


In this assignment, you need to implement a library to parse the GEDCOM files.
The link to the format description is posted in the Assignment 1 description
and in course notes. Make sure you understand the format before doing the
Your assignment will be graded using an automated test harness, so you must
follow all requirements exactly, or you will lose marks.
According to the GEDCOM specification, a GEDCOM structure (which we will refer
to as a GEDCOM object) contains:

  • Exactly one header. The header must contain exactly one reference to a submitter record.
  • 1 or more records of different types. Exactly one trailer record (file terminator)
    The GEDCOM structure structure is represented by the GEDCOMobject type in
    There are seven different record types. Some may appear multiple times in a
    GEDCOM file, while others may appear only once per file. For the purposes of
    this assignment, we will focus on four records:
  • Header
  • Submitter
  • Familyrecord
  • Individualrecord
    These records are represented by Header, Submitter, Family, and Individual
    types. All of them are also defined in GEDCOMparser.h.
    If your parser encounters any other record types, it should simply ignore
    those records.
    You’ll notice that each record has its own restrictions. Some are completely
    flexible, while others must include several parameters. Our types have the
    most relevant fields as struct members. Other fields will be saved as generic
    Field records in a list.
    Multi-line content
    The GEDCOM file consists of individual lines (gedcom_lines in the
    specification), which can indicate the start of a record, a field in a record,
    etc.. You’ll notice that long individual line (field) values can be broken
    into multiple lines using CONT/CONC tags.
    For example, the GEDCOM 5.5.1 format file contains the following address for
    the submitter record:
    0 @5@ SUBM
    1 NAME Reldon /Poulson/
    1 ADDR 1900 43rd Street West 2 CONT Billings, MT 68051
    1 PHON (406) 555-1232
    You must store the complete value in the address field of the Submitter
    record. So for the above example, the Submitter record would be:
    • name = “Reldon Poulson”
    • address = “1900 43rd Street West\nBillings, MT 68051”
      You will also notice that the format is flexible when it comes to line
      terminators. Your parser must be able to handle them as specified in the
      GEDCOM documentation.

Required Functions

GEDCOM functions

GEDCOMerror createGEDCOM(char* fileName, GEDCOMobject** obj);  

This function does the parsing and allocates a GEDCOM object. It accepts a
filename and an address of a GEDCOMobject pointer (i.e. a double pointer). If
the file has been parsed successfully, the calendar object is allocated and
the information is stored in it.
The return type is an GEDCOMerror struct. The type field indicates the error
type using the ErrorCode enum, while the line filed indicates the line in the
file containing the error (if applicable).
If createGEDCOM successfully creates a GEDCOM object, it returns GEDCOMerror
with type OK and line -1. However, the parsing can fail for various reasons.
In that case, the obj argument is set to NULL and the function returns a
struct with the appropriate error code (type) and line number:

  • INV_FILE is returned if there’s a problem with file argument - its null, it’s an empty string, file doesn’t exist or cannot be opened, file doesn’t have the .ged extension, etc. The line field must be -1. If the error is in the file contents, you must use an appropriate error code - see below.
  • INV_GEDCOM is returned if the GEDCOM object itself is invalid. The line field must be -1. For example, you would return this code if:
    • the file is missing the header
    • the file is missing the closing tag
    • the file contains no records
    • etc.
      If the error is in one of the records contained within the GEDCOM object,
      return a component- specific error code instead (see below).
  • INV_HEADER is returned if the header is present, but is somehow invalid, e.g.
    • Grammar error in header (line = first error that contains invalid grammar). This includes misspelled tags, invalid tags, tags with missing values, missing/incorrect numbers at the start of the line,etc.
    • Header missing a reference to submitter record or any other required filed (line = last line of header)
    • etc.
  • INV_RECORD is returned if some record (other than header) is present, but is somehow invalid. In future assignments, we may expand this to include different error codes for different records - this is normal in iterative development. However, for now we will keep things simple. For example, you would return this code if the file has:
    • Grammar error in record (line = first error that contains invalid grammar). This includes misspelled tags, invalid tags, tags with missing values, missing/incorrect numbers at the start of the line,etc.
    • Record missing a required filed (line = last line of record)
    • etc.
  • OTHER_ERROR is returned if some other, non-GEDCOM error happens (e.g. malloc returns NULL).
    Note: it is possible that a record in a file is valid, but does not contain
    one or more fields that we have in our record structs. This is NOT an error.
    For example, an individual record may be missing the given name. If you
    encounter this, simply use the empty string as the value for that field. The
    returned error code should be OK. If a family is missing the husband, set the
    husband reference to NULL. The returned error code should be OK.
    If the missing field is actually a collection of things - e.g. children filed
    in the family record - initialize the list, but keep it empty. The returned
    error code should be OK.
    char* printGEDCOM(const GEDCOMobject* obj);

This function returns a humanly readable string representation of the entire
GEDCOM object. Sample output will be added to the assignment description. It
must not modify the calendar object in any way. The function must allocate the
string dynamically.
void deleteGEDCOM(GEDCOMobject* obj);
This function deallocates the object, including all of its records, lists,
char* printError(GEDCOMerror err);
This function returns a string based on the GEDCOMerror value to make the
output of your program easier to understand - i.e. “OK” if err.type is OK,
“INV_FILE” or “invalid file” is INV_FILE was passed, “invalid record (line
20)” if err.type=INV_RECORD and err.line = 20, etc.. The function must
allocate the string dynamically.
Individual* findPerson(
const GEDCOMobject* failyRecord,
bool (compare)(const void first, const void* second),
const void* person);
This function is designed to find an individual in a GEDCOM object. We might
wish to search by surname (list name), given name+surname, given
name+surname+spouse’s name, etc.. The function should modify the GEDCOM object
in any way. To allow for this customization, the function takes a custom
comparator function and a custom search records. See the function description
in GEDCOM parser.h for more details. Return a pointer to the record if found,
NULL otherwise.
List getDescendants(const GEDCOMobject* failyRecord, const Individual* person);
This function returns a newly created List of Individual records of all
descendants of a given individual. Make sure the list contains copies of the
Individual records, rather than the references to actual records. This way, if
the user clears the list, he or she does not blow away a portion of our GEDCOM
object! Return an empty list of no descendants found.

