
使用底层 Socket


Through this assignment, you will learn how to build a client-server program
which is the basis for any networked program including distributed systems.
You will learn

  • how to connect software components over the network using sockets,
  • how to hide network details by building a simplified RPC-like abstractions using stubs,
  • how to use threads and synchronization primitives to create multi-threaded client and server programs, and
  • how to measure the basic performance metrics that can help you explore design trade offs.

Robot factory

You own a robot factory that produces robots on-demand. Your main customers
are retailers who sell robots at their stores and the customers continuously
place orders to your factory. You will create interfaces to receive orders and
ship your robot, model the behavior of your customers, and manage your factory
employees to create robots.

Create an order-and-delivery system (simple stubs)

For your factory to operate, customers should be able to place orders and
receive robots. Similarly, your factory should be able to receive orders and
ship robots. For this process, you as the factory owner and your customers do
not need to know the very details of how orders and robots are delivered. You
will implement a system that sends and receives orders and robots, but hide
the low level communication details.
The client program models your customers and the server program is your
factory. You should implement the low-level communication code using TCP
sockets and hide them under high-level client and server wrappers. You should
design ClientStub and ServerStub classes for the client and the server,
respectively. Each client and server thread will later hold their own
instances of these classes for communications.
The following describes the basic requirement and you can define more features
and functions as needed.

Client stub

  • ClientStub.Init(std::string ip, int port) : initializes the client stub and establishes a new TCP connection to the server.
  • ClientStub.Order(/* order details + any */) : sends an order to the server and receives the robot (or robot information) from the server
    • Once the function is called the order details should be marshalled into a byte stream.
    • The byte stream is then sent through a socket connection to the server.
    • Next, the function should wait for a server response.
    • Once the server responds back with robot information in a byte stream format, the byte stream should be unmarshalled to robot information and returned.

Server stub

  • ServerStub.Init(/* connected socket to a client*/) : initializes the server stub. It should directly take a socket or a class that includes a socket. In either case, the socket should be the one accepted from a listening socket and should be already connected to a client.
  • ServerStub.ReceiveOrder(/* any */) : receives order from the client
    • The function waits for client order to arrive through the socket connection.
    • Once the order is received through the socket in a byte stream format, the byte stream should be unmarshalled to an order and should be returned.
      The order information will be used to assemble the robot (i.e., filling in
      robot information; see later sections). Once the robot assembly is finished,
      the robot information should be sent back to the customer.
  • ServerStub.ShipRobot(/* robot information + any */) : sends the robot information to the client who ordered it. It should marshal the robot information into a byte stream, and send the byte stream through the socket connection to the customer.

Orders and robot information

This section describes the information that must be included in the order and
the robot information.
Both order and robot information should be designed as objects using structs
or classes.
Orders Each order must include,
int customer_id; // customer id
int order_number; // # of orders issued by this customer so far
int robot_type; // either 0 - regular or 1 - special
Robot information, Each robot information message must include,
int customer_id; // copied from the order
int order_number; // copied from the order
int robot_type; // copied from the order
int engineer_id; // id of the engineer who created the robot
int expert_id; // id of the expert who added a special module
// -1 indicates that there is no special module
You may add extra information/variables if needed.


  • It is recommended that you first build communication classes that encapsulates the socketlevel code for clients and servers and then use these classes to build the client and server stub classes. You will be able to reuse the communication class for later assignments.
  • Write a simple client and server program that simply sends and receives (order and robot info) messages to first test whether your communication class works.
  • To test network communications while coding, you do not need two different computers. You can use the localhost IP address to test your client and server interactions within a single machine. Use “” as the IP address and use port number of your choice (but do not use preassigned ports by other services such as 21, 22, 80, etc.).

Model your customers and factory

Now that you have the communication interface, you can interact with your
customers. The next goal is to model your customer behaviors and to create
your factory.

Customers (client program)

Your robot is very popular and each customer is only allowed to issue one
order at a time one.
Your robot sells out very quickly in your customers’ retail stores and all of
your customers place the next order immediately after they receive the robot
from the factory.

