


In this assignment you will create a JavaScript game to be played in a browser
that demonstrates your understanding of dynamic HTML and CSS with JavaScript.
Whereas this assignment is open ended, we should focus on meeting the
specified requirements more than adding extra bells and whistles or making the
game look really good (there are other classes focused on game design) – in
particular because we only have two weeks to work on this assignment!
Use Chrome as your standard supported browser. (Whereas you can use any
browser you like for development, your assignment will be accessed using
Chrome by the grading staff and therefore it behooves you that it works.)


  • Your game idea is approved by confirmation from the instructor through a post on piazza (be sure to include as much description for your game as possible).
  • Write unobstrusive JavaScript and CSS, i.e., separate js, css, and html to files with their respective content.
  • Playable by a single player alone
  • Playable in a short sitting, i.e., 10 minutes or less
  • A visual game, i.e., the game should involve moving graphics and should use the mouse to interact (think about playing the game on a phone). Some keyboard usage is permissible.
  • includes a “score” that is updated as the user plays
  • includes a metric that is not the score, but is otherwise useful for ranking the player or providing information for usage in statistical analysis (think click-through rates, page pauses, etc)
  • Has a dynamic aspect to it, e.g., difficulty becomes harder or easier, perhaps at random or as the user progresses in the game
  • include something unique in the game, i.e., make the game your own not just a generic clone of tic-tac-toe or whack-a-mole
  • include a 250x250 screenshot of the game in action named screenshot.png.
  • Record the score and metrics as cookies or in local storage. In this way, when the page is refreshed, the best score and metric values (or perhaps statistics of them) should be available somewhere for the user to see.
    Host your game on Surge so people in the class can play it and supply a
    README.json file in your svn submission similar to
    “netid”: “sep1”,
    “title”: “Flying Bug”,
    “site”: “

be careful to follow the format of this file, it must be a properly formatted
json file with these keys.

Example Ideas

Below are some example ideas for games that you might create. Remember the
Rice Honor code: you write the code yourself do not copy the code for a game
from the internet. There are lots of games out there, take a look on the
iPhone or Android app store, and you are free to search for inspiration (just
remember the honor code).

  • tic-tac-toe (don’t pick this one)
  • whack-a-mole (don’t pick this one)
  • blackjack (don’t pick this one)
  • catch the fly (don’t pick this one)
  • hangman
  • duck hunt
  • space invaders
  • an arithmetic game (e.g., what is 8 x 17?)
  • memory
  • race game
  • maze game
  • angry birds clone
  • Previous term submissions
    You may not use source code from the internet except for the sites mentioned
    in class. You may not use previous implementations of games. You must write
    your game from scratch – remember the honor code!
    To give you an idea about how a game like one of these satisfy the spirit of
    the assignment, demonstrating your knowledge and application of HTML, CSS, and
    JavaScript, let’s look at the first game in detail:
  • We use HTML and CSS to display a tic-tac-toe board
  • We use JavaScript to keep track of the state of the board, and the logic for the computer moves.
  • We have event handlers listening for mouse clicks and manipulate the DOM to add X’s and O’s to the page when a player makes a move
  • When the game is over, we use JavaScript to inform the user of the outcome
  • We use HTML/CSS/JS to maintain a score board showing the user’s score as compared with the computer’s and ties, as well as metrics such as how long it took the user to win on average compared with the average time for losses or ties
  • The computer starts off making poor moves, but as the user performs proficiently, the computer AI becomes more selective in it’s choices
    For metrics, let’s think about the flying bug game. We could collect the
  • Number of missed clicks, i.e., clicks where a fly wasn’t captured.
  • Time between clicks
  • Average movement of the mouse around the screen
  • Hot spots, i.e., locations where mouse pointer spends more time than others
  • Number of times the Pause button is clicked
  • Number of times the Reset button is clicked

Remember to be creative and make the game your own!

Your solution will contain at least one HTML file (named index.html), one CSS
file, and one JavaScript file. Depending on the complexity of your game you
may have more than one of each of these files.
Your submission should look something like this:
|– index.html
|– …
|– …css
`– …js

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