MachineLearning代写:EE462MachineLearningforComputerVision MachineLearning代写:EE462MachineLearningforComputerVision
用机器学习算法,处理计算机视觉相关作业。 Submission instructionsOne joint report by each pairPage limit: 4 A4 pages per report with 10 fon
2019-05-29 SafePoker
Python代写:COMP90059CrimeStatistics Python代写:COMP90059CrimeStatistics
对犯罪数据进行统计分析处理。 Files required for this assignment Assignment2.py - A starting program to help you load the data into P
2019-05-27 SafePoker
C++代写:CS214SinglyLinkedList C++代写:CS214SinglyLinkedList
Introduction实现一个单链表,也就是 Singly Linked List ,算是基础的数据结构了。 RequirementThis practical will once again test your knowledg
2019-05-26 SafePoker
Python代写:PA371Guido'sGroceryDatabase Python代写:PA371Guido'sGroceryDatabase
用Python实现一个简单的数据库,用List即可。 RequirementFor this week’s programming assignment, pretend you have been hired by a smallgr
2019-05-24 SafePoker
Java代写:ICS3USummativeProject Java代写:ICS3USummativeProject
根据所学的Java内容,编写一款游戏,如Hang-man game, snakes and ladders等等。 RequirementThis project is designed to let you master and app
2019-05-22 SafePoker
AI代写:COM1005RuleNet AI代写:COM1005RuleNet
代写AI作业,练习Rule Network的相关知识。 AimThe aim of this project is to complete the implementation of a softwarepackage for reas
2019-05-20 SafePoker
Java代写:COMP5556CodeGeneration Java代写:COMP5556CodeGeneration
使用Java代写一个代码生成器。 RequirementIn this assignment, we will implement code generation for part of thelanguage. The abstrac
2019-05-20 SafePoker
Java代写:CSE11PuzzleGame Java代写:CSE11PuzzleGame
代写一个带GUI的3x3的拼图游戏。主要考察完整Project的工程能力。 OverviewWe have a 3 x 3 puzzle, which gives us 9 puzzle pieces that are movable
2019-05-20 SafePoker
C代写:CMPS101Graph C代写:CMPS101Graph
代写数据结构中的Graph的邻接表,需要编写Vec和List两个版本。 Program RequirementsThis program (named graph02) will perform the same functions a
2019-05-19 SafePoker
Docker代写:EETS8355DockerContainers Docker代写:EETS8355DockerContainers
按照步骤,练习部署虚拟化容器 Docker . RequirementVirtualization is very important, useful and widely used technology in DataCenters
2019-05-19 SafePoker
Java代写:IS4415ClinicAppointmentsSystem Java代写:IS4415ClinicAppointmentsSystem
代写一个简易的门诊预约系统,用于患者预约医生。 RequirementIn this assignment, you may use your knowledge of the following concepts: Loops (d
2019-05-18 SafePoker
Network代写:CITS30023-TierNetwork Network代写:CITS30023-TierNetwork
开发一个基于 [ 3-Tier Network ](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/2-tier-and-3-tier-architecture-in-networking/ “3-Tier Netwo
2019-05-16 SafePoker
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