Client program structure

You will model each customer as a thread and your client program will model
multiple customers that concurrently issue orders to you factory. Your client
program should take command line arguments that specify the ip address of the
server, the port number of the server, the number of customers, how many
orders each customer will place, and the robot type that the customers want.
The client program should take these as arguments in the following format:
./client [ip addr] [port #] [# customers] [# orders] [robot type]
For example,
./client 123.456.789.123 12345 16 1000 0
means that the server ip is 123.456.789.123, the server port number is 12345,
there will be 16 customers, and each customer will place 1000 orders, where
the robot type is regular.
When the client program starts up,

  1. The program should create the customer threads as many as the specified customer number.
  2. Each customer thread should have a unique customer id.
  3. Either the main thread or each customer thread can instantiate connection to the server, but the socket connection should be made once per client stub and each customer should have its own client stub instance.
  4. The customer thread should start issuing orders and receiving robot information as many times as the input argument using the client stub described in the previous section. The order should include the corresponding customer id, order number, and robot type. For now, only use robot type 0 (regular type).
  5. Once the thread completed all of its tasks, the connection to the server should be closed and the thread should terminate.
    By varying the number of customers you should be able to control the amount of
    concurrent loads on the server.

Performance statistics

Each customer thread should measure how much time it took for each order
(elapsed time from issuing an order to receiving the robot information) using
std::chrono::high resolution clock in a microsecond scale. This time period is
the latency for an order. Compute the mean latency, maximum latency, and
minimum latency based on the measured time information for all orders.
For example, if you have 100 customers who place 100 orders each, then you
should have 10000 latency records to compute these numbers. In addition,
measure the throughput of your factory (server program) from your client
program (i.e., orders/second). Print these numbers at the end of each client
program execution in the following tab separated format:
[avg latency] [min latency] [max latency] [throughput]

Robot factory (server program)

Based on years of order history, you know that every new customer will place
many orders. So you decided to hire and assign an engineer who produces robots
for each customer. Currently, your robot factory only produces regular type

Server program structure

The server program is your factory and threads in the server program are your
engineers. Each engineer should have a unique id and once an engineer is
assigned to a customer, the engineer should directly communicate with the
The server program should take port number as a command line argument so that
it can accept client connections through the port.
./server [port #]
For example, for a server to listen to new connection through port 12345, you
should run,
./server 12345
The main thread of the server program should work as the following.

  1. The server program creates sockets to accept new connections and waits for new connections from client programs in a loop.
  2. Once a new connection is made, it creates a new engineer thread for the connection. The engineer thread should be given access to a server stub that uses the new connection to directly communicate with the customer thread.
    Since your server waits for clients in a loop, you can type Ctrl+c in the
    terminal to terminate your server program.
    Each engineer thread implements a loop that continuously processes orders
    until the client closes the connection. The thread uses the server stub to
    communicate with the client.
  3. The thread waits for the client’s order to arrive.
  4. Once the order is received, it starts filling in the robot information for the order. It copies the information in the order to the robot information and adds its own engineer id and expert id (use value -1 for now). Then the robot information is sent back to the client.
    If there the connection is closed by the client, the thread can escape the
    loop and terminate. A client closing the connection can be noticed by the
    return value of socket recv() function. When recv error occurs (including
    client connection close) recv returns -1. You can figure out more details
    about the recv errors by inspecting the errno (

Special robots

You were only selling regular robots and you want to add special robots to
your production line. Special robots require an expert engineer who can add a
special module to the regular robot. However, expert engineers are difficult
to hire so you cannot assign them per customer.
Therefore, to create a special robot, engineers should create most of the
robot and request the expert engineer to attach the special module. Because
there are only a few expert engineers, requests should be queued and processed
as the expert engineer becomes available.

Adding expert engineer workflow to robot factory

To add expert engineer workflow, the server program should take an additional
command line argument, which is the number of expert engineers.
./server [port #] [# experts]
For example,
./server 12345 2
indicates that the server uses port number 12345 and has 2 expert engineers.
Expert engineers should be added to the server program as a thread pool.
Recall that threads in a thread pool wait for tasks to arrive using guards
(condition variables). You should use a single FIFO queue that is shared among
all expert engineer threads and regular engineer threads. The regular
engineers will enqueue requests to the queue and the expert engineers will
dequeue the request, process it, and notify completion to the engineer who
requested the task. The request sent to the expert engineer should include the
robot information that the engineer was working on, and the response by the
expert engineer should send back the robot information with the expert
engineer’s id filled in.
Once the regular engineer issued a request to the expert engineer, it should
wait until an expert notifies completion of the request, and then send back
the robot information back to the customer.
Each regular engineer thread should look at the customer order and send expert
engineer requests only if the robot type is special. For regular robot types,
the engineer should solely create the robot without expert engineer’s
involvement as described in Section 2.
Now, the main thread of the server program should be modified. The following
indicates additional functions that you need to implement.