List helper functions

In addition, you must provide implementations for delete/compare/print
functions for every type that we store in a list, i.e.

  • Event
  • Individual
  • Family
  • Field
    The headers for these functions are provided in GEDCOMobject.h. These
    functions are necessary for the test harness to work correctly.
    The the print… functions return a newly allocated string with a humanly
    readable representation of each record.
    The delete… functions free the records passed to them - freeField() frees a
    Field argument, freeFamily() - Family argument, etc..
    The compare… functions must return an int that indicates the relative ordering
    of the arguments, similar to strcmp():
  • compareEvents() compared by event date. It returns -1 if first argument has an earlier date than second, 0 if dates are the same, 1 if first argument has a later date then second,. If one of the arguments is missing a date, perform lexicographical comparison using the type field.
  • compareIndividuals() performs lexicographical comparison on concatenated givenName and surname fields. Use “,” to separate the fields when concatenating them. For example, if the first argument is the Individual record for Bugs Bunny and the second one is the Individual record for Elmer Fudd, we’re comparing “Bunny, Bugs” to “Fudd, Elmer”.
  • compareFields() performs lexicographical comparison on concatenated tag and value fields, using “” (a single whitespace) as a separator. compareFamilies() compares by the number of family members. It returns -1 if first argument has fewer family members than second, 0 the number is the same, and 1 if first family has more members than second.

Additional guidelines and requirements

While the above functions are required, you will need to write a number of
helper functions. For example, it is strongly recommended that you write
additional helpers functions for parsing the file - e.g. parsing each record
All functions (required and not) must be in a file called GEDCOMparser.c. For
your own test purposes, you will also want to code a main program in another
.c file that calls your functions with a variety of test cases, but you won’t
submit that program. Do not put your main() function in GEDCOMparser.c, or
else the test program will fail due to multiple definitions of main(); you
will lose marks for that.
Applications will #include GEDCOMparser.h in their main program. A basic
GEDCOMparser.h has been provided for you. You must customize the file header
with your student name and number. However, do not change anything else, or
else your utilities will not compile with the test program. Also, do not add
any other functions, types, or headers. GEDCOMparser.h is the public “face” of
our calendar API. All the helper functions are internal implementation
details, and should not be visible to the end user.
You are free to create your additional “helper functions” in GEDCOMparser.c,
each with its proper function header, if you find some recurring processing
steps that you would like to factor out into a single place. They must be in a
separate header file, since they are internal to your implementation and not
for public users of the utility package. You may put these functions in a
separate file called GEDCOMutilities.c
Your functions are supposed to be robust. They will be tested with various
kinds of invalid data and must detect problems without crashing. However, be
sure to follow the specification regarding return values. If your helper
functions encounter a problem, they must free all memory and return the
appropriate error value.
Libraries are written with very specific requirements. They must have a clear
public API, and they must communicate errors to the higher-level modules,
which will then handle these errors. They should definitely not print their
own error messages!

Important points

  • Do not put any internal helper function headers into GEDCOMparser.h
  • Do not change the given typedefs or function prototypes GEDCOMparser.h
  • Do not submit any main() functions
  • Do not exit the program from one of the parser functions if a problem is encountered, return an error value.
  • Do not print anything to the command line.
  • Do not assume that your pointers are valid. Always check for NULL pointers before dereferencing them.

Submission structure.

The submission must have the following directory structure:

  • assign1/ contains the README file and the Makefile
  • assign1/bin should be empty, but this is where the Makefile will place the static lib files
  • assign1/src contains GEDCOMparser.c, LinkedListAPI.c, and GEDCOMutilities.c (if you need it)
  • assign1/include - contains GEDCOMparser.h, LinkedListAPI.h, and any additional header files that you might have.
    You will need to provide a Makefile with the following functionality:
  • make list creates a static library liblist.a in assign1/bin
  • make tree creates a static library libtree.a in assign1/bin
  • make parser creates a static library libparse.a in assign1/bin
  • make or make all creates liblist.a, libtree.a, and libparse.a in assign1/bin - make clean removes all .o and .a files


Your code must compile, run, and have all of the specified functionality
implemented. Any compiler errors will result in the automatic grade of zero
(0) for the assignment. Make sure you compile and run the assignment on the
SoCS Linux server before submitting it - this is where it will be graded.
Marks will be deducted for:

  • Incorrect and missing functionality
  • Deviations from the requirements
  • Run-time errors
  • Compiler warnings
  • Memory leaks
  • Bad / inconsistent indentation
  • Bad variable names
  • Insufficient comments
  • Failure to follow submission instructions
    I will post a rough marking scheme with grade breakdowns later.


Submit your files as a Zip archive using CourseLink. File name must be be
Late submissions: see course outline for late submission policies.

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