练习Recursion的使用方法,分为两个子问题。第一个是画 谢尔宾斯基三角图
,也就是 Sierpinski triangle
- Recursion
- Follow the programming standards posted on the course website to avoid losing marks.
- To submit the assignment you will upload the required files, as specified for each question, to the Dropbox for Assignment 5 on the course website.
- Do not manipulate your output in any way.
- Complete instructions for handing in your assignment, including an easy way to create the output files, can be found in the “Handing instructions” document in the
“General Information” folder on the website. - To be eligible to earn full marks, your Java programs must compile and run upon download, without requiring any modifications.
- Do not hand in zipped or otherwise compressed files. Hand in only and exactly those files specified in this assignment, in the specified formats. Failure to do so will result in lost marks.
Write an A5Q1 class containing a main method calling a recursive method to
Sierpinski triangles ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpinski_triangle
Sierpinski triangles are equilateral triangles that can be drawn recursively.
You will use the StdDraw class to draw the triangles.
Define two drawTriangles methods, one non-recursive, and one recursive method.
The non-recursive version simply calls the recursive version. The recursive
version will draw a “level n” Sierpinski triangle. A “level 1” triangle is
just an ordinary equilateral triangle. A “level n” triangle is made up of
three smaller “level n-1” Sierpinski triangles, as defined below.
The recursive method has five parameters. The non-recursive method has four
parameters (the Color parameter is not used). The parameters are described
- The int value n, giving the “level” of the desired triangle, which should be 1 or more.
- Two parameters of type double (x1 and y1) which give the coordinates of the lower left corner of the triangle.
- A parameter of type double, currentSideLen, specifying the length of the current triangle’s sides.
- One parameter of type Color (you need to import java.awt.Color) that is the fill color of a triangle.
For n=1 (the base case), a single equilateral triangle should be drawn with
the given lower left corner, the given side length and color. The StdDraw
class does not have a filledTriangle method, but it does have a filledPolygon
method. Find some information about how that method is used (either online or
by looking in StdDraw.java).
For n>1, you must draw three smaller “level n-1” Sierpinski triangles, each
with a different color (StdDraw.BLUE, StdDraw.GREEN and StdDraw.BLACK were
used in the sample image below, but you may choose others). Their side lengths
should be currentSideLen/2 and their lower left coordinates should be as shown
below: - The same x1 and y1
- The midpoint of the line between (x1,y1) and the top of triangle (xt,yt)
- The midpoint between (x1,y1) and lower right corner of the triangle xt,yt
New coordinates can be calculated as follows:
- xt = x1 + .5 * currentSideLen
- yt = y1 + sqrt(3) * currentSideLen/2
- x2 = x1 + .25 * currentSideLen
- x3 = xt = x1 + .5 * currentSideLen
- y3 = y1
- y2 = y1 + sqrt(3) * currentSideLen/4
A sample output with the initial call drawTriangles(5,0.0,0.0,1.0) will look
like the following figure.
Submit your A5Q1.java file (but not the StdDraw class) which will include a
main method with a call to your recursive drawTriangles method that will draw
the sample level 5 triangle shown above. Use the save command in the StdDraw
window to save this image as A5Q1-output.jpg and hand in this file as well.
For this question, you will modify the provided A5Q2Template.java file to find
the shortest path in a Maze (the input file to test the maze will also be
provided). This is similar to the maze program that you saw in class (or soon
will see). Rename the class to A5Q2.
First, you need to add the required code to explore all the paths in the maze
and select the one with smallest length as the result. The solve method
explores all possible paths, but does not ‘remember’ the shortest path seen.
You will add that by updating a global variable called bestSolution.
You will also add a random element to the recursive search used in solve. The
solve method always searches for the next move in the same order (as defined
in the global variable directions). Instead of always starting at index 0 in
directions, choose a different starting index randomly.
You should keep the solve method signature intact and only modify the body of
the solve method. The locations where you should add or modify code are marked
with comments.
The text result of running the A5Q2 program with the provided TestMaze.txt
input file is shown here.
The path of size 21 is:
[(0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (3,3), (3,4), (4,4), (5,4), (5,5), (6,5),
(6,6), (6,7), (7,7), (7,8), (8,8), (9,8), (9,9), (9,10), (10,10)]
Submit your A5Q2.java file (but not the input file). Use the save command in
the StdDraw window to save the final image displaying the shortest path as
A5Q2-output.jpg and hand in this file as well.