  1. The server program creates the expert engineer request queue and the expert engineer thread pool. Expert engineer threads should be given unique ids that do not overlap with regular engineer ids.
  2. The regular engineer threads should be given ways to access the expert request queue so that requests can be sent to the expert engineer threads.
    The regular engineer thread should be modified so that it can communicate with
    the expert engineers, when needed. Necessary additions include,
  3. Checking the robot type in the order and if it is a regular robot type, then follow the workflow in the previous section.
  4. If the robot type is special, then send a request to the expert engineer threads by enqueuing the request to the expert engineer request queue. Next, wait for an expert engineer thread to respond back. Once the response is received, the regular engineer thread sends back the robot information with added expert id to the customer.
    Each expert engineer thread in the thread pool should work as follows.
  5. It waits for requests to arrive in the queue.
  6. Once a request is detected and successfully received, the expert engineer thread works on the robot for at least 100 microseconds (implement this using std::this thread::sleep for()) and add exert id into the robot information. Then it respond back to the regular engineer thread that sent the request with the completed robot information.


Note that the key components to support the expert engineer workflow are

  1. A shared request queue.
  2. An expert engineer thread pool.
  3. Mechanisms for regular engineers to enqueue requests to the request queue safely.
  4. Mechanisms for expert engineers to wake up and process the request only when there are pending requests in the queue.
  5. Mechanisms for regular engineers to wait until any expert engineer processes the request.
  6. Mechanisms for expert engineers to wake up the specific engineer who sent the request.
  7. Mechanisms for expert engineers to notify their ids to the regular engineer who sent the request.
    There can be many ways to implement the key components above. One way to
    implement a similar function to 1-4 was covered during the class. 5-7 requires
    your design skills which may involve using various synchronization primitives
    and shared variables. To make sure that the pair of regular engineer and the
    expert engineer who work on the same robot can exchange the wake up handles
    and ids, you can design the request to include rich information in addition to
    the robot information.

Playing with the implementation

Now that you have all the components, it’s time to play with them and observe
the performance trends that are reported from the client program. Make sure
your client and server programs are running on separate machines (see the next
section for more details). Enter an appropriate number of orders so that your
client program runs for at least 10 seconds. (e.g., place orders as many as
10,000.), but not more than 1 minute to save time and shared compute

Experiment 1

Use the regular robot type and vary the number of customers: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,
32, 64, 128, and 256. What are the measured mean latency, min latency, max
latency, and throughput for each case?

Experiment 2

Use the special robot type and set the number of expert engineer to 1. Vary
the number of customers: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256. What are the
measured mean latency, min latency, max latency, and throughput for each case?

Experiment 3

Use the special robot type and fix the number of expert engineer to 16. Vary
the number of customers: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256. What are the
measured mean latency, min latency, max latency, and throughput for each case?

Experiment 4

Use the special robot type and set the number of expert engineer to be the
same number as the customers. Vary the number of customers and expert
engineers: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256. What are the measured mean
latency, min latency, max latency, and throughput for each case?

Plot the numbers

For each experiment, plot two graphs (a total of 8 graphs): 1) a latency graph
that includes the mean, min, and max latency numbers; and 2) a throughput
graph. The y-axis should be the latency or throughput and the x-axis should be
the number of customers. For each graph, write a couple of sentences that
explain what is happening.

Running your client and server programs on Khoury VDI

Refer to the vdi setup.pdf file to set up your VPN if you are off campus. Use
your Khoury credentials to access the Khoury VDI machines. You may use VMWare
Horizon Client as described in the document to use Linux machines with a GUI.
If don’t mind working without a GUI, you can directly ssh into the VDI
machines. In either case, to run your client and server programs on separate
machines, you will be using at least two terminals.

  • If you are using VMWare Horizon Client, you can run, for example, the client program in your local terminal and use another terminal to run the server program on a different machine via ssh.
  • If you are directly ssh’ing to the VDI machines you should ssh to two different VDI nodes.
    You can access different VDI machines via ssh by specifying their addresses.
    Refrain from using vdi-linux-030 machine and choose random numbers between 030
    and 070 so that you and your peers are evenly distributed to different
    Before running the client and server programs, make sure both programs are
    running on different machines. Type “hostname” in each terminal and it will
    return the machine name that your terminal is connected to. Type “hostname -i”
    to get the ip address of the machine that you will run the server program on.
    Use port numbers between 10000 and 65535 for your server program: these are
    freely usable ports between VDI machines.
    Khoury VDI machines are shared resources, so be mindful of other users.

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