.
  • A segment is part of track if it is on a section that lies on that track. A route is part of a track if all of its segments are part of the track.
  • A route r is valid if and only if the following conditions are all satisfied:
    • The segments are connected, and they only connect at junctions. That is, for all indices i of route r satisfying 0 <= i < r.size() -1, the last location of r.get(i) equals the first location of r.get(i+1), and that location is at a junction.
    • The direction of travel through junctions is possible. This means that if a train approaches a junction on a FACING branch, then it may only depart on the NORMAL or REVERSE branch of the junction. If it approaches the junction on one of the other two branches, then it may only depart the junction on the FACING branch.
    • A route r1 intersects another route r2, if there is a location that is contained in both r1 and r2. A route contains a location, if that location is contained in one or more of its segments.
    • A segment p is a prefix of a segment s if both segments p and s have the same section, departing end-point and start offset (i.e. first location), and the length of p is less than or equal to the length of s. (As a special case, a segment is a prefix of itself.)
    • A route p is a prefix of a route r if p.size() <= r.size() and for all indices i satisfying 0 <= i < p.size() - 1, we have that p.get(i) equals r.get(i) and if p.size() != 0, then the last segment in p, p.get(p.size() - 1), is a prefix of r.get(p.size() - 1). (As a special case, a route is a prefix of itself, and the empty route - the route with no segments – is a prefix of any route.)
    • The length of a route r is the sum of the lengths of its constituent segments, i.e. the sum of (r.get(i)).getLength() for each index i in the domain of the list.


Submit your files, (and
and any of your track files that are used for testing in
if you are a CSSE7023 student)
You can submit your assignment multiple times before the assignment deadline
but only the last submission will be saved by the system and marked. Only
submit the files listed above.
You are responsible for ensuring that you have submitted the files that you
intended to submit in the way that we have requested them. You will be marked
on the files that you submitted and not on those that you intended to submit.
Only files that are submitted according to the instructions on Blackboard will
be marked.


If you are a CSSE2002 student, your assignment will be given a mark out of 15,
and if you are a CSSE7023 student, your assignment will be given a mark out of
17, according to the following marking criteria. (Overall the assignment is
worth 15% for students from both courses.)

Code quality

Note: you will lose marks for code quality for:

  • breaking java naming conventions or not choosing sensible names for variables;
  • inconsistent indentation and / or embedded white-space or laying your code out in a way that makes it hard to read;
  • having lines which are excessively long (lines over 80 characters long are not supported by some printers, and are problematic on small screens);
  • exposing implementation details by introducing methods or fields that are not private
  • not commenting any private methods that you introduce using contracts (pre and postconditions specified using @require and @ensure clauses).
  • not having appropriate comments for fields and local variables (except for-loop variables), or tricky sections of code;
  • not setting an appropriate message for exceptions that are created and thrown
  • monolithic methods: if methods get long, you must find a way to break them into smaller, more understandable methods using procedural abstraction. (HINT: very important!)
  • incomplete, incorrect or overly complex code, or code that is hard to understand.
  • To make sure that your lines are not over 80 characters, you should indent using spaces and not tabs, since tabs may be interpreted as different numbers of characters depending on your code browser. You can set the Eclipse formatter to do this for you.

文章作者: SafePoker
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