
拓展Homework 2的 R 语言练习,使用CHTC对一个未被发现的,引力透镜,高红移莱曼断裂星系进行全面搜索。


This exercise, an expanded version of Homework 2, is a full-scale search using
the CHTC for an undiscovered, gravitationally lensed, high-redshift Lyman-
break galaxy.
Note: This homework requires running about 2500 jobs of a few minutes to an
hour each. This seems to take 2-3 hours when the CHTC is normally loaded. It
will become heavily loaded near this homework deadline, so that the
computation may take half a day or longer. Please plan accordingly. In
particular, it may not be realistic to try to finish this homework on the day
it is due.

Step 1

Revise your hw2.R from Homework 2 to a new hw4.R that takes two command-line
arguments: a template spectrum for which to search and a data directory in
which to find spectra to compare to the template. If called from the command
line without two arguments, it should display this message:
usage: Rscript hw4.R